Del Bigtree
Safer Vaccines – NOT!
/0 CommentsDel Bigtree and Dr. Paul Thomas have promoted the “Vaccine-Friendly Plan”, Dr. Paul’s book, as part of their war against vaccines and the elimination of sickness and death.
They want only select vaccines. They want only vaccines to be used for the elimination of disease and the spread of a virus’.
This was the way they believe this is one of the only ways that they can “get through” to those who are on the fence as they fear being labeled as Anti-Vaxxers and believe they can sell their lies much more effectively using the safer vaccine message.
The Virus Lie
/4 CommentsDell Bigtree, RFK and the other groups of shysters play on the ignorance of mankind when it comes to the reality of the virus. Most people have no clue that your body is made up of over 380 trillion viruses inhabiting us simultaneously.
The secret is to keep the nastier ones at bay. You need to be healthy and take care of yourself. Don’t eat crap food. Don’t drink crap liquids and breathe in chemtrail-laden air… and you will be off to a good start and never need to be jabbed to maintain excellent health. And, their other part of the LIE is that they claim that people aren’t able to fathom the truth so they have to lie about getting their minds to crack open about their lies.
It is the biggest construct of Idiocracy I have ever witnessed in my life here on this planet. It is no wonder nothing ever gets done when it comes to this front. The blind leading the blind is taken to a new level.
Of course, they make millions of dollars on the grift while traveling first class around the world drinking fine wine and all the perks that go with lying, cheating, and stealing. But that’s the way man is now. Why would they be any different?
Just because you don’t have the flu doesn’t mean that your aren’t teeming with viruses inside and out. But what are all these viruses doing, if they aren’t making you sick?
Del Bigtree and Safer Vaccines (Funny Video)
/2 CommentsIf vaccines are poison, why would Del Bigtree want to make the poisons safer? Sounds like a construct for Big pHARMa. And, why would we want to track those who get or refuse the poisons?
Brandy Vaughan – What is the Truth?
/4 CommentsWho Was Brandy Vaughan?
From San Francisco, California
Date of Birth. March 21, 1976. Date of Death. December 7, 2020.
Why can’t I find in any obituary mention of her who her actual parents are or any surviving other relatives?
Is this an assumed identity? Maybe someone can look into birth certificates to verify this information?
“Vaughan attended the University of California Santa Barbara and started her career working as a professional copywriter, editor and marketing consultant.”
Other sources report that Brandy’s degree was in Journalism and marketing with no mention of Bio-chemistry & Political Science.
Do you find it odd that Brandy allegedly graduated from UCSB with a degree in Bio-chemistry & Political Science…
…yet started her career as a copywriter, editor and marketing consultant?
Notice that Brandy says that “She worked on a wide range of SUBJECTS?”
Worked on subjects? Not actual work related but studied?
She added, “I’ve worked on a wide range of subjects almost as far-reaching as my curiosity, such as healthcare and medical, technology, banking/financial, human resources, lifestyle, corporate responsibility, sustainability and environmental issues.”
Does this sound general and vague? No details as to where or for whom these “PROJECTS” were done.
“Previous projects include magazine management, articles for both internal and external audiences, web text, marketing materials, press releases, brochures, newsletters, white papers, conference materials, video scripts, speeches, management communications, and ad campaigns. My experience also includes editorial and strategic communications and marketing consulting.”
Did Brandy really work as a rep for Merck? An odd career turn?
2001-2003 she allegedly worked at Merck as a drug rep. for Vioxx.
Vaughan worked for Merck & Co. from 2001 to 2003, but resigned after learning that her employer falsified safety data on Vioxx, covering up the fact that it doubled the risk of heart attacks and stroke.
Vioxx timeline:
Merck had lapses of Integrity way before Vioxx. Don’t you think Brandy would have researched Merck prior to working there? She was a ‘journalist’ after all?
For example:
Studies link Januvia to pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer and severe joint pain. According to lawsuits, some former Januvia users died after using the drug. A judge dismissed Januvia lawsuits in 2015. But as of 2018, an appeals court reinstated hundreds of pancreatic cancer lawsuits.
Organon, a subsidiary of Merck, manufactures NuvaRing, a birth control ring associated with life-threatening blood clots. Because of the possible side effects, the FDA released a drug safety communication in October 2011. People filed more than a thousand federal NuvaRing lawsuits. The company settled almost all of them for $100 million in 2014.
Merck changed Propecia’s label in 2011 to warn of the possibility of cancer and sexual side effects. It warned side effects may continue even after stopping treatment. As of May 2018, about 900 Propecia lawsuits remained pending in federal court in New York.
More here:
After allegedly working as a salesman for Merck, “Subsequent to working for Merck, she joined ABN AMRO Asset Management as their senior proofreader just as author.”
After leaving her job at Merck, she lived in Europe for 8 years with her son.
From 2004 to 2015, she wrote that she was an independent writer and editing professional. Her work included “freelance editing, writing and marketing consulting for clients including Philips, ABN AMRO, ING, Nike, UPC, Media Partners, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Friends of the Earth.”
She added, “I’ve worked on a wide range of subjects almost as far-reaching as my curiosity, such as healthcare and medical, technology, banking/financial, human resources, lifestyle, corporate responsibility, sustainability and environmental issues.”
“Previous projects include magazine management, articles for both internal and external audiences, web text, marketing materials, press releases, brochures, newsletters, white papers, conference materials, video scripts, speeches, management communications, and ad campaigns. My experience also includes editorial and strategic communications and marketing consulting.”
She was managing editor of Password Magazine from 2007 to 2010 and was a senior editor and writer for ABN AMRO Asset Management in the Netherlands for two years, according to her LinkedIn. From 2001 to 2004, she was a sales rep for Merck.
How does her stated background as editor, proofreader, author, essayist and “altering proficient” (whatever that means) qualify her for a sales- rep position with Merck?
2004 -2015 –As per her LinkedIn profile, she functioned as a free essayist and altering proficient from the year 2004 until the year 2015.
2007 -2015 – From the year 2007 until the year 2010, she had additionally functioned as an overseeing editorial manager for Password Magazine at Philips Research.
Could her professional background be fabricated? Do we have any real proof this is legit?
How did Brandy come to zone in on vaccines? Did she have a vaccine injured child? Did she have friends with vaccine injured children? Does the rationale or “story” behind her ‘starring role’ as a leader of a “safe vaccine” crusade sound convincing to you?
“Upon returning to the States with a vaccine-free son, she was bullied at a pediatrician’s office when she asked questions that every parent should ask like, ” What are the ingredients in these vaccines?”
Brandy’s statement below is proof she knew the score about the vaccine pushers in USA?
“How come children in other countries are healthier, but receive far fewer vaccines?”
“Vaughan returned back to the US with her six-month-old son and took him to a wellness visit in California. Knowing little about vaccines, but enough to know not to trust pharmaceutical companies, she asked the doctor, who was pushing for her son to be vaccinated, to see the inserts. This angered him.
He accused her of not trusting him before storming out of their visit, after which the nurse made sure to let them know that they weren’t welcome back.
The experience sent Vaughan down the rabbit hole of vaccine research, which unveiled a multitude of concerning information leading her to decide to not vaccinate her son. After learning about the flawed data on vaccines, the toxins they contain and the total lack of safety testing, Vaughan turned to activism as she began to spread awareness about the risks of vaccines, focusing particularly on speaking out against California’s SB277 forced vaccination law.”
Is it odd that Brandy took her son to a pediatrician after having “studied the healthcare system for 8 years” as the story goes?
There is no mention of her son being ill, so this appointment was likely a “wellness visit?” Why would she do that? She really didn’t think the doctor would push vaccines? She studied the USA allopathic health care system and supposedly compared it to the European allopathic model and was surprised?
Lost Video of Brandy Vaughan Interview from 2015
January 8, 2022/0 Comments/in Brandy Vaughan Home Page, VAXXED /by Greg Wyatt
This was filmed on July 3rd 2015, almost a year before Vaxxed the movie came out. This was a carefully timed psyop. They both knew they were going to be heavily involved with the movie and were setting things up for the Griff.
Founder/Executive Director
Oct 2015 Brandy Vaughn
Founder/Executive Director at
I founded the non-profit organization in response to the pharmaceutical industry’s agenda to make and keep people sick for profit — and take away our right to decline medical procedures, treatments and pharmaceutical drugs. I expose the very real dangers of pharmaceutical products and the corruption between the industry, the media, and the government. #LearnTheRisk
Larry Cook
And also this:
“I’m the one that’s in the light, and I’m not going to suffer any bad karma from what I’m doing, because I don’t even take a salary, and I fund Learn The Risk mostly, not mostly, because IRS won’t allow that, but partly, with my own money, and it’s running out, and you know, that’s my role in life, and it’s my mission to create a healthier world, and expose the darkness where it’s at.” [Brandy states her money is running out. There is no IRS regulation that I am aware of that prevents Brandy from contributing to her own organization.]
And also this:
“I’m the one that’s in the light, and I’m not going to suffer any bad karma from what I’m doing, because I don’t even take a salary, and I fund Learn The Risk mostly, not mostly, because IRS won’t allow that, but partly, with my own money, and it’s running out, and you know, that’s my role in life, and it’s my mission to create a healthier world, and expose the darkness where it’s at.” [Brandy states her money is running out. There is no IRS regulation that I am aware of that prevents Brandy from contributing to her own organization.]
When we were dating I learned that Brandy was living on inheritance money and yet she was going through it very quickly. I ran calculations and determined she’d be out of money in about two years at her very high spending rate. We discussed strategies to reduce expenses while increasing overall revenue, and one strategy (of many) was to set up monthly donations. That monthly donation option on her website was my idea and is based on my own monthly donation option.”
April 27, 2021
The California Attorney General’s ‘Registry Verification Search’ allows you to search and verify whether a charitable organization has complied with the Attorney General’s registration and reporting requirements. Status is DELINQUENT as of April 27, 2021.
Check the link yourself:
Brandy Vaughan World Traveler?
“journalist/writer/editor “but mostly a world traveler”
Look over the couchsurfing link above. Can you please tell me how this all fits in with Brandy’s supposed resume? Read over the details carefully. Remember she was living on an inheritance? No mention of studying health care or comparing the health care systems of the USA vs Europe.
What’s wrong with this picture? Help me out because it doesn’t add up.
In Honor of Brandy Vaughan & Her Life’s Mission
Fundraising campaign by Tina Marie Help this ongoing fundraising campaign by making a donation and spreading the word.
Received the following message with some interesting observations from a reader:
I just went through your Brandy intel on your website. It absolutely wreaks of deception. I remember her saying that she wanted to spend the rest of her life traveling the world thanks to her “inheritance”…
- Why would you really tell the world that you even have an inheritance when you put your life in the public view??Wouldn’t that just create more problems especially when you are a single woman?
- Why tell people her $ is running out & needs constant donations if she has this inheritance anyway?
- Ask any single mother in the world…would you fly through your inheritance when you are the ONLY person responsible for your son?!
- She holds way too many major employment positions considering she’s a single Mom…I never understood that either.
- One of her employment positions is called “altering proficient. That IS literally made up lol
- The “lost” video of her is clearly a script where she’s reading lines & not hiding it
- You are absolutely right…someone like her would NEVER take her baby to the pediatrician to begin with.
You made so many great points. I can finally put this topic to rest. Thank you Greg!!
Del Bigtree Exposed (PDF) (Update #4)
/7 CommentsThis is update #4!
Updated: February 7, 2022
Investments in ICAN
/1 CommentIn 2019, ICAN received $2.46 million from the “charitable foundation” of global investment firm T. Rowe Price.
Among the top 10 holdings in their Health Services Fund, we find Thermo Fisher Scientific (who makes fraudulent sequencing machines) and AstraZaneca. By looking at their financials ( we can see that T. Rowe Price is also heavily invested in many pharmaceutical and biotech companies including Merck, BioNTech, Amgen, and many others.
So, let’s ask a reasonable question. Why would a giant Global investment firm that is heavily invested in huge pharmaceutical companies, donate $2.46 million dollars to fund an anti-vaccine group?
Bigtree lovers will say that the donations that T. Rowe Price gave to ICAN were given by their donor advised charitable fund. Yes, that’s true. The amounts were $2.5 million in 2019 and $900,000 in 2018. Of course they have to disguise their money laundering via charity fraud. I doubt there’s a way to trace the paper trail back to each individual donor.
But let’s just ask a simple question. Why would an investment fund donate that much money to a so-called anti-vax non-profit? Are they expecting a return on their investment? If this is all truly a matter of altruistic and humanitarian giving to the community, then why would they choose an “anti-vax” group? Are we to believe that all these individual donors are crazy anti-vaxxers? To me, it just sounds like classic money laundering.
phhsfq4View PDF in browser:
Was Del Bigtree an Adult filmmaker in 2007?
/6 CommentsDel Bigtree and Lee Nestor co-directed a short film entitled Sex and Sensuality (2007). The tagline is, “A woman undresses for a bath and uncovers a dirty little secret.”
What other films like this do we not know about?
What was their motivation to direct a film about sex and sensuality?
Who is Peggy Nestor?
Who owns Flying Dog Productions?
Why did Del Bigtree produce a film with Richard Lawson, an actor in the movie Poltergeist (1982)?
Lee Nestor, his wife, also appeared in Say it in Russian (2007) and Vaxxed (2016).
Say it in Russian? Как дела, Ихтамнет?
Even the dirtiest little secrets have to come clean.
Internal Back Copy of Youtube video:
Was Del Bigtree an Adult filmmaker in 2003?
Lee Nestor
According to IMDB, Del Bigtree directed Partners (2003) staring Lee Nestor, his wife.
Someone described the short film with…
“A woman lies in bed, while someone under the covers pleasures her. Her partner, another woman, emerges, smiling, continuing with caresses while the first woman, through body language, expresses that she’s finished. The first asks the second about her first man: it was junior prom with a boy who committed suicide after graduation.”
The movie Partners (2003) is a family affair.
Directed by Del Bigtree. Lee Nestor, his wife, is cast. Shad Groverland, his brother, did the sound.
Dell Bigtree and Selz Foundation: Connect the Dots my Friends
/2 CommentsDid you know that Dell Bigtree is funded by the Selz Foundation/New York City Trust, who is a hedge fund manager who manages funds that are highly invested in pharmaceutical companies?
Did you also know that directly on ICANN’s website you can secretly donate pharmaceutical stocks directly to them?
Did you know that Del Bigtree’s PR firm is another pro-vaccine entity?
Meet the New York couple donating millions to the anti-vax movement
A wealthy Manhattan couple has emerged as significant financiers of the anti-vaccine movement, contributing more than $3 million in recent years to groups that stoke fears about immunizations online and at live events – including two forums this year at the epicenter of measles outbreaks in New York’s ultra-Orthodox Jewish community.
Hedge fund manager and philanthropist Bernard Selz and his wife, Lisa, have long donated to organizations focused on the arts, culture, education and the environment. But seven years ago, their private foundation embraced a very different cause: groups that question the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
How the Selzes came to support anti-vaccine ideas is unknown, but their financial impact has been enormous. Their money has gone to a handful of determined individuals who have played an outsize role in spreading doubt and misinformation about vaccines and the diseases they prevent. The groups’ false claims linking vaccines to autism and other ailments, while downplaying the risks of measles, have led growing numbers of parents to shun the shots. As a result, health officials have said, the potentially deadly disease has surged to at least 1,044 cases this year, the highest number in nearly three decades…
Read the full story here: