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Monetizing Misery – Andrew Wakefield
/0 CommentsMy quick look at the man known as Andrew Wakefield. Recorded on 12/30, 2021.
Here is what Google Patent Search has on this retracted patent:
Strengthening the Vaccine Program
/1 CommentIn their 2017 letter to HHS, your heroes Del Bigtree and RFK Jr. said that they want to “strengthen the vaccine program.” Those are THEIR words, not mine.
“HHS can do better. With hundreds of faccines in the pipeline it must do better.”
Ahh yes, exactly what we need. More/Better Government. Where does Del and RFK Jr. propose we find these Angels?
“Children susceptible to vaccine injury are as deserving of protection as any other child. Avoiding injury to these children is not only a moral and ethical duty, but will in fact strengthen the vaccine program.”
As we can see from their own words, none of these sharks want to take down Big Pharma or the Vaccine Industry. They want to STRENGTHEN the vaccine program! There’s no need for conspiracy theories here, these are THEIR WORDS. So why not take them at their word? They’re not lying, they’re telling you the truth.
Let’s just make sure they’re safe, okay? So what will happen once the scientists prove they’re safe? Well, then now we can make them MANDATORY! What’s the problem, we all know the faccines are safe now, thanks to our heroes in the soft “less dangerous faccines movement!”
Now, why would any reasonable parent go to the SAME PEOPLE who are responsible for their child’s injury, for protection?
“Every parent that does not witness their child suffer a serious reaction after vaccination, such as a seizure or paralysis, is another parent that will not add their voice to the growing chorus of parents opposed to HHS’s vaccine program due to safety concerns.”
You see? None of these folks are willing to educate the public about the root of the problem which is that so-called “viral diseases” like Polio and Smallpox aren’t caused by Viruses, they’re caused by TOXICITY – in some cases DIRECTLY FROM THE FACCINES. This is why they use these caveats when they make these statements – in this example, the caveat is “due to safety concerns” …
Another caveat and deception can be found in the phrase “parents opposed to HHS’s vaccine program” – this is how they create the illusion that parents aren’t opposed to faccines. Faccines are generally good! They save lives! They’re just opposed to HHS’s program. If we change the program, everything will be fine!
If they were legit, then they would cut the head off of the snake and inform the entire world that Polio wasn’t caused by a Polio virus, but they don’t do that. Because if they did do that, then that would undermine the entire CONCEPT of a Faccine. But Faccines make millions of dollars for these deceivers, so they’re fully invested in the lie of viruses and Faccines.
Are we to believe that Del Bigtree and RFK Jr. (America’s Leading Voices in the fake “Anti-Faccine Movement”) haven’t read some of the books about the real causes of Polio and other diseases? They haven’t read The Moth in the Iron Lung? They haven’t read Murder By Injection or any of the other dozens upon dozens of books on these subjects?
Well, either they haven’t read these DOZENS of books – which makes them misinformed and useful idiots for Big Pharma and the Chemical Companies, or they HAVE, which makes them LIARS AND DECEIVERS.
The powers that be aren’t stupid, they control both sides. That’s why you should always skip door numbers 1 and 2, and go straight to door number 3.
When we understand that these illnesses are not caused by viruses, then we also understand that faccines are a scam. They can’t have that. So they will create all sorts of illusions to keep that hidden from the public.
“Unless HHS performs its vital statutory obligations regarding vaccine safety, and until a frank conversation is possible regarding vaccine safety, children susceptible to vaccine injury will not be protected from such injuries.”
Right. Let’s rely on HHS, a corrupt Government Agency, to protect our children! Maybe we should give more power to the EPA to protect the environment while we’re at it, as well. What a god damn joke.
So when will HHS perform these “vital statutory obligations” regarding vaccine safety? There is no such thing as a safe faccine. How do you make something that Congress declared as “unavoidably unsafe” – safe???
And when will we have this “frank conversation” – since when do “conversations” solve problems? How many years of their “soft-serve” activism have gone by without a single, tangible result? As far as I can see, all we have is MORE FACCINES! What have the so-called lawsuits accomplished? I can write a letter to HHS in 30 minutes. Big fucking deal. A letter. These grifters are collecting millions of dollars from people all over the country to write letters and file meaningless lawsuits. Empty promises, fake heroes.
Yes that’s right, I said meaningless lawsuits. Like the recent lawsuit that they won which forced the CDC to remove certain language from their website. ICAN declared it as a victory and a win for the people. Really? Removing words from a website? THAT’S YOUR BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT?
And how many more years will we allow these false prophets to lead us in their never-ending fight for “less dangerous faccines”?
“Nor will children injured by faccines be able to access the services they need.”
Here’s an idea… how about we stop giving any faccines to all children across the world immediately, and then they won’t need your “services” ?
I have a better idea – How about we burn the whole system down to the ground and throw all these assholes in prison?
Wakefield and his Patent
/6 CommentsThe only reason Wakefield wanted to break up the MMR vaccine into 3 vaccines is because he had a patent for a new one. He’s a pro-vax demon like the rest of them.
Andrew Wakefield filed for a patent for a “new” and “safer” vaccine that could be used in place of the current, existing “dangerous” Merck Vaccine. You can read about that, in his own words, here:
“What is needed therefore is a safer vaccine which does not give rise to these problems, and a treatment for those with existing IBD. I have now discovered a combined vaccine/therapeutic agent which is not only most probably safer to administer to children and others by way of vaccination/immunization, but which also can be used to treat IBD and RBD whether as a complete cure or to alleviate symptoms.”
That’s right. The man behind the VaXXed Movie and subsequent movement says his vaccine is “most probably safer to administer to children” ???? Most probably safer?
That’s the best he can do? This is the guy that Del BigTree is buddies with.
In the abstract title you can read the following:
“Such a composition may be used as a measles virus vaccine and for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease and regressive behavioral disorder.”
If you look up “regressive behavioral disorder”, you will find that it’s another term for Regressive Autism which you can read about here –
So, the guy that directed and wrote VaXXed teamed up with Del Bigtree (producer/writer) to warn the public about the dangers of the MMR vaccine and its links to Autism… filed a patent application for his own vaccine which can be used to treat autism?
Arlene Howard – Pro-Vaccine PR Queen
/0 CommentsWhy would Del Bigtree, who is described by WikiPedia as “one of the most prominent voices in the anti-vaccination movement..” hire a Pro-Vaccine Advocate who has positive relationships and business dealings with all the major media, who are also all PRO-VACCINE and receive advertisement dollars from Big Pharma – to run PR for him?
The True Story Between Lynette Marie Barron & Paul Ofitt will sicken and disgust…
/1 CommentThe story of my relationship in the early days with Lynette Marie Barron went deep.
I couldn’t figure out why so many people were seeking me out asking me questions after the CDC rally in Atlanta in 2016 and wanting to be a part of my mojo.
I could write a book on this person but outside of laying out the psyop, she’s not worth the time.
I always have given people the benefit of the doubt and that has been my downfall. I felt sorry for her toothless smile and tattooed face and sad sad story. I should have seen this all coming. It now fits like a 500 piece puzzle and makes me physically sick at what pharma did to infiltrate a movement that was made up originally of parents with injured children like us.
These people that monetized misery are the lowest of the low and this creature is one of them. That’s the way they work… claiming their love for Jesus while they stab everyone in the back and lie and cheat and steal.
Lynette, I hope you someday can overcome this mental deficiency and the narcissistic gaslighting personality you inherited from a terrible childhood. You are clearly mental and a liar of monstrous proportions hanging out with murders with no remorse.
Ask Me Anything!
/1 CommentAsk me anything! Send me a private message and I’ll make a video to answer people’s questions.
Click on the above image to watch a video where I share some important thoughts that drive me… especially 666, Mark of the Beast.
Greg Wyatt