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Pizzagate Exposed
/0 CommentsArticle by Liz Crokin
“Many elites who are referenced using the pedophile code word “pizza” in the Podesta E-mails, such as Tony Podesta, or who are known child traffickers, like Jeffrey Epstein, have art collections depicting pedophilia, torture and Satanic symbolism and rituals. I will extensively cover the Podesta E-mails in a future column, but I want to go over the art collections of some of these elites first to give you some background with an emphasis on Tony.
Tony has a taste for art that depicts human torture and child sexual abuse. An article from The Washington Post in 2004 captured images of some of the disturbing art pieces displayed in Tony’s home. A gold statute titled The Arch of Hysteria by Louise Bourgeois – depicting a gold sculpture of a decapitated human positioned the same way serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer positioned some of his victims – is prominently featured as the focal point in his home. (It should be noted this Washington Post article has been scrubbed from their site.)…”
Read the whole article that shows pictures of the “art” these people hang on their walls:
Died Suddenly (Video)
‘Died Suddenly’ is a psy-op to ridicule those who are against vaccinations. Something that should not even exist if we exposed the core lie. It also ridicules vaccine-related side-effects and deaths, as the footage used are mostly out of context and fake. That is also why the “documentary” starts with a lot of clips from totally unrelated “conspiracy theories” like the moon landing, 9/11, Epstein, the fake war in Ukraine, the use of green screens and CGI, and so on — to set the tone and to make the casual watcher turn away thinking that it is all just stupid conspiracies (aka., the discrediting effect by association).
That is the purpose of Controlled Opposition. At first glance it looks as they are on your side, fighting for good, while in reality, all they do is undermining it and cause damage for us who try to expose the lies and deceit.
This was simply trauma programming.
Stew Peters Exposed
/1 CommentYou can most always tell who a person is by their past behaviors. Here are just a few interesting and little known facts about this Stew Peters character as discovered in our background investigation.
Open PDF in another tab:
Stew Peters is former Bounty Hunter that was arrested multiple times for domestic violence and impersonating a federal officer.
Additionally he has a lengthy history of Eighteen Criminal and Traffic Violations over the last decade.
Minnesota passed this law as a direct result of Stew Peters impersonating a federal agent.
He’s also a wanna-be gangster and rapper:
Canada May Mandate Psychiatric Meds & Treatment for Those Refusing Any Vax
/0 CommentsWill Canada Mandate Psychiatric Meds for the Unvaccinated?
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario sent a letter to all the doctors in Ontario suggesting that unvaccinated patients be considered as having a mental problem and be put on psychiatric medication. So far its just a suggestion. Can it get any crazier?
Original Source:
/0 CommentsI’ve been struggling with various forms of inflammation in the body. I ran across this book (PDF) and find that it provides some valuable insights. Be warned… it is BIG! file in a new tab:
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Eugenics – Greg Wyatt on NBC’s “NOW” TV Magazine Show with Tom Brokaw 3-30-94
/1 CommentOn March 30, 1994, my story was featured on the TV magazine “NOW” with Tom Brokaw. It was just one of dozens of media appearances that year telling my story of how I came to be in this world through eugenics, human sterilization and artificial insemination.
Now (TV Series 1993–1994) – IMDb
In the United States, members of the Progressive movement embraced eugenic ideas, especially immigration restriction and sterilization. Indiana enacted the first eugenic sterilization law in 1907, and the US Supreme Court upheld such laws in 1927. State programs targeted institutionalized, mentally disabled women. Beginning in the late 1930s, proponents rationalized involuntary sterilization as protecting vulnerable women from unwanted pregnancy. By World War II, programs in the United States had sterilized approximately 60,000 persons. After the horrific revelations concerning Nazi eugenics (German Hereditary Health Courts approved at least 400,000 sterilization operations in less than a decade), eugenic sterilization programs in the United States declined rapidly. Simplistic eugenic thinking has faded, but coerced sterilization remains widespread, especially in China and India. In many parts of the world, involuntary sterilization is still intermittently used against minority groups.
Keywords: heredity; immigration restriction; population control.
Click on the above image to watch a video where I share some important thoughts that drive me… especially 666, Mark of the Beast.
Greg Wyatt