Del Bigtree
SO MANY RED FLAGS (Video) – Kevin Tuttle Mocks Parents in his Own Words
/0 CommentsKevin Tuttle describes his antics in his own words. He pontificates why parents don’t trust him while mocking anyone with questions about his behaviors. It must be hard for Kev to deviate from the script.
Found here:
Original Video on Youtube:
Actor Influencers: Paid to Push a Narrative
/0 CommentsThe documentary (VAXXED) was already done when Del was brought in. Del, added the doctors, Ross and Sears, Brandy Vaughn and decided to narrate it.
He met Andy at a fundraiser where the documentary that Andy and Polly put together was being screened.
FACT – Andy and Polly had already done an unnamed documentary that Andy was traveling with to raise $$$ for Dr. Thompson’s legal fees.
Del came on after Andy had been traveling around with the documentary that he and Polly put together through the Autism Media Channel with Brian Hooker for over a year. He was at a fundraiser for it when he saw it, met Andy and signed on.
I suspect The Doctors were on the verge of terminating his contract and he needed employment. *Facts from a recording made with a VaxXed insider who knew the truth.
It was all carefully setup for the benefit of those involved and had nothing to do with curtailing the use of vaccines.
/0 Comments“My name is Del Bigtree. I am the producer of the film Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe.
From the moment I started working on this movie, people have asked why I would choose to leave my career as a respected producer on the medical talk show, The Doctors, to make a movie with Dr. Andrew Wakefield, arguably the most controversial figure in modern medicine. The answer is I had no choice.
Upon meeting Andrew (who I will refer to as Andy) I was haunted by all of the headlines that preceded him, “Baby Killer,” “Father of the anti-vax movement,” “The fraudulent Doctor who created a fake paper linking vaccines to autism,” “The doctor who performed unnecessary experiments on innocent children,” the list went on and on. But when Andy showed me the documentary film he was making about Dr. William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, I was blown away. The evidence was undeniable. The CDC had lied to the world. It was the most important story of my life. As an Emmy Award-winning medical producer I knew I had the skill to help Andy deliver a documentary about complicated science, but before I could move forward I had to investigate Andy himself.
As soon as I started looking into the facts behind the case against Andy I realized that I had been repeating a lot of bumper sticker slogans about his story that wasn’t actually true.
To begin with, I was shocked to discover that Andy never came out against vaccines.
What Andy had recommended was that parents vaccinate their children with the single Measles, single Mumps, and single Rubella vaccines instead of the triple MMR vaccine, which many parents were blaming for their child’s regression into autism.”
The rest became the greatest medical misdirection scheme of all time where vaccines administration would only increase and these three would become multimillionaires and absolutely little to nothing would be accomplished. Look at where we are at today.
Autism Center Austin and Autism Trust USA
/0 CommentsAt this stage, a decade on, the Autism Trust should be a hive of activity with lots of adults living with autism. Whatever happened to all the plans for a community of autistic people, living and working together? I guess Polly is too busy now aligning with Robert Kennedy and the CHD, which in turn is busy running around doing interviews with New Age Occultists like Sacha Stone.
Have also noticed that Kennedy has become one of Russel Brands biggest fans, yes, the very same Brand who is also a new age occultist. What is it with all these leading voices… Bigtree, Wakefield, Polly, and more… and their affiliation with Scientology, Nation of Islam, and the New Age occult.
Watch This Shocking Video!
/4 CommentsScientologists believe that children who “are born on the spectrum are in such a degraded condition” and in their view “should pass away and start again.”
Del Bigtree’s best friend, Mark Blaxill is a Scientologist. Is Del Bigtree a Scientologist?
Erin Olszewski and the Paul Offit Affair
/0 CommentsIn late October 2018, the obscure Erin Olszewski (PsyOps and Civil Affairs) organized the activists to attend the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting.
Once at ACIP, the CDC Public Relations Officer met with Jamie Lynn Juarez allegedly because of her familial ties to high-ranking members of the military.
Juarez used the supposed chance meeting to invite Paul Offit to lunch and a photo op.
Analysts assess with a high confidence the true intention of the meeting and photo op was to soften the image for Paul Offit within anti-vaccine circles.
The secondary effect gave obscure and new activists social proof: they had access to the vaccine industry’s untouchable and most notorious valuable mouthpiece.
The blowback from the anti-vaccine community caused Olszewski to spin the event to further the objectives for #OperationFuriosa.
=====[Video Markers] =====
[00:05] Olszewski and Kindness
[00:12] #InVinoVeritas
[00:31] Paul Offit PR Stunt
[00:39] Enablers of Offit Event
[00:43] Rachel Celler and Truth
[00:46] First time at ACIP
[00:57] Juarez and Military Family
[01:02] Juarez and Erin in California
[01:07] Juarez and Erin at Protest
[01:17] Juarez’s Nervous Reply
[01:28] Bigtree Never Met Activists
[01:30] Bigtree and Olszewski
[01:38] Erin’s Non-verbal Deception
[01:50] Erin’s Perception Management
[02:00] CDC PR Director Introduction
[02:11] Easy Opportunities
[02:18] Erin’s Nervous Fidgets
[02:23] Deception Techniques
[02:26] Offit Photo Op Good Thing
[02:29] Merck and Brain Damage
[02:38] Bigtree Ethical Quandry
[02:45] Offit Disgusts Mother
[02:50] Erin’s Huge Waves
[02:56] Offit Excites Erin
[03:03] Erin Loves Publicity
[03:10] Never in a Room
[03:12] People Don’t Understand Erin
[03:18] Erin Should Meet Fauci
[03:24] The Offit PR Plan
[03:41] Show Kindness to Offit
[03:49] Erin is a Military Plant
[03:58] Jealous Egotistical Bitches
[04:07] Egos Taking Over
[04:11] Stealing Thunder
[04:13] Paul, Erin, and Anthony
[04:20] #CyprusWasGreat
Credits: Paul Offit, Erin Marie Olszewski (Undercover Nurse), Kevin Gene Tuttle (USAF Public Affairs – Captain Toodles), Jamie Lynn Juarez, Hillary Simpson (Crazy Mother), Denise Aguilar (Militia Mom), James Morgan Scherrer, Del Bigtree
The Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey Psyop
/0 CommentsMany good operations need celebrities to help sell them to the public and gain their trust. Tom Hanks, Matt Damon and Robert Deniro (Deniro means money), are a few examples and there are many, many more.
Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey were used by the deceivers to create the false “MMR causes Autism” narrative which was eventually used as part of the larger controlled op with Andrew Fakefield. There could be some truth to it (in theory) but more likely than not, it’s a red herring, simply because it was pushed into the spotlight and the mainstream, given mass coverage, and popularized as a legitimate “controversy” as part of the Del Bigtree and Andrew Wakefield Vaxxed co-opt, which allowed them to lead the public astray and turn the whole thing into a clown show.
Now, I don’t think either of these airheads are necessarily “in on it” per se (although they certainly could be). But celebrities have a certain power and influence over the braindead masses who worship them, so they can be useful tools to push an agenda.
In this example, the agenda is setup to look like it’s “anti-vaccine”, but really it’s just misdirection, as usual. The idea is to create a false claim (MMR causes autism) which helps them cover up the real crimes that Big Pharma is committing and also helps them to cover up what’s really causing autism. It keeps things confusing and keeps the investigators chasing the wrong things.
It also allows them to eventually come in and DEBUNK the false claim and then make the so-called “anti-vaxxers” look like crazy lunatics. By doing this, the deceivers also achieve another goal which is to prop up Big Pharma and legitimize vaccines. “Oh, those MMR cause autism claims were debunked, vaccines are safe.” Score one for Big Pharma.
Something is causing autism, but the most parents with injured children are unfortunately seduced by these operations because they don’t understand these sophisticated operations They are easily manipulated and deceived and get led further away from the truth and towards the slaughterhouse.
So here’s what Jenny McCarthy’s children’s Pediatrician has to say about the MMR Vaccine (see Tweet above).
“If you are living in the midst of a measles outbreak and you have an older unvaccinated child to whom you have been reluctant to give the MMR, now’s the time. There are personal AND public health considerations.” – Jay Gordon MD, FAAP
What an absolute clown… first of all – who is living in the midst of a measles outbreak? Where? Is this guy for real? This is the doctor that “famous anti-vaxxer” Jenny McCarthy takes her children to? What a damn joke!
Here’s a blurb from this bimbo’s WikiPedia page.
She has promoted the disproven idea that vaccines cause autism… McCarthy’s outspoken views have attracted controversy and been considered “dangerous”, “reckless”, and “uninformed”. McCarthy has been described by journalists as “the nation’s most prominent purveyor of anti-vaxxer ideology” and “the face of the anti-vaxx movement”. Although she disputes the anti-vaccine label, saying instead that she prefers the term “pro-safe-vaccine-schedule”, this self-description has been met with strong criticism.
Hilarious, isn’t it? From her own horse mouth, she says she’s not anti-vaccine, she prefers the term “pro-safe vaccine schedule” and yet the mainstream tries to label her as “dangerous” and “reckless”, calls her the “nation’s most prominent purveyor of anti-vaxxer ideology” and the “face of the anti-vaxx movement”.
The VAXXED Syndicate
/0 CommentsThrough my discoveries, I found this entire project was a strategy from day one to gather vaccine injury stories, make videos highlighting the stories from vaccine-injured families, package it, sell it, exploit it, scale it and create a never-ending revenue stream of stealth income from charities, non-profits and their supporting cast of grifters… while never giving a dime back to the parents and children. This also gave them an incredible opportunity to sell more videos, books, events and MLMs and all endorsed, sponsored and promoted by Scientology and the Nation of Islam.
What I didn’t realize was that this whole thing was set up as a syndicate for some very well-placed people with dubious backgrounds to run the show and if you were an outsider who asked too many questions and was an original part of that team you would be narcissistically gas lit and your reputation ruined by the cult.
I had many, many long conversations with many people at the top. One of them was Sheila Ealey (ask her). I really believed that she was real, authentic and truthful. It was clear that she was not happy with the direction Del Bigtree was taking things and Bigtree himself was despised by most on the VAXXED. We sometimes would talk for hours sharing secrets about the VAXXED team and I supported her in her health journey with certain things she needed. I also sent her money in her support. I thought she was my best friend. I was just being used and exploited.
It was at this point I began to go deep into research and found even more disturbing information.
In mid-2018 I began having long conversations with Joshua Coleman, which I documented and tape-recorded as it all seemed over the top (one party recording a conversation is legal in Arizona). You never know exactly what to believe with Josh and none of these people can be trusted. That is another chapter of the charade.
I fully believe now in addition to the making of millions that the whole thing was a setup to make anti-vaxxers look crazy. Just look at the people that make up that anti-vaccine / health freedom Dell Bigtree Movement. Crazy people with an agenda to party have drinks and dinners and fly to events and LOTS more.
I hope my honest and factual account of the events that have taken place from 2016 to now gives you an idea of just how deep this went.
I have always been honest and transparent on my accounts and experiences with this situation and these players and those of you who are my friends know me as such.
Tia Severino is Still Trying to Raise Money for Autism Trust USA
/2 CommentsTia Severino is still for the Vaxxed syndicate…
Mapping Out the Plan: Scientology & the Nation of Islam
/1 CommentIn 2016 I was one of Del Bigtree’s and the VaxXed movie’s greatest fan and promoter… and got to know all the “Big Names” quite well. In late 2017 I began to sense that something was not “right” about Bigtree and the entire “VaxXed Franchise.” I then spent much of 2018 digging deeper and investigating. I was disgusted and shocked at what I discovered, and even more shocked that no one wanted to hear about it. It’s was “Dupers Delight” where little to nothing that was promised was delivered.
I then discovered why.
I hope the video below helps you in your journey of learning the truth. Look carefully at the merger of Scientology and the Nation of Islam cults and figure it out.
Get it?
Forwarded from Suzanne Origen:
[READ TIME: 00 min. 59 sec.]
[WATCH TIME: 4min. 11 sec.]
Analysts assert there is a remote chance (1/20 or 5%) of Denise Aguilar and Erin Olszewski’s leadership in any political movement without significant sponsorship.Combined, both women exhibit significant character flaws [ex. gang affiliations, driving while intoxicated, domestic violence, and financial fraud] make them vulnerable to external influences.
Multiple non-profit organizations appear to be the key vehicle funding Aguilar, Olszewski, and her now defunct and limp partner Kevin Gene Tuttle [USAF Public Relations].
Significant affiliations to Scientology and Nation of Islam (NOI) personnel indicate these two organizations are primary candidates for funding political operations.
Is Olszewski working on behalf of Scientology and the Nation of Islam?
Did Olszewski use her “undercover nurse” status as social proof to pivot into Anna Paula Luna’s political campaign?