Given that the global ruling elite aim to preserve and extend their hegemony over the collective peoples of the Earth, they require carefully constructed narratives that will convince people holding a broad spectrum of views, from the naive and trusting to the extremely skeptical. Each new psyop is prepared such that some manufactured perspective on it will appeal to a position along that spectrum of trust. Narratives may be grouped into roughly four categories, based on their content and who is disseminating them: mainstream, mainstream-adjacent, controlled alternative, and grassroots alternative.
The mainstream narrative is spread by large media companies like CNN and Fox, and is compelling to a majority of the population. With Covid, the mainstream narrative is that there is a deadly virus that arose naturally and everyone needs to uproot their lives to deal with it. The mainstream-adjacent narratives tend to question superficial aspects of the mainstream narrative while accepting most of it, and tend to be accepted by the majority of those not fully convinced by the mainstream narrative. Mainstream-adjacent narratives are promulgated by people like Joe Rogan, Lex Fridman, or Jordan Peterson. With Covid, the mainstream-adjacent narratives tend to agree that the Covid virus is a threat, but are skeptical that lockdowns or vaccines are the proper solution. Together the mainstream and mainstream-adjacent narratives capture on the order of 90%+ of the population.
Of the small segment of the population left over, most are caught up in the narratives spread by controlled alternative sites like ZeroHedge and InfoWars. With Covid this narrative was that the virus had been engineered at the Wuhan Institute of Virology then released to help usher in digital ID, and while vaccines may be anywhere from unsafe to deliberately deadly, treatments like ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies are valuable and early treatment is important.
The last group, the alternative grassroots, is the only one that is not controlled opposition being directed by the designs of the ruling class. It generally consists of individual blogs and small forums. With Covid, this narrative is that there was no pandemic, that any excess all-cause mortality was caused by government action rather than a novel virus, and hence that any novel treatments or drug repurposing is unnecessary.
Read the rest of the article here: https://overduerevolutions.wordpress.com/2022/03/13/whats-happening-in-ukraine/