Hello Boys
/0 CommentsOne of the first things that drew me to the movie VaxXed was it’s tie-in with Polley Tommey and the Autism Trust. Well now looking back the fact is that it has been in existence for well over a decade both here in the US and UK and raised millions of dollars in revenue through […]
The Characteristics of Cults
/0 CommentsThe leaders of the Anti-Vaccine / Pro-Safer / Health-Choice Movement are, “for the most part,” a highly organized cult of grifters, charlatans, and politicians with no other means of income that handsomely profit off the stories of the vaccine injured, dying, and dead while creating millions of dollars in donations and living the high life! […]
How Del Bigtree Got To Be A Medical Journalist With No Formal Training
Del is great at exagerating facts to impress the minds of the minions. HOW DEL BIGTREE GOT TO BE A MEDICAL JOURNALIST WITH NO FORMAL TRAINING. Del Bigtree produced 32 hour-long episodes on The Doctors between 2010 and 2015 out of over 500 segments or about 6%. Producers on the Dr. Phil / The Doctors […]
The truth is so evil and unbelievable that it makes one question the people that are telling you the truth and believing the ones that spread the lies. Greg Wyatt March 4, 2021
Homeless Real World
Is there anyone else that gets this? The same fools that posted below are speechless for this?
Support Teams Are The Worst Of The Worst Of Humanity
DEL BIGTREE AND POLLY TOMMY AND THEIR CO CONSPIRATORS / SUPPORT TEAMS ARE THE WORST OF THE WORST OF HUMANITY. Draw in, discredit, discourage and destroy. It was a great plan to get rid/silence the “REAL PARENTS” while expanding the footprint and profitability by exploiting their stories. Think of Bigtrees fellow grifter Larry Cook who […]