Vaccination is the Inoculation of the Human Body…
Page 3791. Vaccination.
“Vaccination is the inoculation of the human body with the VIRUS of cowpox. At present, so-called vaccine is the VIRUS of cowpox prepared with glycerin.
Vaccination is credited with reducing the prevalence of smallpox, whereas improved sanitation and hygiene justly deserve the credit. Many people, especially children, have been killed, many others hopelessly maimed by this treatment.
In addition to vaccination against smallpox, various inoculations are recommended for the prevention and cure of many different disease conditions of the human body. These substances are variously prepared, some from blood serum and some from the toxins and germs of diseases prepared in special ways.
In the treatment of diphtheria, for instance, what is called diphtheria antitoxin is used. It is prepared from the blood serum of horses which have been inoculated with diphtheria bacilli over a considerable period of time, using stronger amounts each succeeding time until finally there is no constitional reaction to the strongest dose of the poison (bear in mind this word!).
Among the diseases which today are treated by inoculation besides smallpox, diphtheria, and tetanus, may be mentioned scarlet fever, rabies, whooping cough, typhoid fever, paratyphoid, hay-fever, asthma, dysentery, colitis, rheumatism, practically all such treatments being experiments.
If proper sanitation, hygiene and diet are taught and insisted upon and proper treatment instituted at the onset of disease these diseases will be wiped out gradually.”
Jim’s comments.
The virus of cowpox was the pus of cowpox. It was the poison (pus).
And you thought there was no scarlet fever vaccine. I was surprised to learn that there was a hooping cough vaccine.
Jim Dandy O’Kelly Founder of the Anti-Vaccination League of America and discoverer of the virus hoax.