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What’s Happening in Ukraine?
/0 CommentsGiven that the global ruling elite aim to preserve and extend their hegemony over the collective peoples of the Earth, they require carefully constructed narratives that will convince people holding a broad spectrum of views, from the naive and trusting to the extremely skeptical. Each new psyop is prepared such that some manufactured perspective on it will appeal to a position along that spectrum of trust. Narratives may be grouped into roughly four categories, based on their content and who is disseminating them: mainstream, mainstream-adjacent, controlled alternative, and grassroots alternative.
The mainstream narrative is spread by large media companies like CNN and Fox, and is compelling to a majority of the population. With Covid, the mainstream narrative is that there is a deadly virus that arose naturally and everyone needs to uproot their lives to deal with it. The mainstream-adjacent narratives tend to question superficial aspects of the mainstream narrative while accepting most of it, and tend to be accepted by the majority of those not fully convinced by the mainstream narrative. Mainstream-adjacent narratives are promulgated by people like Joe Rogan, Lex Fridman, or Jordan Peterson. With Covid, the mainstream-adjacent narratives tend to agree that the Covid virus is a threat, but are skeptical that lockdowns or vaccines are the proper solution. Together the mainstream and mainstream-adjacent narratives capture on the order of 90%+ of the population.
Of the small segment of the population left over, most are caught up in the narratives spread by controlled alternative sites like ZeroHedge and InfoWars. With Covid this narrative was that the virus had been engineered at the Wuhan Institute of Virology then released to help usher in digital ID, and while vaccines may be anywhere from unsafe to deliberately deadly, treatments like ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies are valuable and early treatment is important.
The last group, the alternative grassroots, is the only one that is not controlled opposition being directed by the designs of the ruling class. It generally consists of individual blogs and small forums. With Covid, this narrative is that there was no pandemic, that any excess all-cause mortality was caused by government action rather than a novel virus, and hence that any novel treatments or drug repurposing is unnecessary.
Read the rest of the article here:
Elderly Dying of Covid-19 Vaccinations at a Record Pace
/1 CommentCovid-19 was nothing more than a not so well hid attempt at the accelerated genocide of humanity by darkside governments propagating healthy people in 2020… except a year or two later than planned.
Many Americans have awakened to the fact that vaccines are not safe and are not necessary. Over the last 20 to 30 years, the cover up by our government and the mainstream media has gotten so in your face that it’s hard not to see the truth at this point. Injecting dozens and dozens of neurotoxins into a newborn is the most insane thing that we have ever experienced. Millions and millions of babies have been injured or died and millions and millions of adults have suffered the same outcome. This is a not so stealth eugenical depopulation method designed to create revenue out of sickness and death.
We all know that there is little to no profit in making people well, but the big money is keeping people sick and maintaining their illness until it’s time to say adios. I believe that because humanity has fallen so far with their cognitive ability to see truth that there will never be any justice when it comes to the medical Mafia
Another Parent’s Story About VAXXED
/2 CommentsHere is another parent telling her story about VAXXED and how they were given hopes that never materialized.
Dear Greg,
This is my experience with VaxXed along with many others.
It was the fall of 2016 and we were like thousands of others so excited to go meet the Vaxxed bus it was fall of 2016.
This was our experience. First, the people there were not overly friendly. Everyone was cold and in a hurry. It was like we were just a number in a production and we were not the only ones that picked up on it. Call it a gut feeling but I expected more embracing, emotionally. Then Polly came bee bopping out of the bus and ushered us in.
Greg, I had spent hours getting her old medical records together, finding the pages where it stated that my daughter is never to have a DPT shot again, photocopied them, then laminated them so I could show them around forever without fear of them getting torn or stained. She never bothered to look at them and I think my daughter and I made history as the shortest interview EVER. It was about 5 minutes. We had driven hours and hours. Then she looked my daughter in the eyes and said “ We are going to get you out of that group home and into a place you will love (THE AUTISM TRUST) and that was it.
So what’s up telling us and countless others that? How cruel! Just because my precious daughter is brain-injured, doesn’t make her stupid! Good thing she didn’t put much weight into that comment! Face it, false hopes is what they sell while collecting and raising money for a project that does the way they explain it.
Within moments we were ushered out quickly and NO ONE asked me or anyone else for any contact info on. They just wanted us to sign “The VaxXed Bus“ and send us on our way.
Polly told us and everyone else they had bought land in Texas and are building a huge community for the “special” folks BUT, some of them are families that signed over all of their assets.
At the time we or no one else had an idea that this was a business. A business of making money off the vaccine injured and dead.
I like many of my friends, want our name OFF that bus!
Feel free to repost this in hope that others can see the truth!
Sandy Lewis
Putin on US Politicians
/3 Comments(2017) Putin says US politicians are essentially elected puppets. Who are these ‘dark suits’ he’s describing? 🤔
“When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration.”
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Dr. Leonard Horowitz Explains the Origins of the Emerging AIDS and EBOLA Viruses (Video)
/3 CommentsAccording to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, these viruses are not naturally occurring, but rather human-made biological weapons created by the United States government and other powerful entities. In his book, “Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola,” Dr. Horowitz argues that AIDS and Ebola were deliberately engineered in laboratories and released into the population as part of a larger agenda. He suggests that these viruses were created to reduce the world’s population, control certain ethnic groups, and maintain global power dynamics.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz claims that the United States government and the pharmaceutical industry have conspired to suppress the true origins of these viruses, as well as potential cures, in order to maintain profit and power. He points to various scientific studies and historical events to support his claims.
A video worth watching.
Click on the above image to watch a video where I share some important thoughts that drive me… especially 666, Mark of the Beast.
Greg Wyatt