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The Secrets of Barbara Loe Fisher
/1 CommentBarbara Loe Fisher is touted as an American activist and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). She was born on April 18, 1948, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Fisher became involved in vaccine safety advocacy after her own son experienced severe neurological complications following his vaccination.
All one has to do is look at the real facts and use critical thinking and discernment and the truth becomes very clear. This woman is a total shill that is cross promoted by all the other shills. It’s a never-ending money grab that accomplishes little to nothing raising money to finance their lifestyles through their charities and non-profits. But we’re spreading awareness! LOL.
Ask yourself exactly what has been accomplished in the last 30 years and post your comments below! and that’s if you can think of anything.
The Rich Keep Getting Richer…
/1 CommentWhen the pandemic began there was 1 person worth $100 billion.
Now there are 9.
When the pandemic began the 10 richest people had $695 billion.
Now they have $1.36 trillion.
While people struggle to put food on the table amid the pandemic, billionaires are getting richer.
The day when people realize this is a business, it’ll be too late.
Emily at Age 22
/1 CommentThis is my daughter Emily age 22 at the library reading to other children.
At the age of 7, Emily could not speak. All she could do is grunt and hit herself out of frustration. She was totally out of control and could not follow even simple directions.
We spent the next decade intensively seeking out therapies that would help her and hiring the best specialists we could find.
She had intense ABA therapies along with speech and occupational therapies several times a day for years and years. We also made sure that she attained sufficient reading and writing abilities for later in life. We also gave her voice lessons and dance lessons to expand her creativity. As you can see she has turned out to be an incredible human being. Full of love and compassion. Never give up on your children no matter how special their needs are or how difficult the journey is. God bless you all and have a great weekend!
West 35th Street in NYC is a Corridor for the Dying, says Curtis Sliwa.
/1 CommentThe poor can’t afford to help and the rich are too busy to care.
Say a prayer for the millions of Zoies scattered across the wasteland and the millions of us just a moment away standing in the queue.
What is a Woman? (Video) by Matt Walsh
/0 CommentsThis documentary explores the insanity that is being pushed upon society. Worth a watch along with a few chuckles.
Not from this documentary, but this quot says it all:
“The trans agenda is a global psychological operation to destabilize society, promote infertility and societal decay, for easier conquest by Technocratic Communist Fascism.”
Drag Queen, Kitty Demure
Sterilization of Minnie Lee and Mary Alice
/0 CommentsIn the summer of 1973, Minnie Lee and Mary Alice were taken from their home in Montgomery, cut open and sterilized against their will and without the informed consent of their parents by a physician working in a federally funded clinic. The Relf case would change the course of history: A lawsuit filed on their behalf, Relf v. Weinberger, helped reveal that more than 100,000 mostly Black, Latina and Indigenous women were sterilized under U.S. government programs over decades. It also officially ended this practice and forced doctors to obtain informed consent before performing sterilization procedures — though as it would turn out, forced sterilizations by state governments would continue into the 21st century.
Click on the above image to watch a video where I share some important thoughts that drive me… especially 666, Mark of the Beast.
Greg Wyatt