Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai: A Revolutionary or Puppet?

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, a self-proclaimed ‘revolutionary’, has recently emerged as a prominent figure in the growing ‘National Movement of Concerned Citizens’. However, suspicions have arisen regarding the true nature of this movement and its association with a secretive organization known as “The Network”. Ayyadurai’s involvement in various protest events organized by members of Scientology, Freedom Keepers, and Texas Millions March has shed light on a notable ‘right-wing’ aspect of this agitation campaign. Further complicating matters, key figures involved in the Texas Million March also hold influential positions within the Freedom Keepers organization. As investigations unfold across the country, questions arise about the interconnectedness of individuals involved in these events, stretching from California to Massachusetts.
Emerging evidence progressively identifies “The Network”, formerly termed the “Conscience Coalition”, as the principal architect behind the ‘National Movement of Concerned Citizens’. Suspicions indicate that “The Network” may have operated covertly under the auspicious directive of the Religious Prisoners of Conscience (RPOC) Project, a segment governed by The U.S. Department of State. The association Greg Mitchell holds with Scientology and his involvement in the Commission on International Religious Freedom substantiates these conjectures.
Members associated with Scientology, Freedom Keepers, and Texas Millions March endeavored to incorporate Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai — self-proclaimed as a ‘revolutionary’ — into an array of protest events. This move symbolized a noteworthy ‘right-wing’ facet prominently observed within an identifiable agitation campaign.
Developments become increasingly intricate when one notes that key figures contributing to events at Texas Million March also hold pivotal roles within Freedom Keepers organization.
As investigations continue nation-wide—Do familiar faces appear across states, from sunny California to the shores of Massachusets?
Thanks to Grace at COINTEL 2.0 on telegram for this post.
And Ayyadurai’s connections to Hinduism/his name being “Shiva” are also another red flag. The new right/”Twitter Right” is openly involved in freemasonry, masonic rituals and celebrities. I know this because of Health Impact News/TrumpetForYahweh (Rumble channel). TheMastersVoice is another excellent rumble channel.
I grew up homeschooled 1-12 (only went to a bit of public ‘school’ outside home, late 4th to early 7th) long before people knew what homeschooling is. Born in the early spring of 2002 (and conceived in late June 2001) most people were sending off their children to industrial schools, to be “educated” with doctrines such as Darwinian evolution, globe earth/spinning ball earth, patriotism and jingoism, etc. I never went to any high school outside home, due to my ASD/PANDAS flares and violent meltdowns, alongside PANDAS developmental regressions and stomach pains/dysmenorrhea and chronic fatigue. God opened my eyes to seeing how ‘different’ Christian homeschool books are from the Darwinian textbooks used in all the nationwide schools (and worldwide education, via the U.N. and Vatican) and to my shock, they’re almost the same (Christian homeschool textbooks teach almost all the same doctrines – spinning ball earth with curved water, the lie of “outer space”, patriotism/jingoism, Vatican and UN-approved history, one of my homeschool Abeka Books even promoted and praised va.c.ci.nes).
I feel cheated by the UN and Vatican with the “utopian homeschool” I was given, the lies my unwitting parents were fed by these masters’ global footsoldiers, and even more cheated by my foolish ‘Christian’ parents who allowed me to attend public ‘school’ outside home at age nine to 14, with the four flu shots that started my downward spiral (was dx “profoundly autistic with SPD/I.D.” at age six in 2008, but was getting better and healthier until age nine, when I got the four flu shots just to attend hellish public ‘school’). My parents were lied to also, they were both born before 1963 and they suffered much more public ‘school’ than I did. Both my mom and dad (as teens in the 70’s) were driven to tears/crying by Algebra math classes they were forced to attend by the ‘one size fits all’ nationwide education curriculums – they couldn’t get algebra right, but they’re both highly talented and social people with multiple jobs throughout their lives – they’re not ‘nitwits’ though Algebra teachers would say so.
I’m so sorry for what happened to Weston and Emily. Are most ‘mild’ autism cases actually moderate autism? My autism’s not mild (I’m moderately autistic, some severe characteristics, but very smart) so I don’t know. Most ‘mild’ autistics I’ve seen (such as Christian Weston Chandler/Chris Chan) can’t live by themselves or avoid having violent tantrums. Why do you think the UN and Vatican is rebranding autism as “neurodiversity” for the masses? Why was homeschooling demonized and frowned upon until 2020? Why did my 1-12th Christian homeschool books have almost all the same lies as Darwinian public school textbooks (except for Darwinian evolution)? Autistic adulthood is the ‘new normal’ we did not have in large numbers, just a few decades ago.