Del Bigtree
What is Del Bigtree’s Legacy, Including his Activists and Controversial Collaborations?
/1 CommentDel Bigtree, who receives a substantial salary for his legislative efforts, has been questioned regarding the effectiveness of his work and achievements in collaboration with Mark Blaxill and Jen Larson and other so-called activists.
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Download File: Bigtree is paid over six figures for his legislative work. How effective and successful has he been since his organization’s inception in 2016?
What has he accomplished while working with Mark Blaxill and Jen Larson?
Creating activists Denise Aguilar, Jonathan Lockwood, Erin Olszewski, and Kevin Tuttle?
Creating orgs that host his speaking tours supported by Scientology and Nation of Islam?
The more you know…
Giovanni Cirucci Interview with Greg Wyatt “Wakefield, Kennedy, Bigtree, et al Are Monetizing Misery”
/2 CommentsIn this video Giovanni “Johnny” Cirucci interview Greg Wyatt about Monetizing Misery and all the players involved from Andrew Wakefield, Robert F Kennedy Jr., Del Bigtree and so much more.
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Investigating the Connection Between the Church of Scientology and the Conscience Coalition
/0 CommentsThe Church of Scientology has long been associated with controversies over the years, underscoring the significance of understanding its strategic alliances with various activist movements. Such affiliations potentially make these movements subject to scrutiny and doubt for their perceived credibility.
The mixture of involved parties, locations, and technical indicators all strongly imply an affiliation with the Church of Scientology. Notably, the establishment of a group named the Conscience Coalition, led by Scientologists’ lobbyist, Greg Mitchell, took place just a week after the registration of txmillionsmarch[.]com.
During this period, Mitchell was also leading efforts at the U.S. State Department in Washington D.C., all while fulfilling his duties as a lobbyist.
Given these circumstances, a more in-depth look into Bigtree and the Scientology is now necessary. Are they the financial benefactors and secretive influencers consolidating state-based activist groups into a united “National Movement of Concerned Citizens” for protests?
Furthermore, in certain instances, such as with Jonathan Lockwood, there are suspicions of attempts to control a statewide political party.
The Deception of Barbara Loe Fisher and NVIC
/2 CommentsBarbara Loe Fisher is another one of the cults of actors of lies and deception and her organization was one of the first to exploit and monetize the misery of VI Injury with her nonprofit, collect millions, and accomplish nothing.
She was largely responsible for the passage of the 1986 Act resulting in liability-free shots for big pharma.
For more sensitive intel on all the actors and exploiters got to and learn the truth!
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So I remember back in 2017 when I discovered that the NVIC was basically a psyop operation. That is kind of the kind of preceded this whole vaxxed phenomenon of insanity.
A friend of mine, Doctor David Horowitz came out with this article some time ago. Of course, Doctor Horowitz has been largely silenced.
You can’t even post a link to his website and that tells you something when you get suppressed like that. Well, I remember back in the early days of VAXXED when I was part of the cult promoting them nonstop, not being able to see the forest for the trees. And I brought up to my handler, Tia Severino. The fact that these people here, this person here was Barbara Loe Fisher. She was not who she was portraying herself to be, nor was her mission defined clearly and accurately.
She was one of the very important people in the 1986 Vaccine Injury Protection Act that basically takes your rights to sue vaccine companies and puts them in a private court. So anyway. But Tia says you can’t say that. That’s not true. And at the time I’m going, “Oh my God, I can’t say that that’s not true. I have to do what my handler says.”
So I kind of just let it go, because when you start going down the rabbit hole, you’ll see things like even J.B. Handley is pro-vaccine. All these people are pro-vaccine. But we’re spreading awareness. We’re spreading awareness. And I bought into the bullshit. And then when I kind of stepped away, I got gaslit, castigated. Narcissist.
And, uh, it was very, very, um, stressful and disturbing to these people. But you can look at this article here. It’s exposing vaccine genocide. And, um, Barlow Fisher is pro-vaccine and pro-choice. Now just because somebody says that they are not pro-vaccine or pro-choice. Well, actually, a lot of them are pro-choice.
J.B. Handley, which is Dell Bigtree’s partner, or at least was. Is he pro-vaccine? Promotes vaccines in his book, but just some vaccines. And you look at who these people are kind of offshoots of. You are surprised if you have half a brain. And if you’re not, we’re spreading awareness.
I mean, let me ask you this. What laws have been changed? Actually, things have went in the total backwards direction. Totally backwards. And it was designed to never go anywhere. And this goes in here. It’s really some good stuff. I don’t even think you can.
Oh, yes, doctor Mercola. Oh my God, he’s. I never talk about him. He’s not worth it. A lot of these people aren’t worth it.
But you know what? My kids are worth it. Weston and Emily got severely injured by this realm of reckless thinking. And therefore, I cannot be silent. But 99% of the people in the anti-vaccine movement don’t have regular jobs. They don’t have kids that are vaccine injured.
Now early on back in 2015, 2014, 2013, the anti-vaccine movement was truly anti-vaccine. But somehow they wedged their way in there saying, we can’t say we’re anti-vaccine or they won’t listen to us. Who won’t listen to you? That’s insanity. So anyway. Well, happy Sunday morning. I’ll keep this down to less than seven minutes.
But this whole thing. Follow what I say. Watch what I do. Watch where I’ve been.
And make your own informed choice.
Please feel free share this far and wide. Do it for Weston and Emily. Thank you.
Del Bigtree as RFK Jr’s New Communications Director
/1 CommentDel Bigtree is looking a little rough these days as the new Communications Director for RFK jr. He likes to capitalize on people’s emotions, using fear as a cornerstone of his approach. The aging process is speeding up quickly in him, which is likely due to undisclosed practices he indulges in privately. Also, his breathing seems noticeably heavy which could possibly be an outcome of consuming certain substances known for their adverse respiratory effects. Additionally, despite frequently drawing attention to various issues, rarely does Del present viable solutions accompanying these problems raised.
This is the reel from RFK Jr’s facebook page.
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Download File: Financial Schemes of the Health Freedom Movement
/1 CommentThe financial schemes of the Health Freedom Movement leaders seems to be designed to enrich themselves rather than spreading alternative health information freely. The excessive fundraising efforts and constant appeals for donations raise suspicions about their true intentions. Despite the lack of transparency, the followers of these leaders continue to support them, unaware of the manipulation at play. Monthly donors may believe they are contributing to a philanthropic cause, but in truth, they are unknowingly contributing to the enrichment of a select few whose identities remain hidden. The unraveling of these financial schemes shines a light on the exploitative nature of the Health Freedom Movement and the motives behind its leaders’ actions.
The following is page 82 and 83 of Greg Wyatt’s new book to be released soon called “Monetizing Misery”.
Chapter X
Unraveling the Financial Schemes of the Health Freedom Movement
In the dismal depths of online censorship, a troubling pattern emerges-a pattern of selective silencing and opportunistic exploitation. While advocates of alternative health therapies decry censorship as a means to silence their message, a deeper examination reveals a sinister truth: a calculated campaign to manipulate the narrative and capitalize on the unwavering loyalty of the followers of Health Freedom Movement “leaders.”
The censorship these “leaders” encounter is a smokescreen, masking their intentions and motivations. Yet, as we peel back the layers of deception, we uncover a web of financial schemes and opportunistic profiteering.
Questions stack up as we scrutinize the lavish fundraising efforts of figures like Del Bigtree and his cohorts. Why do they require exorbitant sums of money when the costs of maintaining their online presence are minimal? Why is there a need for constant appeals for donations despite their purported mission of spreading information freely?
The lack of transparency surrounding these financial endeavors raises red flags, yet their followers remain steadfast in their support, seemingly oblivious to the manipulation at play. Monthly donors, caught in the illusion of philanthropy, unwittingly contribute to the enrichment of a select few while the actual beneficiaries of their generosity remain shrouded in secrecy.
In the end, it is the disenfranchised and the vulnerable who bear the brunt of this exploitation. As the rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer, the illusion of censorship serves as a convenient distraction, diverting attention from actual beneficiaries of this insidious
the enterprise.
The VAXXED Bus Deception
/0 CommentsOn September 16, 2016, I, along with Teri LaPoint from, attended a VAXXED bus event in Birmingham, Alabama. Our aim was to seek support for children who suffered vaccine injuries and were caught in the nationwide foster care system. We discussed the issue with Polly Tommey, Josh Coleman, and others, highlighting the role of DHR/CPS. They showed interest in the matter but were uncertain about their ability to assist. During this meeting, I shared my experience as a military medic, particularly witnessing the effects of the Anthrax vaccine. Polly Tommey requested I share my story on camera, assuring me that the VAXXED team would support me against any backlash. My live video testimony was well-received, lasting nearly 25 minutes, and led to my appointment as an admin for the VAXXED team’s Facebook group. They believed my testimony could help them gain insight into the military’s vaccine programs.
However, three days post-testimony, I faced a write-up at my job with the State Military Department of Alabama for being overly talkative, putting my career at risk. Despite this, I continued advocating, hoping to encourage other military veterans to share their experiences. At the CDC rally in Atlanta on October 13-14, 2016, I met numerous advocates and parents of vaccine-injured children. Teri and I set up an information table at the event, although we were not given a speaking slot as initially promised.
An unexpected incident occurred when I encountered Del Bigtree on the VAXXED bus and observed him with substances that appeared to be narcotics. Although I mentioned this to a key VAXXED investor, I did not intend it as a threat or embarrassment but rather as a caution. Following this, my admin privileges on the VAXXED Facebook page were revoked, and my support for cannabis was cited as a problem by the VAXXED team.
I declined an offer to work as a personality on Del Bigtree’s show after speaking at the March for Revolution in Washington, D.C. My experiences behind the scenes with VAXXED led me to question the authenticity of figures like RFK Jr. and Del Bigtree, whom I consider to be manipulative. I’ve shared my observations through my radio show and social media, hoping others will see the truth behind these individuals and their actions.
In summary, my journey with the VAXXED team was enlightening but also disappointing, revealing the complexities and challenges within the advocacy movement for vaccine safety.
– Sherrie Saunders, VAXXED Alabama Military Whistleblower
Is Robert F Kennedy Pro Vaccine?
/0 CommentsDid you know that Islam, Scientology and cocaine powers RFK Jr. Del Bigtree and the Health Freedom Movement? Did you know that Del Bigtree was stuffing his nose on the VAXXED bus at the CDC rally in 2016 and when it was brought to the attention of Polly she mothballed it?
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Download File: F Kennedy Jr: “I have Always Been FURIOUSLY Pro-Vaccine And ‘We Should Have Policies That Encourage Full Vaccination For ALL Americans”
‘The Campaign Is a Mess’: RFK Jr. Hit With Staff Exodus Over ‘Lavish Spending’ and ‘Amateurish’ Leadership
/0 CommentsSynopsis
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign for governor of New York is facing turmoil as numerous staffers have reportedly resigned due to concerns over extravagant spending and chaotic leadership. According to sources, the campaign has been marred by mismanagement and lack of strategic direction, as well as excessive spending on luxurious accommodations and private jets. The departure of key staff members has left the campaign in disarray, raising questions about Kennedy’s ability to run an effective, well-funded operation.
Reports suggest that the campaign’s problems stem from a combination of factors, including Kennedy’s inexperienced leadership and his lavish lifestyle. Critics claim that Kennedy’s vision for the campaign lacked clarity and that he failed to surround himself with competent advisors. Moreover, the campaign’s financial havoc has raised eyebrows, with allegations of money being squandered on unnecessary travel expenses, first-class accommodations, and private jets. As a result, disillusioned staffers have fled the campaign, citing frustration with the chaotic environment and concerns over the wasteful spending.
“The Campaign is a Mess”: RFK Jr. Hit with Staff Exodus Over Lavish Spending and Amateurish Leadership
Written by Diana Falzone
Feb 13th, 2024, 4:33 pm
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign is in disarray amid an exodus of campaign workers who say disorganization, lavish spending, amateurish leadership, and a severe disconnect between the campaign and the candidate’s values have led the long-shot bid for the presidency astray.
Fourteen members of Kennedy24 have resigned since the start of the year, including 12 field staff and two main staff, according to multiple sources who spoke with Mediaite on the condition of anonymity. One source close to the campaign pinned the turmoil on two leaders: Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, campaign manager and Kennedy’s daughter-in-law, and Del Bigtree, an anti-vaccine activist who serves as the campaign’s communications director.
The source described Fox Kennedy and Bigtree as “self-serving” operatives who were “making decisions based on their own personal advancement opportunities, and not acting in the best interest of the candidate.”
A major point of contention within the campaign has been the eye-watering payouts to campaign leadership revealed in FEC reports.
Bigtree’s firm KFP Consulting was paid $35,000 in December; it has made $90,000 off the campaign in total so far. Starlight Saint, the LLC registered to campaign COO Matthew Sanders, makes $21,000 a month. More Beautiful World, the LLC registered to campaign adviser Charles Eisenstein, made $21,667 a month in October, November, and December 2023.
“When the reports came out and everyone saw the obscene amount of money some people are making, while they are often paying for their own promotional materials out of pocket and can’t get their gas stipend covered, many people started thinking those people are scamming and skimming to line their pockets,” one campaign worker said. “This is out of alignment with the message of the candidate.”
The source said “lavish” spending of Bigtree and others is also a “point of contention among campaign workers,” recalling one incident when Bigtree joined a Zoom call from a skiing resort.
“Del is running around spending money lavishly,” another source said. “He’s doing Zoom calls from the slopes with champagne while many people are volunteers and not getting paid.”
Fox Kennedy, meanwhile, “hired her nanny” Brigid Rasmussen as chief of staff, which was seen internally as a sign of incompetence for the director of a presidential campaign.
A second campaign worker also griped about the hiring of Fox Kennedy’s nanny as the campaign’s chief of staff. “Although Brigid is a nice young woman, she has no idea how to operate in her role and is inexperienced. This is merely one red flag that indicates incompetence,” they said.
“The campaign is not run like a business,” one source said. “There is no professional environment. It feels like a Spring Break party cruise. Del has been heard on multiple occasions saying, ‘We are like rock stars, and this is like being on tour with a rock band.’”
Fox Kennedy responded to this story in a statement: “With over a hundred staff members and tens of thousands of volunteers nationwide, Team Kennedy has great folks come and go depending on the needs of each phase of the campaign. As the most successful independent campaign of the last three decades, we wish them nothing but the best. NBC’s latest poll has RFK at 34% with nine months still ahead, and we are laser focused on delivering a historic victory for our country this November.”
Fox Kennedy took charge of the campaign in October, replacing Dennis Kucinich, the former Democratic congressman who exited amid concerns over his leadership.
One veteran political strategist who reviewed Mediaite’s reporting about the Kennedy campaign said the bloated consultant fees and small field operation (according to a source there were a total of 25 field staffers in January before the 12 resigned) indicates “this is not a serious campaign,” and Kennedy is “not serious about winning.” Instead, the source said, it suggests “they’re looking to line some pockets of consultants who are most likely looking to milk every penny of this campaign. Volunteers cannot put together a national campaign field operation.”
Mediaite reviewed several resignation letters from campaign workers who quit in the latest exodus. In one Jan. 15 letter from a staffer who has worked for several other campaigns, they addressed their concerns to Kennedy directly. The letter, which described the campaign as “the worst I’ve ever been a part of,” read in part:
After deep reflection, I can no longer continue to serve alongside the leadership of your campaign. While I remain wholly committed to the values and principles you espouse, the day to day management of the campaign has failed to live up to the values of this endeavor.
You’re the best candidate I’ve ever had the privilege of serving, and it pains me to inform you that your campaign operation is – by far – the worst I’ve ever been a part of. You deserve better. Your supporters deserve better.
Things have come to a head, and prayerfully following my heart, I can no longer continue to serve in an organization so rife with such moral and professional turpitude. It brings me no pleasure to share that your campaign leadership is severely mismanaging your bid for the White House. I cannot in good conscience lend my talent, time, and efforts to an organization that is so amateurish, cavalier, and out of touch with the American voter.
Thank you so much for the hard work you’ve put into this race. I look forward to casting my ballot for you, but respectfully refuse to be part of an organization I feel is so misdirected.
Kennedy personally replied to this letter: “I’m so sorry that things have not worked out for you at the campaign. I’m worried about some of the issues that you’ve raised and I will look into them. I hope you will stay in touch with me. I know we are all working for the same vision for our country.”
In another resignation letter sent in early January, a campaign worker outlined a slew of grievances — including investing considerable campaign resources in a large-scale media project being overseen by Bigtree – and some recommendations for how the campaign can improve.
The letter read in part:
We have Del building an outsized media outfit in the campaign hiring 30 staff (WTH!?!?) sucking off precious resources needed in the field to take on this gargantuan task (nothing against Del but that kind of staff for such a poorly capitalized presidential campaign is mind-boggling to me). It bothers me every day that so many in the campaign can’t see the iceberg that is dead ahead called ballot access. Sure, you’re hiring National folks for these efforts, but what about the field where the vast vast majority of the action happens? The logistics for these operations are already complicated (and made even more onerous and costly by the “vault” process) and vary in every state and somehow you expect these things can be worked out by mostly volunteers who will probably be overwhelmed with just the signature gathering. Good luck with that.
–Staffing and funding the field ops like the existential priority they are to the campaign. The field is severely undercapitalized for ballot access while National is overcapitalized relatively speaking with some positions that seem to merely do Zoom calls all day.
–Ending the backslapping culture where everything is “amazing!” and magical for this campaign. This campaign needs REAL TALK about the challenges that are faced.
–Tear down the National vs Field wall.
–End the endless wars Zoom calls which suck up precious time that should be used for actual work and execution of plans. Zoom is a mere tool in the toolbox.I resign.
p.s. I still think Bobby is the best. I just think he deserves much better than has been currently delivered with the campaign. Hopefully y’all can do that. Best of luck.
Mediaite reported in October that Kennedy planned on leaving the Democratic race to run as an Independent. He now faces an uphill climb to achieve ballot access in all 50 states as a candidate without the backing of an established political party.
“The campaign is a mess because upper management consists of people who are serving their own needs rather than the candidate’s,” one source close to the campaign lamented. “There is no one with any political experience and it shows.”
This story has been updated with a comment from the Kennedy campaign.
Beneath the Coalition: The Connection Between Scientology and the U.S. State Department
/1 CommentThis article explores the relationship between Scientology and the U.S. State Department, shedding light on the undisclosed influence and connections the religious organization possesses within the government. Drawing from reliable sources, it examines the implications of this alliance on public policy and decision-making processes, and raises questions about the conflicts of interest.
An interesting discovery is made when a health freedom-related domain accidentally links to a specific IP address range. This discovery reveals a compelling correlation involving Del Bigtree and Lori Jean Raines, a Texas community organizer who is known for her involvement in the “Texas Million’s March.”
Raines, well-known for her collaboration with undercover Scientologist Jonathan Lockwood, played a significant role in the establishment of the “National Movement of Concerned Citizens.” A careful examination of this “protest coalition” leads to the possibility that Bigtree may be acting as a conduit between Scientology and the U.S. Department of State’s Religious Prisoners of Conscience (RPOC) Project. This connection could potentially explain why Scientologist lobbyist Greg Mitchell’s coalition is named the “Conscience Coalition.”
Importantly, further investigation is needed to delve into Bigtree’s various affiliations with the U.S. Department of State.