Del Bigtree
Lynette Barron
/1 CommentIn a GoFundMe campaign she started the week before her interview with Del Bigtree, Lynette Barron pocketed a $2000 donation from Paul Offit to cover her legal bills. The donation was just made yesterday following Barron’s glowing portrayal of Offit as someone who cares about children in her Thursday appearance on Bigtree’s show. The close timing of Barron’s GoFundMe campaign, followed by her interview with Bigtree and then Offit’s contribution raises serious questions about Barron’s motives.
She has already been caught calling a severely autistic man’s mother, who appeared with her son in the documentary Vaxxed, a “token African American.” Barron’s only response to the revelation has been that it is “false news,” even though there is a screenshot of her message to prove it.
GoFundMe itself is already in the pocket of GlaxoSmithKline. The crowd-funding site has already pledged to remove “anti-vaxxer” campaigns. Even before that, the site gave a $1000 donation to vaccine troll Craig Egan so he could follow and protest the Vaxxed tour bus.
Lynette Barron’s use of GoFundMe to receive thousands of dollars from Paul Offit should make everyone suspicious of Barron’s motivations. Allowing Offit to christen her the spokeswoman for anti-vaccinationists and vaccine skeptics would be terminally stupid.
/0 CommentsI started digging very deep on the whole VAXXED charade when I noticed many things did not make sense in early 2018. So where did the VAXXED bus really come from? At the end of 2017, Forest Maready did a recap of the whole charade. Part of the video was stating the fact that the bus was rescued from the floods of hurricane Katrina. That was a lie from the pit of hell.
The following video shows the motor vehicle records. If it was in a flood, it would have been noted on the title. This was shocking and disturbing to say the least. There were so many lies and so much deception that ran so deep. And, they were all in it together from the beginning starting with Andrew Wakefield’s grifting. And, he’s a multi-millionaire vaccine developer–or, at least he was. Everyone wanted a piece of his money pie and he financed much of this evil charade. The shysters. It was so deep and remains so that people cannot even imagine the evil behind it. Profiting off the stories of misfortune is their mode of operation. And, it paid off for dozens and dozens quite handsomely. There are consequences for what they’ve done!
This is What Controlled Opposition Looks Like
/0 CommentsSince 2018 I have been warning people about these grifter shysters and controlled opposition minions. For the most part it has fallen on deaf ears but I have noticed that as of late people have no choice but to face the reality that the whole thing was a duper’s delight. I hope you pay close attention or at least closer attention now as the grift is in its final stages. People ask me is there anyone that I can trust. Outside of me I would say unequivitably 100% no.
We Are Not Anti-Vaccine! DEL-RFK-JENNY
/0 CommentsHere is my original for those who requested it.
Share away and perhaps awaken the weak-minded, please.
THE VAXXED SYNDICATE – Through my Discoveries in 2017-2019
/2 CommentsI found this entire project to be a strategy from day one to gather vaccine injury stories, make videos highlighting the stories from vaccine-injured families, package it, sell it, exploit it, scale it and create a never-ending revenue stream of stealth income from charities, non-profits and their supporting cast of grifters, while NEVER giving a dime back to the parents and children they exploited.
This also gave the supporting cast an incredible opportunity to expand their “influencer” status and sell their newest books, videos promote their MLM’s and nonprofits all under the ruse of “spreading awareness.”
What I didn’t realize was that this whole thing was set up for some very well-placed people with dubious backgrounds to CONTROL the show and if you were an outsider who asked too many questions you would be narcissisticly gas lit and your reputation ruined by the cult in an effort to shut you up.
I had many, many long conversations with many people at the top; one of them being Sheila Ealey (ask her). I really believed that she was real, authentic and truthful. It was clear that she was not happy with the direction Del Bigtree was taking things and Bigtree himself was despised by most on the VaxXed. We sometimes would talk for hours sharing secrets and I supported her in her health journey with certain things she needed. I also sent her money in her support. I thought she was my best friend. She even told me that I was appointed to “take Del Down” and I could not walk away. Through our lengthy conversations, she told me that few if any liked him.
It was at this point I began to go deep in my research and found even more disturbing information.
In early-mid 2018 I began to have long conversations with Joshua Coleman. Which I documented and tape recorded as it all seemed over the top. (one party recorded conversations are legal in Arizona). You never know exactly what to believe with Josh and none of these people can be trusted. That is another chapter of the charade.
I fully believe now, in addition to the making of millions, that the whole thing was a setup to make anti-vaxxers look crazy. Just look at the people that make up that anti-vaccine / health freedom Dell Bigtree Movement. Crazy people with an agenda to party have drinks and dinners and fly to events and LOTS more. One crazy was Lynette Marie Barron and ex-porn star Tia Severino who performed under the stage name “TENDRA DEMIAN” and who later faced criminal charges of prostitution and other innuendos. (You can find/view her films on Netflix)
I hope my HONEST and FACTUAL account of the events that took place from 2016 to now gives you an idea of just how deep this went and how far they would go.
I have ALWAYS been honest and transparent on my accounts and experiences with this situation and these players.
Joshua Coleman was another one that fed me information along with Sheila Ealey. What’s interesting is either they did it deliberately. At this point, my gut tells me it was deliberate.
They drew me in to extract information to make sure I wasn’t going to be a HUGE liability since I could no longer be an asset. Without getting into details I can attest that the information I was given was either true or a flat lie. I believe it was the truth. I fully believe now the whole thing was a setup to make anti-vaxxers look crazy… including me.
Just look at the people that make up that “safer vaccine movement” disguised as an anti-vaccine movement. Crazy people with an agenda to party, to sell, to rent, fly around and live the life. The whole thing was a setup to draw in even more parents with vaccine-injured kids so they would get a better draw in their monetary endeavors of nonprofits and charities.
Informed Consent Action Network
/0 CommentsMy evaluation of the Wikipedia article on the INFORMED CONSENT ACTION NETWORK.
Click HERE to view the following video full-screen.
Justice Department Addresses Violent Threats Against School Officials & Teachers
/0 CommentsCiting an increase in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers and workers in our nation’s public schools, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland directed the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to meet in the next 30 days with federal, state, Tribal, territorial and local law enforcement leaders to discuss strategies for addressing this disturbing trend. These sessions will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment and response by law enforcement.
Link to DOJ Press Release:
From a recent Facebook Thread:
Greg Wyatt WAS RIGHT!
Dell Bigtrees main goal from day one was to create an uprising, a revolution and to make millions for himself and his supporting cast to numerous to list.I tried telling people this for several years and was only met with disbelief and castigation. I knew That Bigtree was a plant from day one along with the whole backdrop of the movie exploitation movie VaXxed and the players in his supporting cast. Just look where we are now! Bigtree has million-dollar homes complete with a million-dollar studio out in the middle of Central Texas with his co-conspirators and has jettison the anti-vaccine movement as he celebrates his ill gained Fame and Fortune. Remember when he said “If Merck was to give me 5 million dollars why wouldn’t I take it cuz I could use them to fight him.”
Gabriel Kahn: “Get ready for the backlash! You fools didn’t actually believe nobody would want vengeance for vax murdered family and friends?”
Greg Wyatt: “Mission Accomplished – Creating an armed revolution, militarizing and criminalizing Anti-VaXxers on a global level while ensuring Vaccine Mandates become law.!”
Greg Wyatt: Bigtree never even tried to conceal the truth of his love for safer vaccines. And here we are with mandatory vaccines today!
Greg Wyatt: Hegelian Dialectics for Dummies /
Greg Wyatt: Long-term goals are evident. Del Bigtree is a Native American with deep resentments towards the US Government like most Native Americans.
Cindy Voelcker: Yep yesterday I deleted a doctor who I was friends with on Facebook who’s down in Mexico and was having an interview with this guy that you’re talking about brainwashing the people of Mexico and I un friended him I got really upset….
Kristel Stevenhagen: I dont think their intentions are about helping and defending and warning EVERYONE..
Pandemic Profiteers: The Business of Anti-Vaxx
/0 CommentsDel Bigtree earns $232,000 a year as Executive Director of the Informed Consent Action Network. Here’s a PDF document with a lot of interesting information…
BumFights Poll
/0 CommentsOne of the most disgusting video shows ever produced: BumFights
Del Bigtree’s New House
/9 CommentsDel Bigtree’s pharma sponsorships have paid off handsomely while his net worth has gone from ZERO while living at his inlaws house to multi-million dollar mansion near fellow grifter and deceiver Polly Tomey of the defacto Autism Trust and MLM friend and kingpin shyster Chris Kirchoff. They all just live a short drive from each other. Connections!