CORONAVIRUS is an anagram of CARNIVOROUS. (Carnivore eating meat)

There was no real COVID virus but only used to scare people to take the spike protein MRNA vaccines. Graphene, luciferase and MRNA spike proteins are used to create DNA modified trans humans. (They love trans, satan/lucifer is Trans)
The dark agenda was to activate 5G and CERN to send dark low frequencies subliminal messages to these vax people worldwide. Graphene is the highly conductible material to make people become like antennas to receive these type of communications.
Luciferase and spike proteins make them highly carnivorous in need of blood.
Injuries from vax are blood clots and trouble walking, etc. (Like walking dead zombies).
The zombie apocalypse was the end plan since always and pushed into our narrative and entertainment industries for normalizing it. This is predictive programming about zombies and apocalypse.
The dark agenda was to vax as much people as possible to create zombies/drones and activating them with 5G so they go and hunt/infect other people. (Just like in the movies and tv series like walking dead).
5G Zombie Apocalypse was meant to be activated on this Halloween 31 Oct. (most Satanic Ritual day of the year) to trigger their “Dark Winter”.
The end of the world wasn’t to be beautiful for them. They are sick Satanic Luciferian people leaded by Draco Reptilians. Their end plan was the Zombie Apocalypse since the beginning. This time it wasn’t a movie, they did it in real life worldwide.
Just ask yourself where this MEGA Zombies/Apocalypse trend comes from and why it was that much pushed into our lives.
Hopefully the good guys knew all of this since a while so they could encounter the moves and take over these elites and evil corporations. It is all hidden for now until the shutdown. But soon you will all be able to see the mass arrests and you’ll be able to see who really wins this war.
There’s a lot of corporation/political leaders who steps down, divorces and lots of “COVID positive” which indicate they got arrested or even executed. A lot mainstream got replaced by actors/CGI until the shutdown.
5G won’t be used to broadcast evil low frequencies. We’ll transfer directly to 6G Free energy and they’ll use the “5G Antennas” to broadcast high healing frequencies 432hz so that people worldwide feal better and heal. Will also be used for the Free “Tesla” energy worldwide which will replace bad for health EMF/Electricity/WIFI/Phone/etc. Everything will pass through the free energy.
Zombie Apocalypse no more!
Evil Satanist vampires no more!
At the end God win!
Trust the plan.
Do not fear.
This is a world transition to greatness.