From the Capitol to the City Council: How Extremism in the U.S. Shifted after Jan. 6
/0 CommentsDenise Aguilar was in Washington on Jan. 6, appearing as a featured speaker at the “Health Freedom” stage — one of the many events held hours before a wide range of far-right groups and Trump supporters would storm the Capitol. Shortly after the riot, Aguilar claimed in a since-deleted Instagram video that “we stormed the […]
Monetizing Misery – Andrew Wakefield
/0 CommentsMy quick look at the man known as Andrew Wakefield. Recorded on 12/30, 2021. Here is what Google Patent Search has on this retracted patent:
Strengthening the Vaccine Program
/1 CommentIn their 2017 letter to HHS, your heroes Del Bigtree and RFK Jr. said that they want to “strengthen the vaccine program.” Those are THEIR words, not mine. “HHS can do better. With hundreds of faccines in the pipeline it must do better.” Ahh yes, exactly what we need. More/Better Government. Where does Del and […]
Wakefield and his Patent
/6 CommentsThe only reason Wakefield wanted to break up the MMR vaccine into 3 vaccines is because he had a patent for a new one. He’s a pro-vax demon like the rest of them. Andrew Wakefield filed for a patent for a “new” and “safer” vaccine that could be used in place of the current, existing […]
Arlene Howard – Pro-Vaccine PR Queen
/0 CommentsWhy would Del Bigtree, who is described by WikiPedia as “one of the most prominent voices in the anti-vaccination movement..” hire a Pro-Vaccine Advocate who has positive relationships and business dealings with all the major media, who are also all PRO-VACCINE and receive advertisement dollars from Big Pharma – to run PR for him?
The True Story Between Lynette Marie Barron & Paul Ofitt will sicken and disgust…
/1 CommentThe story of my relationship in the early days with Lynette Marie Barron went deep. I couldn’t figure out why so many people were seeking me out asking me questions after the CDC rally in Atlanta in 2016 and wanting to be a part of my mojo. I could write a book on this person […]