Life of a Vaccine Injured Adult
/0 CommentsThis is my 23-year-old beautiful daughter Emily. She is on the level of a 9 to 10 year old because of toxic chemical injections she received at her two, four, and six month well-baby visits. Make no mistake, vaccines are eugenical population control measures designed to injure and kill and create a never-ending stream of […]
Pole: Nearly half of Dems say Fines, Prison Time Appropriate for Questioning Vaccines
/0 CommentsWHUT!?? For simply QUESTIONING them? The indoctrination camps have been churning out some winners! The entire premise of SCIENCE is BASED on a method that QUESTIONS… beginning to end. Report by Zachary Rogers | January, 17, 2022 | The National Desk “WASHINGTON (TND) — A majority of Democrats support punitive and restrictive policies against […]
The Del Bigtree Syndicate
/0 CommentsThe Del Bigtree Syndicate with many pharmaceutical ties and investments infiltrated every activst group made up of parents of quaxzine injured and dead infants adolescents and teens in 2016-2019… INCLUDING MYSELF. They toured the country in a black bus and etched/recorded the names of the victims promising them the world and delivering nothing while pocketing […]
Educating the Uneducated about Vaccines
/0 CommentsPregnant mom came into my office not knowing about vaccines and the damages the cause. Now she does and will not. This was recorded back on November 15, 2019. Hope she didn’t get her arm twisted by the medical system…
Public Service Announcement from a Dad (Video)
/0 CommentsThis is my life. Don’t follow in my foot steps! My 3 year old son in the body of a 24 year old. Don’t let them do this to your child!
No Cancer in the Unvaccinated
/0 CommentsWhat a doctor said in 1936: “I HAVE NEVER SEEN AN UNVACCINATED PERSON WITH CANCER.” Other doctors said the same thing, that vaccines attack the Immune System five years, ten or forty years later. Note: This was an old video… processed through AI to improve quality without changing content. Source: