General Traits of Controlled Opposition
/1 CommentInformation overload: Generate as much discussion as possible, consuming time and energy. “Limited hangout”: Avoid revealing other truths. Reinforce existing lies, eg “most vaccines are okay”, “viruses cause disease”. Speak truth, but throw in misinfo/misdirection (“99 truths, to sell 1 lie”). Make people feel “something is being done”, to pacify them. Promote alternative medicines/therapies, that […]
/0 CommentsThe VAXXED production was a carefully planned and controlled psychological operation, designed to co-opt and hijack the true grassroots anti-vaccine movement and control the opposition voice.
Pornhub Exposed
/1 CommentPornography sites are the number one revenue generator on the internet. Sex and child trafficking runs rampant. Just think your teenager is just a click away from sexual perversion. Source:
Del Bigtree and his Construct Investigated
/0 CommentsI don’t do this for fun!
Jenn Sherry Parry – Just Another Name in the Story…
/0 CommentsJenn Sherry Parry is Del Bigtree’s right hand person. She is known for the movie “Vaxxed” as cinematographer. Del worked with her on “The Doctors”, which was a pro-vaccine television show. This is the video I made from some past research. Very interesting to see the names that come up.