The CDC creates disease then finds a cure
The CDC creates disease then finds a cure…
My Handlers…
In 2017, my handlers were numerous and read like a whos who of the VaxXed movie. I was a threat to thier lies, deception and profitability. Just a few were. The Del Bigtree team. Josh Coleman, Tia Severino, Lynette Marie Barron and dozens and dozens of other disinfo agents that sold their soul to the […]
Nov. 14, 2020: March to DC Capitol, Marsha Lessard founder of Virginia Freedom Keepers was introduced as part of Alex Jones crew by Charlene, a speaker at the DC Capitol on Jan. 6th. Both are marching inside an Oathkeepers’ protective security bubble alongside Patriots & Alex Jones Marsha tells a patriot that she got that […]
Brandy Vaughan Coroner Report
READ THE REPORT AND STOP REGURGINTATING THE DISINFORMATION PUT OUT BY THE GRIFTERS AND CHARLATANS? Well, this completely destroys the gall bladder narrative and why are her friends exploiting and monetizing her death? I guess I know why? That’s what they do! 496770295-Brandy-Vaughan-Coroner-Report 496770295-Brandy-Vaughan-Coroner-Report
Poll from the Past
“I conducted this poll almost three years ago. Ignorance is bliss! “They” all sabotage any real potential progress behind the scenes into a cluster**** of stealth control which results in ignorance and confusion within the minion followers while the grifters raise millions and millions for their charities and nonprofits.