Unraveling the Brandy Vaughn Story
So, how deep do I go? How much time do you have? I’m almost speechless when I look back over the last five years. At what has gone on? So, I just want to let everyone know that I’ve had this habit for a long time—recording phone conversations. I originally started doing it so I’d have documentation of what was talked about, especially in the business world back in the ’90s before the Internet was around. I’d record everything. All of what I am speaking about from here on out is factual information with God as my witness.
You have to remember, at one time I was at the head, the forefront of Vaxxed. I promoted them nonstop for two years—almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And then I started discovering things that just didn’t make sense. It started out with Brandy Vaughan. Thank you, Brandy. We’re going to dig right in here and talk about that situation. But there’s no one off limits. I can start with Brandy Vaughan, and then I can go all the way up—anybody that you associate with this charade—any of the shysters that put this together. You can put one and one together and figure it out for yourself. However, most people don’t have the cognitive ability to focus for over 10 seconds on one thing.
Oh, I’m going to start it out today. I’m going to start out talking about Brandy Vaughan and the situation that unfolded. Simple, honest, to the point. Now I want to have you keep in mind that these are all public figures and all of my recordings and what I say—90% of it’s been recorded. So if somebody wants to challenge me, so be it. These are facts and these are public figures.
Because I remember every time I talk about Brandy Vaughan—I’m going to sue you. You better take that down. You’re liable lying me and all this other crap, Brandy. Well, people are going to find out some really interesting back stories about this situation. So this is the Merck whistleblower, Brandy Vaughan. Now anybody that knows anything about being a whistleblower, you don’t wait 5-6 years after the fact when you see something, you say something—unless it’s very convenient for you to just become a whistleblower.
Who is Brandy Vaughan? What was my relationship with her? I had some interesting conversations with her, and we’re going to get into that. But first, I want to read this. It was a setup from day one that started almost six years ago—Wakefield, Polly, Dell, and the entire clan. People are blind. Brandy was hired to play a part. She had a small Facebook group right after the BS277 started, but amazingly she was invited to speak at the rally at the Dems Convention in Anaheim. Now I want you to remember that this was before Vaxxed. Brandy Vaughan knew that she was in the movie. The movie had been recorded, and she started her charade a little bit early, and we’re going to talk about that.
She claimed to have worked for Merck and claimed to be a whistleblower. Maybe she did work for Merck, but you know she didn’t blow the whistle on Merck. Give me a break. There is no evidence that she ever spoke out against Merck before this rally, which was used as footage in the Vax movie. Are you starting to see it? You got to look at the timelines here. She started her so-called council for vaccine safety.
That’s one thing about the shysters. They all want vaccine safety because we can’t be anti-vaccine because it turns people off. There is no evidence she ever spoke out against Merck before this rally, and it was used in the footage of the Vax movie. I recognize the footage because I—and this is another person—attended the rally, and the camera panned the crowd and I got a decent face shot of my husband. Brandy then became a celebrity and leader of many SoCal groups. With hindsight being 2020, I could see how she was placed. Everyone was placed in that movie.
I just want you to keep in mind that I’ve got probably 20 hours of this that I can do. I have extensive notes, and it’s just very time-consuming, but I think now is the time, especially with what’s happening now. It was meant to happen. And let me ask you this, how did this work out—having Merck whistleblower Brandy Vaughan, one of the premier shysters? And look what’s gone on in California. It was meant to happen, man. Oh yeah. We might as well just start out now. learntherisk.org. Do you guys remember that fateful day? Let’s just get into that, that fateful day.
I believe it was like May when Brandy Vaughn’s out there exposing her lover, ex-lover, another shyster, Larry Cook. But then she decides out of nowhere to throw my name into it. And you could say whatever you want about me, it doesn’t bother me at all. I’m not going to sue you. I could really give a shit less. You can have your opinion. Let’s just dig right in.
Okay, well I posted this some time ago, but this was spring of 2018. This is what I was talking about—the Day Part 1, the notorious Brandy Vaughan incident. This photo was taken back in the spring of 2018, about a month before Brandy decided to throw me under the Vaxxed bus. This was at one of Brandy’s events, and she was not happy about her followers wearing Greg Wyatt’s “Our Vaccine Safe” shirts and handing out my cards, V cards. It was a huge trigger that initially sent her off in attack mode. And when I actually saw this photo from California, it sent like red flags off—oh my God, Brandy’s going to come after me. Oh my God, Brandy, Brandy, Brandy. She’s nuts.
Her really big beef at the time—that she creates at will, drama queen?—is that I copied her cards. Now, this was way back in 2015. Brandy had just started the Council for Vaccine Safety several months before the movie even came out. So it gave her a nice little springboard. People thought, “Oh, Brandy, you’re so smart.” I don’t think she did much of anything here myself. I think probably Big Tree did. He helps a lot of his followers. He rewards a lot of his followers.
But I wanted to let you judge how her cards supposedly look like mine. This is Brandy’s card and logo, and she was really upset because she’s bitching to everyone who would listen that I stole her logo, stole her cards, font, etcetera, and copied them. Brandy, please. These are my cards since day one. Do you see any similarities at all? Oh my God.
Anyway, that was her big, big beef for a long time. Now I’m going to get into the meat of the story. This was posted by Larry Cook and gave some really great back information on the relationship between Brandy Vaughn and the timeline under which it took place. Brandy comes out and she slanders her ex-gay ex-lover Larry Cook, who actually had a big part in her, and she actually had a big part in him. So I’m going to start this out back at the end of 2015. Sorry, it took me 10 minutes to do the background information on this, but I felt that it was important.
So at the end of 2015, I was looking at putting together my own program and not having a nonprofit. I mean, I got two vaccine-injured kids, severely vaccine-injured kids. And for those who don’t know, Brandy Vaughn is a trust fund baby—it’s the Hassler Trust. She lived on that for many, many years and went to 40 different countries. I’d pull that you but I have a screenshot of it. So on one of her old posts from a website that she probably doesn’t even remember, her goal was to go to every country in the world.
So anyway, let me get caught up here. It’s late 2015, and I’m putting together a yet-unnamed program to help people decide, educate them, and teach other people how to duplicate the system like an MLM and change the world. So I came up with “Our Vaccine Safe.” In early 2016, about four months before Brandy and VAX came out—but I got to tell you, this is January 1st, absolutely a true story. Do you remember that? She had all these great things—great website, cards, everything. And I said to myself, “Why should I recreate the whole thing when someone’s already done it?” It saved me time and money, and I’ll just promote Brandy and Learn the Risk.
So you know what I did that day? I bought $500 worth of her stuff—cards of every size and shape that were available. And I felt really good that there was somebody out there who was a step ahead of me. So I ordered them, they came, I started putting my pitch together, and then I asked, I said, “Can I buy these in bulk?” Now, as for Vaccine Safe? Let me get a different screen here. I don’t want to look at these shysters any longer. So I asked Brandy, “Brandy, can I buy your cards at wholesale?” Because they’re kind of pricey—I mean, you know, they’re about $0.10 each, but if you’re giving out thousands of them every month, it gets to be quite expensive. Plus, I wanted to put Brandy’s cards in everybody’s pocket, even if I had to buy them myself and send them to the people for free. That’s what I’m known for—helping other people out, even over myself.
She said no, that wasn’t an option. I go, “Okay.” At the time, that was done through an email, not face to face, and I had never talked to the woman before. But I kind of thought, “Jesus, if she wants to get the word out there, why does she need to get big money for these cards?” When you know, like with Our Vaccine Safe stuff, you can—the files are free. And if you don’t have money, if you don’t have 20 bucks, I’ll send you the cards for free.
So that kind of made me think, hmm, sounds like a little bit more money motivated than I had anticipated. I thought it was kind of a humanitarian effort to go out and save the world, but I was wrong. So I really wanted to get involved with Learn the Risk. If you go back over my old videos, I talk about Vaxxed and Learn the Risk, and I’m the biggest promoter that they have. And I’m sorry about that, because I misled many, many people by these shysters. I got shyster eyes.
And believe me, going through this, it almost makes my head spin because I can’t even believe that I had to go through this crap. So I tried catching up with Brandy in February, March, April because I really wanted to buy the cards in bulk. And I called and talked to her assistant—a really nice gal, I think her heart was with it. I don’t know. I’m beginning to think nobody’s hearts with it. But I can’t even remember her name. But we had a nice conversation, and I told her a little bit about what my vision was, and that I wanted to talk to Brandy to get a local chapter here in Arizona.
One of the things that I’ve been in my life is a master salesman and marketer. I’ve started out multi-million dollar companies within 90 days. And no, it’s not like now when everybody can become a Facebook entrepreneur. This was back in the days when there was no Internet, and I was damn good. I wanted to have her—I wanted to help her raise money. And I want you to remember those words because that’s going to come up with polytomy. These same words to her—I want to help the Autism Trust. I want to help you raise money.
Let’s go back to Brandy now. I said, “Brandy, I want to become a part of this. I’d like to put your billboards up in Arizona. I’d like to do this. I’d like to do that.” Again, I had never talked to her. That was my intent—talking to her assistant—that I wanted to be a part of this, but I needed to contact Brandy. She didn’t want to contact me. I mean, she was real busy, you know, going all over the United States, doing her, you know, crap that’s very questionable.
Remember Autism One 2016? Guess what? That’s when Vaxxed got rolled out. That’s when the shtick started. Autism One—that’s where all the shysters gathered for the very first time, all under one roof in Chicago, wonderful Chicago, Illinois. I kept wanting to talk to Brandy. I said, “I want to talk to Brandy Vaughn. I want to.” I mean, I’ve never actually said anything bad about somebody except maybe what’s truthful. Now I’m going to back up what I say with the truth. Now you’ve got to be sitting down for this. This is at 1630. No, jeez, you know what? I’m just going to end this one and start another one because you’ve got to hear what happened the first time I talked to Brandy Vaughn. And it blew my mind.
Brandy Vaughn died under suspicious circumstances.