Welcome to Eugenics Child. The true story of Greg Wyatt whos life was created and shaped by a dark world of sinister beginnings and secret operations.
How they (global Illuminati system) ruined and destroyed my family and millions of other families using covert congressional and supreme court rulings creating a fear and trauma-based society that is controlled through pocket computers. AKA 666 chip based society. I wish I was making this crap up then I wouldn’t have to live it every moment of my life!
1927 Buck VS Bell – Enabled the government to detain, incarcerate and sterilize hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans without due process including my father Herbert Wyatt. The kindest gentlest man who I have ever known.
1973 Rowe VS Wade – Contributed to the abortion of two of my children in 1983 and 1984 who would now be 34 and 33.
1986 Childhood Vaccine Protection Act – Enabled vaccine manufacturers to lie cheat and steal under the color of law enabling the deaths and destruction of our society in ways unimaginable.