The True Story Between Lynette Marie Barron & Paul Ofitt will sicken and disgust…
The story of my relationship in the early days with Lynette Marie Barron went deep.
I couldn’t figure out why so many people were seeking me out asking me questions after the CDC rally in Atlanta in 2016 and wanting to be a part of my mojo.
I could write a book on this person but outside of laying out the psyop, she’s not worth the time.
I always have given people the benefit of the doubt and that has been my downfall. I felt sorry for her toothless smile and tattooed face and sad sad story. I should have seen this all coming. It now fits like a 500 piece puzzle and makes me physically sick at what pharma did to infiltrate a movement that was made up originally of parents with injured children like us.
These people that monetized misery are the lowest of the low and this creature is one of them. That’s the way they work… claiming their love for Jesus while they stab everyone in the back and lie and cheat and steal.
Lynette, I hope you someday can overcome this mental deficiency and the narcissistic gaslighting personality you inherited from a terrible childhood. You are clearly mental and a liar of monstrous proportions hanging out with murders with no remorse.
Reminds me of a circus. It’s dizzying, and nauseating and leaves me with a headache..