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De Facto Government Scam (Book) – 378 Pages of Information!
/0 CommentsThe Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry has put out a huge 378 page PDF book they call, De Facto Government Scam. It contains lots of interesting information about what makes our government tick. They have obviously spent a LOT of time producing this book. Their introduction states:
Many Americans instinctively sense that there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with the federal and state governments that we have here in America but can’t quite explain or put their finger on it. We share their sentiments and have spent ten long years discovering not only how to explain and “put our finger on it”, but in generating evidence useful in court for exposing and criminally prosecuting it. This document will explain EXACTLY what went wrong, who implemented it, how it was implemented, and point at remedies to undo the crimes, injuries, and frauds that constitute it.
Click the image below to read it yourself…
Actor Influencers: Paid to Push a Narrative
/0 CommentsThe documentary (VAXXED) was already done when Del was brought in. Del, added the doctors, Ross and Sears, Brandy Vaughn and decided to narrate it.
He met Andy at a fundraiser where the documentary that Andy and Polly put together was being screened.
FACT – Andy and Polly had already done an unnamed documentary that Andy was traveling with to raise $$$ for Dr. Thompson’s legal fees.
Del came on after Andy had been traveling around with the documentary that he and Polly put together through the Autism Media Channel with Brian Hooker for over a year. He was at a fundraiser for it when he saw it, met Andy and signed on.
I suspect The Doctors were on the verge of terminating his contract and he needed employment. *Facts from a recording made with a VaxXed insider who knew the truth.
It was all carefully setup for the benefit of those involved and had nothing to do with curtailing the use of vaccines.
Kevin Gene Tuttle is Back!
/0 CommentsKevin Gene Tuttle popped his head back up. Our subscribers should look at our very first posts. We knew this day would come. Welcome back, Captain Toodles.
The Case Against Vaccination, by Walter Hadwen (from 1896)
/0 CommentsThe value/safety of vaccination and the right to say NO didn’t just come to life recently, but was an issue back in the late 1800s as well. Read or listen to this short book from 1896, which appears to be a spoken presentation to an audience by a vaccine challenger.
Link to PDF: The_Case_Against_Vaccination
Audio book link:
Audio PlayerMassive Projected Population Drop by 2025!
/0, a military information site, put out a forecast showing a drastic reduction in the population of the world by 2025. The US was particularly hard hit with over two-thirds of the population gone. Interestingly, the site no longer shows population forecasts as of this post. However, if you go and look at copies of the site at (and others who have discussed this), you can still see the predictions. doesn’t always work perfectly, but you can find things if you work at it a bit…
Did they have advanced notice?
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Download File: Video Link:
Click on the above image to watch a video where I share some important thoughts that drive me… especially 666, Mark of the Beast.
Greg Wyatt