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Man Gets Vax – Soon Realizes It Was A Big Mistake!
/1 CommentThe number of people taking the shot and regretting it is growing. Examples all around if you just look a little bit…
Vaccine Pressure by Doctor
/0 CommentsHere is a classic example of a doctor threatening to no longer treat a patient if he doesn’t take the vaccine. It is the first question out of the mouth of the doctor when he sees this guy. Is this doctor even worth going to if he doesn’t see the serious side-effects?
Child Abuse & Torture:
Forcing Test Swabs Into the Faces of Young Children
/0 CommentsForcing COVID swabs into the noses of struggling children. Is this really the only option? Are the masses so blind that they don’t realize what this represents and how it mentally harms these children?
Forcing Test Swabs Into the Faces of Young Children
Whatever You Do, DO NOT Cough in an Elevator!
/0 CommentsAustralian Nightmare: Police Launch COVID Manhunt For Citizen Who Coughed In Elevator.
Man who did not submit to quarantine order subject of massive police manhunt, given terrorist label of “Public Health Enemy No. 1”
Today, we have to think before we cough, for fear that others around us will think we have COVID and turn us in…
Read full article here.
Millionaire Offers $1.2M Reward to Anyone Providing an Isolated Sample of the COVID-19 Virus
/0 CommentsWhatever COVID actually is, if it exists, has been around long enough that someone should have a clear idea of what it is. Apparently not…
Many investigations and reports have been generated around the world concerning the disastrous COVID-19 or CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus; however, for some people and institutions, it has not been satisfactorily proven that it is the one that generates the deaths attributed to it.
After several initiatives that offered rewards to whoever managed to isolate the virus from someone supposedly contaminated with it, the group led by evangelist pastor and journalist Samuel Eckert breaks the record by offering the equivalent of $1.2 million on its website.
“1 million Euro for scientific proof of the existence of a coronavirus, including documented control attempts of all steps taken in the proof,” the page announces…
Read the full article here.
Click on the above image to watch a video where I share some important thoughts that drive me… especially 666, Mark of the Beast.
Greg Wyatt