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Weird Stuff in the Covid Vax
/0 CommentsDr. Carrie Madej joined Stew Peters today and appeared obviously shook by what she had seen after examining Moderna and J&J “vaccine” vials.
Are You Electrically Hypersensitive?
/0 CommentsMindBody Medical Center – Scottsdale
/0 CommentsI’ve been seeing my naturopathic medical doctor for over 15 years. Believe me I should be dead by now. It’s only by the grace of God and his protocols am I still upright and walking. It’s been a long journey. God is my co-pilot! By the way my doctor’s name is Dr Ronald Peters at mind body medicine in Scottsdale Arizona. The Best of the Best!
The Video Adam Ringham Doesn’t Want You to See
/0 CommentsDear Greg,
I have a vid for you. You’ll laugh. It’s the infamous video you’ve heard about I bet. The teleportation livestream from his group. From back in July. Reverand Adam has erased it already and torched his group posts like this and the livestream vids. So you know it’s important.
How to Make Them Go Crazy!
/0 CommentsIf you haven’t been jabbed yet, it is clear… you don’t want it. They know that. They just don’t care.
If you’ve made it this far and you are thinking of giving up, remember this…
They are squeezing you because they know you’re weak. They know if they squeeze, you’ll cave.
When you don’t hand yourself over, they freak out and squeeze harder.
The longer you hold out, the crazier they get.
The crazier they get, the crazier they look.
The crazier they look, the more people notice.
The more people notice, the more people wake up.
The more people wake up, the more fearful they become.
The more fearful they become, the crazier they get…
The crazier they get, the more people wake up…
And on and on until they essentially destroy themselves.
Be brave, be strong and DO NOT COMPLY. It’s literally the only thing we can do. Don’t give that away so easily. Make them have to fight you for it.
Source: Author Unknown
Can’t See the Forest for the Trees
/0 CommentsPastor JD talks about the well-known idiom of “not seeing the forest for the trees” from a prophetic perspective related to everything that’s happening in the world today.
Click on the above image to watch a video where I share some important thoughts that drive me… especially 666, Mark of the Beast.
Greg Wyatt