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Message from Nathaniel ROTHSCHILD to British Government
/3 CommentsNathaniel Rothchild (heir to the Rothschild family) is encouraging “information warfare,” as if we don’t have enough of that already.
Ukraine and the Many Bio-Labs
/0 CommentsInteresting to see how many Bio-Labs are/were located in Ukraine. Makes you wonder what was going on over there…
Erin Marie’s “Public Record”
/3 CommentsThis post didn’t age well.
Erin created and abandoned multiple non-profit organizations the year prior indicating she was not serious about the mission.
A more likely scenario is the non-profits provided financial cover for her travel around the United States.
She went on to become the “Undercover Nurse” after her credibility came under heavy fire.
Are book deals one way to disguise payments?
Book deals can be lucrative.
Consider Erin “Mole” Malone’s book is published the same day Anna Luna wins her Florida Primary Election on August 18th, 2020 — think “Pen Pal” [scroll up].
What a coincidence!
Consider a federal background check on Erin “Mole” Malone, for a book of all things, priority for the FBI during the pandemic.
That’s laughable.
UK’s Govt Office for Science Admits no proof of isolated ‘COVID-19 virus’
/0 CommentsUK’s Government Office for Science has no record of a “COVID-19 virus” isolated from an unadulterated sample, anywhere on Earth, by anyone, ever.
Read the whole article:
Germ theory, Covid 19 and the contagion myth thoroughly debunked and destroyed. Game over. Period. If you believe in viruses, mutated strains, herd immunity, 99.7% survival rate and any other such nonsense, you won’t after you see this.
Jeff Green:
Credits: Spacebusters –
How Does One Detect Deception?
/1 CommentWill the People’s Convoy destined for Washington D.C. enjoy the protection and intelligence of the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA)? J6? Ukraine? LARP.
* Does this circumstance fit the pattern of past deceptions? Think of the same people and organizations.
How does one detect deception? Ask questions.
- What means are available to the potential deceiver to feed information to us?
- Would the potential deceiver need to sacrifice sensitive information to establish the credibility of the deception channel?
- Does the source have direct access or only indirect access to the information?
- How accurate is the source’s reporting? Has the whole chain of evidence been checked?
- Do other sources of information provide corroborating evidence?
- Does the potential deceiver have a feedback mechanism to monitor the impact of the deception operation?
What is a deception channel? Example.
- The Global Intelligence Agency
- United News Channel
- The Guardian of Camelot
- Lawful America
- The Speak Project
Pfizer Releases its List of Vaccine Side Effects!
/0 CommentsPfizer vaccine data. Pfizer wanted you to wait till 2085 to know that the vaccine you took has 9 PAGES of side effects. Start with page 30. I’ve never seen anything like it. I can’t even get my head around this.
5.3.6-postmarketing-experienceView PDF in another tab:
Click on the above image to watch a video where I share some important thoughts that drive me… especially 666, Mark of the Beast.
Greg Wyatt