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My Vaccine Records
/2 CommentsI was born in June 1955. These are the shots they were pushing back then. At the age of three I developed severe allergies. I was tested for tree and grass pollens. I was allergic to over half of them. I then began a regimen of weekly allergy shots that lasted for over 3 years from 1958 to 1961.
EMF Units Explained: V/m, milliGauss, µW/m² Etc.
/0 CommentsCheck out this website for an explanation of the various units of power as they relate to EMF.
Welcome to the world of weird names and confusing units. The physics behind EMF radiation can easily get to your head when you are new to this stuff. But stick with me for a few minutes here and everything should start clearing up!
In this article, I will explain to you exactly how we measure EMF radiation.
We will do this from a beginners level in plain English!
Read the whole story here:
My Experience with EMF Dangers
/2 CommentsHere’s a quick demonstration of my EMF meter. It is amazing how much radio frequency radiation these phones put out. I said it wrong in the video, but the meter maxes out at 2.5 watts per square meter, shows as 2.500,000 micro w/m2.
What’s SO Special About Ukraine?
/0 CommentsVirtually ALL USA BIG PHARMA CORPS offices…. Kiev. Coincidence of course :) #chrisskyarmy please take note the significance is not that they are in the country. But all in the same city/region!
Greg Video – Questionable Future for Autistic Kids
/1 Comment
The biggest fear of parents with autist kids is what will happen when their kids grow up? The AUTISM TRUST was to solve that, but we all know what happened… or didn’t happen…
20-year-old Model & Rock Climber from Florida had Both Legs Amputated Following “COVID-19 Complications.”
/1 CommentApparently she was fully “vaccinated” but catching COVID is what caused her myocarditis, rhabdomyolysis, and cyanosis. She was also born with a heart defect.
I doubt there will be any investigation into whether or not the so-called “vaccines” were responsible for or exacerbated her ailments.
I also wonder if “COVID-19 complications” is codeword for “medical malpractice,” which is the third leading cause of death in America.
They’ll never tell us the truth.
Click on the above image to watch a video where I share some important thoughts that drive me… especially 666, Mark of the Beast.
Greg Wyatt