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Autism Trust USA Exposed – Jonathan and Polly Tommey
/1 CommentJonathan and Polly Tommey – Autism Trust
Canary in a Coal Mine
/0 CommentsWakesheep
Sherpa Technology Group (STG), formerly known as 3LP Advisors, is a leading Silicon Valley IP advisory firm that assists clients at the intersection of business, technology and intellectual property. Established in 2008 by a small group of IP strategy veterans, STG has been providing intellectual property and technology strategy support, including partnership analysis, IP portfolio development, licensing and monetization strategy support to a number of high profile Silicon Valley firms.
“We are very pleased to guide BioSig through their IP strategy at this important time in the Company’s development, and we look forward to exploring the opportunities for wider applications of BioSig’s technology, ” commented Kevin Rivette, Managing Partner of Sherpa Technology Group, former Vice President at IBM Corporation, and former Senior Advisor to The Boston Consulting Group.
This listing includes patent applications by Inventor Kevin G. Rivette that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Think critically.
BioSig Technologies, a medical technology company commercializing a proprietary biomedical signal processing platform, recently announced that its majority-owned subsidiary NeuroClear Technologies, acquired the rights to develop a novel pharmaceutical to treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Nov. 02, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)– “BioSig Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: BSGM), a medical device company developing a proprietary platform designed to address an unmet technology need for the $4.6 billion electrophysiology (EP) marketplace, today announced that the Company has hired Sherpa Technology Group as its Intellectual Property Advisor.”
BioSig to Host Telebriefing on Development Updates Regarding Vicromax(tm), a Novel Broad-Spectrum Anti-Viral Candidate That May Treat COVID-19
The company intends to develop Vicromax and take it through clinical trials under a new NeuroClear subsidiary, ViralClear Pharmaceuticals. The company appointed Nick Spring as chief executive officer of ViralClear and Steve King as chief operating officer.
Mr. Spring is a seasoned global executive and entrepreneur with experience spanning both human and animal health. During his extensive career at Merck & Co., he led the worldwide franchise for live viral human vaccines as well as the strategic team that crafted the U.S. launch plan for the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, which became a billion-dollar franchise. Most recently, Mr. Spring was founder and chief executive officer of Humanitas, a biotechnology and life sciences consulting firm that advises blue-chip global companies.
Mr. King is an experienced pharmaceutical executive with proven skills in business development, licensing, and small-molecule drug development and commercialization. Most recently, he served as president at 21159 Pharma, a strategic consulting and business development company.
Previously he was senior vice president at Pii (Pharmaceutics International Inc), building the contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) in the U.S. and the UK.
The ViralClear IgM-IgG Combined Antibody Rapid Test is one of the world’s first rapid screening tests for the identification of coronavirus infection. This accurate screening test is similar to the type that was used widely by the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
to identify COVID-19 infections and is now available from ViralClear.
Immunoglobulin M (IgM) is the body’s largest antibody. It is also the first antibody to appear in response to an initial exposure to an antigen (a toxin or other foreign substance), which induces an immune response in the body. It is widely accepted that IgM provides the first line of defense during viral infections, followed by the generation of adaptive, high affinity IgG responses for long-term immunity and immunological memory. Therefore, testing of COVID-19 IgM and IgG antibodies is an effective method for the rapid identification of a current or recent COVID-19 infection.
Detection of IgM antibodies tends to indicate a recent exposure to COVID-19. Detection of IgG antibodies indicates a later stage of infection.
Thus, this combined antibody test could also provide information on the stage of infection.
Did you know Mark F. Blaxill was Managing Partner at Sherpa Technology Group, co-founder of 3LP Advisors and co-Inventor of numerous Kevin G. Rivette patents? What does STG mean? Swear to god.
Charlotte Sarlo
Suzanne Origen
Totally speechless
Wakesheep, you’ve done it again.
Corine Tilson
I didn’t see Del’s name while reading above, and don’t follow him, so haven’t seen his show. How is he linked into this, please?
Jennifer Larson
FYI. you all don’t have any clue what this is about. Mark hasn’t worked with 3LP since 2015 and left because of different visions. He’s never had anything to do with Sherpa and anything they have done since has nothing to do with him. Honestly…. fight the real enemy. We waste way too much time as a community doing this and this is why we don’t win. We don’t come together.
Jennifer Larson
Mark Mark F. Blaxill
Mark F. Blaxill
Yeah, this is totally wrong. I worked with Kevin for a number of years and we started 3LP together in 2007, but that ended in 2015 when my current company XLP split off from 3LP over strategic disagreements. Kevin’s side of the company rebranded as Sherpa Technology Group (STG). Pretty dumb brand if you ask me, but it’s a free country. I’ve had nothing to do with Sherpa since nor with any of their clients. I don’t work in biotech. My only patent application work was in data analysis and that was before I left BCG in 2007. Kevin is all about patents and I learned a great deal working with him and my other colleagues at BCG and 3LP. I even wrote a book about it all. and then imagine a life event happened! my daughter was vaccine injured and I started figuring out the origins of it all. I’ve been in the movement ever since. All the friendly fire and trolling is a waste of everyone’s time.
Suzanne Origen
Jennifer Larson and Mark F. Blaxill
Actually we are losing due to the controlled opposition. I volunteered with the Frame campaign in California (candidate who ran against Senator Pan) and I witnessed the lying and sabotage firsthand. Particularly from Denise Marie but from others as well. Both the campaign manager and I have spoken up about it and I know that the campaign manager hasn’t even said the half of it publicly because of the attacks. One “accident” on top of another “accident” where literally nothing goes right and it’s obvious people are lying and sabotaging is just unbelievable. It’s where we are at.
It’s not a “difference of opinion” as has been suggested with all of the lying that occurred. Nor was it accidental or a mother on a learning curve. It was straight up lying and sabotaging. Undeniable.
Since that time I’ve witnessed non-stop lying and the complaints have been non-stop from other activists as well. It doesn’t make sense that any professional or sane person would purposely align themselves with such mishaps, criminal types, dishonest people, who don’t help the movement and continually lie to everyone. Yet, here we are. So it isn’t friendly fire. I’m 100% confident in my assertions. Either you’re ignorant to these facts or you are part of the problem. I’m not sure which since I don’t know either of you.
The misinformation that is fed to the movement is undeniable. It makes activists look stupid which silences everyone. Since I have real concerns I personally take offense to that.
I’m vaccine injured and I want to see wins. That isn’t happening. No one wants to waste time on this mess but since it’s an actual issue then well, here we are. It’s by design.
The pro-vaxxers aren’t immune to the lying and crying either as they believe that people “actually think like that” when it’s actual garbage/misinformation being spewed. I see them making fun of us and dismissing our real concerns. They laugh at us because the controlled opposition trolls have done their job well.
Mark F. Blaxill I might have to write a book on the factual inaccuracies contained in your disproportionate comment. Can you explain BCG’s Centre for Public Impact and it’s relationship with GAVI?
Mark F. Blaxill
@ [170390260284744:274:Wakesheep Marie RN] explain one inaccuracy. And since I left bcg over 13 years ago I don’t have any idea about any of those things. Gee Marie, have you ever considered the fact that my autism advocacy and writing in he early 2000s didn’t really help my career at bcg?
Jennifer Larson
@ [170390260284744:274:Wakesheep Marie RN] I cant wait for your report!! On stand by! You need your brain examined. Happy Easter.
Jennifer Larson I didn’t contribute to Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren.
Mark F. Blaxill Can you tell me more about your relationship to Margaret J. Peterlin?
Jennifer Larson
@ [170390260284744:274:Wakesheep Marie RN] I don’t care who you contribute to. I am waiting for your damning report!!! Do tell!
Jennifer Larson Are you drunk? Anyone with a search engine can find out the donations you have made. Personally, I find it odd that a former finance chair for the Republican party of Minn. is donating to democrats.
Emily’s Christmas Performance (All Songs)
/1 CommentThis is the most inspirational positive video you will ever hear for this holiday season. Emily is such an incredible woman with a big voice. And, to think, at the age of seven she had no speech and would only grunt and act like an animal. She started in kindergarten at the age of 7 and required an aid, as she could not even follow directions. Look at her today.
Emily has had 20 years of intensive speech therapy, voice lessons, and dance lessons. What a woman she turned out to be.
1. We don’t talk about Bruno
2. Perfect nanny
3. Thank You God for Loving Me.
4. Speechless
5.I See the Light
6. Doll on a music box.
7. Distant Melody
8. A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
9.Climb Every Mountain
10 My Best Girl
A Statement of Interest
/0 CommentsIrrelevant of what William Thompson said in the VAXXED movie, he said this in a press release:
“I want to be absolutely clear that I believe vaccines have saved and continue to save countless lives. I would never suggest that any parent avoid vaccinating children of any race. Vaccines prevent serious diseases, and the risks associated with their administration are vastly outweighed by their individual and societal benefits.”
Here’s the original press release:
H.98~Jennifer Stella~William Thompson Statement~5-6-2015Facebook… Here We Go Again…
/0 CommentsOnce again, Facebook is exercising its policy of regulating content, creating quite a hurdle in disseminating truthful information.
The ongoing battle to tread lightly so as not to trigger a Facebook censorship strike. Got another one for telling the truth.
History: 1937-1968
Young Greg Wyatt
So who the f*** is Greg Wyatt anyway?
How the Evil of Eugenics Shaped Greg Wyatt.
This is just a brief synopsis and timeline of how eugenics shaped me into the person I am today.
Spring 1937 – At the age of 13 Herbert Wyatt is placed into the Nebraska State Home for Feeble-Minded Youth in Beatrice Nebraska by Nebraska Social Services. His crime? He was poor and came from a broken family with an alcoholic stepfather. He never went to court.
Fall 1948 – After 11 years of living in an insane asylum he was released at the age of 24. There was one condition for his parole. He would be (eugenically) sterilized so he could not ever have a child or family of his own.
Spring 1949 – Herbert meets Betty, a shy and overweight Minnesota farm girl. Six Weeks later they are married.
Spring 1954 – After 5 years of childlessness Herbert tearfully confesses his (eugenicial) incarnation in the asylum and his fear that if he would have told her the truth that she would not of married him.
Summer 1954 – Betty reads a mystery magazine about (eugenics) artificial insemination and the next week visits her doctor and explains the situation. He meets with both Betty and Herbert and they decide to go through the procedure. He assures them a donor will be selected that has the same physical characteristics as Herbert and that it should be a secret only known to them. They are to tell no one under any circumstances.
September 9, 1954 – Betty is inseminated via eutelegensis, (eugenicial) artificial insemination. There is only one donor available at the time. A tall broad-shouldered Dutch Immigrant who waited 6 years to immigrate and his wife to America. He is working on his doctorate at the University of Nebraska and his wife is pregnant and seeing the same doctor as Betty.
June 8, 1955 – Betty gives birth to a healthy baby boy. Herbert cannot believe that he is now a father. They name him Gregory.
1956 – Wanting a bigger family Betty tries artificial insemination again and again with no results.
1959 – Greg is now 4 years old. He is meeting his milestones at an astounding pace. It is evident that he is way ahead of children his age. Betty takes him to the University of Nebraska where his IQ is tested at 167.
1960 – The secret starts to fracture Betty and Herb’s fragile relationship. Herb works 60+ hours a week in a cement plant for minimum wage. Herbert loves his son Greg like his own flesh and blood. Wherever Herb goes he takes his son Greg with him stating proudly “That’s my boy.”
1961 – Bettys quest for a larger family becomes an obsession. They give up on artificial insemination and apply for adoption. Knowing of Herbs incarceration at the Nebraska State Home of Feebleminded Youth, the State of Nebraska, Department of Social Services deny the application
on the grounds that they are not fit for a larger family. Betty is crushed and the resentment towards Herbert festers and grows as her depression grows.
1962 through 1964 – Betty seeks out other alternatives and begins to take in foster children. She just wants to love and be loved. It is sad for Greg as not one foster child stays longer than 6 months. Greg longs for a brother and sister.
1965 – Betty hears on television of the plight of tens of thousands of abandoned orphans in Korea.
While social services would not approve the Wyatts for adoption of white American children they approved them for a mixed race international adoption. (eugenics/social engineering). The Wyatts begin the adoption process.
1966 – The adoption process is now complete and Lisa arrives. She is almost a year old. Betty, Herb and Greg are ecstatic. Several months later Betty begins her quest to adopt another Korean orphan.
1967 – The second adoption process is now complete and Jodi arrives from Korea. She is also almost a year old.
1968 – Betty becomes focused on her two new family members. Herb continues his 60+ hour work week, working at minimum wage. With the expanded family members it is no longer is enough to pay for the necessities and debt slowly begins to pile up.
Click on the above image to watch a video where I share some important thoughts that drive me… especially 666, Mark of the Beast.
Greg Wyatt