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A Bittersweet Life – Our Lives are not Guaranteed.
Life is bittersweet. At some point in our lives, we must all say goodbye. When that point is, is a mystery, although the older we get we can feel it getting closer. That is why it is important to live each day to the fullest and not waste a moment on things that do not matter.
The Pain & Addictions of Vaccine Injury Run Deep
/0 CommentsThe pain and addictions of vaccine injury run deep and seemingly never stop.
This video is from January 9, 2021, but still applies.
CHD Children’s Health Defense stole our Videos.
/0 CommentsOne of many things wrong with VaxXed, Del Bigtree, Polley Tommey, and Andrew Wakefield. The greatest Monetizers of Misery of all time in the autism community.
We never authorized the wide-scale distribution of this video nor did any of the other parents whose footage they cannibalized for profits. By the way, the Autism Trust appears to have vanished. Where did all the money and donations they took in for years and years go? They would also state that for every new video posted they would raise additional hundreds for their bank accounts. It was a big game.
We spent some time last night looking at the Autism Trust and our observations were shocking. As many are aware it seems to be doing nothing. . Websites are down. No board of trustees. No social media. No clear way to volunteer.
There are some PayPal links and such. It seemed fishy to me from the very get-go and all my research has not proven me wrong.
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Emergency Helicopter Ride…
/0 CommentsI found a video on my Facebook memories that I did exactly a year ago and it is one of the most amazing ones I did it’s a true story of our kids, the ones we adopted.
How my granddaughter went in with a rash and they put her in a air vac and rushed her to the regional hospital and wanted to do a spinal tap. This was in 2018 during the measles epidemic everywhere. They were met by staff and hazmat suits with CDC emblazoned on the back and it literally scared the holy f*** out of them.
A Major Change Is Coming…
/2 CommentsIt will be tough to split Weston and Emily up next month after 23 plus years.
Click on the above image to watch a video where I share some important thoughts that drive me… especially 666, Mark of the Beast.
Greg Wyatt