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Poll from the Past
“I conducted this poll almost three years ago. Ignorance is bliss! “They” all sabotage any real potential progress behind the scenes into a cluster**** of stealth control which results in ignorance and confusion within the minion followers while the grifters raise millions and millions for their charities and nonprofits.
PAY ATTENTION – THROUGH THE USE OF COMPUTERS / ELECTRONICS, THE BEAST WILL BE ABLE TO CONTROL EVERY PERSON ON THE GLOBE – Israel already has a policy. If you are not vaccinated and have the “Pass”, you will not even be allowed in shops, recreation areas, or travel. They say “whoever does not take the vaccine will be left behind”. Anyway, whoever studies Scripture should know when it does turn into the mark of the Antichrist, you will not be able to buy, sell, or even trade without it. No one. Buckle up.
Bible Prophecy Update
/0 CommentsThe following video by J.D. Farag clearly describes what is currently happening in the world. I strongly encourage you to watch it. It was originally on Youtube, but they took it down. The truth is obviously too hot to handle.
Trump waking up this morning…
/0 CommentsWhat do you think Trump is feeling this morning when he woke up. As many of you know I was not one way or another about him. While I voted for him on two occasions as he was a lesser of the apparent two evils I really believe that it doesn’t matter whatsoever who you vote for. I have and always will believe they are two sides to the same coin. What are your thoughts?
Click on the above image to watch a video where I share some important thoughts that drive me… especially 666, Mark of the Beast.
Greg Wyatt