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The Deception of the Autism Trust: The Hidden Web of Non-Profits and Charities
/0 CommentsI’m sure you have heard of Autism Trust founded in Austin, Texas. Watch this video where I break down all the non-profits, marketing companies and charities that Polly and Jonathan Tommey have formed over the last 14 years as part of their “Autism Grift”. The number may shock you!
Memories From a Vaxxed Sponsored CDC Rally
/0 CommentsDoes anyone remember this from 8 years ago? This is my old best friend and research partner Kerra Icansketchu from the 2016 big pHarma staged / VaXXed sponsored CDC rally in Atlanta, GA. You can find more about this by searching this blog.
Is There Evidence to Suggest Kevin Tuttle is a Groomer?
/0 CommentsIn this video I ask for you to see read Kevin Tuttle’s Instagram posts and look at his demeanor as well as what he is saying in his videos. Is he a groomer? See for yourself.
It was in the year 2000, where he was being groomed to be another Del Bigtree clone by Del himself. Search my blog archives to see so much more!
Was Del Bigtree Involved in the January 6th Insurrection?
/0 CommentsIn this post we unveil the deception behind the January 6th Insurrection. Denise Marie (aka The Informed Mama) is a government plant along with her fellow syndicate member Del Bigtree and fellow cast of thousands. Del Bigtree’s ultimate goal was to create a revolution for his hatred against the citizens of the USA using his pro-health pro-choice quasi anti-vaccine movement and his blind-faith followers.
Also, please read my blog post from 2022 on this subject.
Unveiling the Deception and True Agenda Behind the Book “How to End the Autism Epidemic”
/0 CommentsThere is a lot of deception in the health freedom movement. How to End the Autism Epidemic was originally written by controlled opposition J.B. Handley and Del Bigtree’s personal friend. It was nothing more than a pro-vaccine manual for big pHarma that recommend vaccines. Many people were so asleep that they didn’t see it! Watch this video to WAKE UP!
Also see my previous post from 2021 below.
The Deception of the Anti-Vax Movement
/0 CommentsThe anti-vax movement has given hope to many people, but to what end? Where does the money go and who gains?
Del Bigtree and VaXXed were financed by the Selz Foundation associated with hedge fund investments in pharmaceuticals.
Bigtree worked for the Doctors a pharmaceutical sponsored talk show. He also was represented by a pro vaccine PR firm. The same one that represents most all of them.
Additionally the Black Bus movie was a pro vaccine pro MMR pro Wakefield excursion into mind control that everyone fell for.
Most all of them went from having nothing to being very wealthy and now it continues with Robert F Kennedy Jr. It’s clear they are all Pharma controlled!
A Lady and Her Pet Snake
A Lady had a pet snake that she loved very much. The snake was about 7 ft long and one day it just stopped eating. After several weeks of trying everything the lady still couldn’t get the snake to eat. The woman took the snake to the vet and explained her situation. The vet replies “I see ..has your snake been sleeping with you at night or snuggling real close and stretching himself out?” The woman said “Yes. Everyday and it makes me so sad that I can’t help him feel better.” The vet says to the lady “Ma’am your snake is not sick. It has been preparing to eat you. He’s been sizing you up everyday so he knows how big he has to be. He’s not eating so he has enough room to digest you.
Moral of the Story:
Recognize the snakes around you. Everyone’s intentions aren’t pure. Just because they seem close to you, doesn’t mean their intentions aren’t to devour you.
Some people aren’t PRAYING for you. they’re PREYING on you!!
Click on the above image to watch a video where I share some important thoughts that drive me… especially 666, Mark of the Beast.
Greg Wyatt