Media Appearances
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Greg Wyatt interviewed (sound only) by Sherri Kane and Len Horowitz in May 2020.
Theories of Relativity, an article that appeared in WestWord about Greg Wiatt.
Families unite to recognize the level of deceit and the damages done to their children and families. One of those families is Greg Wyatt’s who will also join the discussion. Dr. Paul Thomas chimes in to discuss his book “The Vaccine-Friendly Plan” in which is presented his approach to building immunity, a new protocol that limits a child’s exposure to aluminum, mercury, and other neurotoxins while building overall good health. We will discuss with Dr. Leonard Horowitz… is any vaccine a good vaccine?
Rocky Mountain News
Living a LIE: Son of anonymous sperm donor rails against the practice as deceitful and immoral
Hard Copy TV Show: 500 Siblings – Offspring of Sperm Donors