Lynette Marie Barron
Sheila Ealey – “Your Token African American”
Lynette Marie Barron
2 1/2 years ago.
OCTOBER 25, 2018
This mess started about a year ago when Lynette Marie Barron who had just started an internet radio show began texting her cohost and my friend Lindsey Leigh Novaxx with disturbing and slanderous allegations comments via IM concerning people in the “Anti-vaccine Movement including the VaxXed Team, Sheila Ealey, myself and many others.
At the time Lindsey Leigh Novaxx was the mother of a sick autistic child, Wesley who desperately needed medicine and whose family was homeless. When Lindsay asked me to do a Go Fund Me I was more than willing to help out do so.
Lynette Marie Barron then over the next few days went as far as to contact those who donated to that Go Fund Me that I had then set up for her and her sick son which resulted in many donors questioning her motives and canceling their donations.
It is clear that Lynette Marie Barron is part of the Paul Offit pharmaceutical cartel!
Day by day, it becomes evident that all these corporate ‘freedom fighters’ are actually fighting against various freedoms.
There is nothing ‘mild’ about most cases of ‘mild’ autism I’ve seen, as the vast majority of ‘mild’ “neurodivergent” adults cannot tolerate a workplace’s sensory stimuli, drive a car safely, or hold a job beyond a short period of time. If autistics were mere ‘social misfits’ like the Island of Unwanted Toys, they’d fit into workplaces fine without needing massive amounts of ASD services/sensory services (without rages/violent behaviors from sensory overload, not understanding verbal language/having language impairment, being poor at math in most cases/me having a severe math disability, etc)
“Neurodiversity” is the perfect tool to usher in a world dictatorship, disguised as “inclusivity for a ‘genetic/inborn’ condition”. If you don’t believe me, read Anne Dachel on SubStack (excellent user with important posts, but very sad/depressing).