Del Bigtree
/0 CommentsThe VAXXED production was a carefully planned and controlled psychological operation, designed to co-opt and hijack the true grassroots anti-vaccine movement and control the opposition voice.
Del Bigtree and his Construct Investigated
/0 CommentsI don’t do this for fun!
Jenn Sherry Parry – Just Another Name in the Story…
/0 CommentsJenn Sherry Parry is Del Bigtree’s right hand person. She is known for the movie “Vaxxed” as cinematographer. Del worked with her on “The Doctors”, which was a pro-vaccine television show.
This is the video I made from some past research. Very interesting to see the names that come up.
/0 CommentsIn 2017 I sense there was something totally amiss about the movie VAXXED and the people involved with it.
I’m sure many of you remember they made a big deal that the bus originated and was resurrected out of the flood of Katrina. That fit real well into their narrative of rescuing. Much of what I discovered did not sit well with me and it led me to dig even deeper. And as a researcher, I started unraveling the lies.
Unfortunately I couldn’t share it with anybody because if I did I was marginalized, gaslit, and narcissied to a point of insanity. This was a well-run psyop that monetized misery and made millions and millions of dollars for those involved and still does today.
Please open your eyes and see the truth.
God bless.
The Circus Show
Do you ever wonder why Del Bigtree calls his Cicus Show THE HIGHWIRE?
Mind Control (Podcast)
/0 CommentsI was interviewed (sound only) by Sherri Kane and Len Horowitz in May 2020. Sadly, Sherri was recently murdered.
The Del Bigtree Syndicate
/0 CommentsThe Del Bigtree Syndicate with many pharmaceutical ties and investments infiltrated every activst group made up of parents of quaxzine injured and dead infants adolescents and teens in 2016-2019… INCLUDING MYSELF.
They toured the country in a black bus and etched/recorded the names of the victims promising them the world and delivering nothing while pocketing millions and creating never-ending jobs while pushing the virus lie.
Main Cast:
- Andrew Wakefield
- Del Bigtree
- Polley Tommey
Undercover military agents:
- Erin Marie Olszewski
- Kevin Tuttle
- Jonathan Lockwood
- Josh Coleman
- Denise Aguilar
/0 CommentsThe Reverend Adam Ringham and Captain Toodles Kevin Tuttle are “estranged” MLM business partners. But, they have one thing in common.
Can you guess who that is?
– Do vulnerable mothers attend events?
– Are vulnerable mothers looking for help?
– Are vulnerable mothers taken advantage of by “men of status”?
– Were donations to Adverse Events Recovery and Information Corporation non-profits used to support extracurricular activities?
The more you know…
VAXXED pulled in over $1.3M in donations, and most of it went to Wakefield and Tommey’s company
/0 Comments“A few years ago Andrew Wakefield (one of Time Magazine’s Great Science Frauds) headed a team promoting a faux documentary called “Vaxxed”. I wrote about this film a great deal at the time, but suffice it to say it exemplified much of what is wrong with the way the anti-vaccine community uses and abuses the autism community.
If memory serves, VAXXED concluded with a long list of sponsors. So they apparently had a fair amount of money to work with to produce the film. The film was a product of the Autism Media Channel, which is a limited liability corporation (LLC) owned by Polly Tommey and Andrew Wakefield, based on tax records. At the same time, Vaxxed was associated with a charity: AMC Foundation. Said foundation is run by Andrew Wakefield with Polly Tommey and Brian Burrowes also listed as directors (at least on past tax forms)…”
Read the whole article:
Toxemia Explained
/0 CommentsThis is a pdf I have on toxemia entitled “Toxemia Explained” if that’s of any use to someone.
020103toxemiaOpen PDF in a new tab: