Del Bigtree
Pandemic Profiteers and The Business of the Anti-Vaxx Movement
/1 CommentIs it true that people are profiting from the anti-vaxx movement?
There have been many individuals and organizations that are capitalizing on the anti-vaccination movement for financial gain. This exploitative behavior involves reeling in parents of vaccine injured children or “truthers” in order to promote their anti-vaxx agenda and entice people to want to donate to truth campaigns or allegedly helping to change laws. These alleged truth tellers seek to profit from fear and ignorance.
It is disheartening to think that there are groups or individuals that would prioritize financial gain over the TRUTH, but it is a reality that must be confronted and addressed.
It’s called controlled opposition. Indeed, learning about controlled opposition is part of the worldwide awakening that is happening as we speak.
Questions for Del Bigtree!!!!
1) Where does he get his funding? (very important question)
2) what are his motivations behind his show?
3) Why does he promote the idea of “safer vaccines”? (there’s no such thing btw)
4) Why is his history littered with pro-big pharma and porn?
5) Where does all the money go for all the fundraising he does to keep his show alive?
6) Why does he promote the virus lie? (there’s never been an isolated virus anywhere on earth)
Once you’re able to truly answer all these questions, you’ll find yourself where we are – awakened to his deceptions. As much as I believed him prior to 2020, I stopped after the scamdemic because I kept hearing him say “safer vaccine” and always drumming up the fear about more viruses.
The truth is that you need to do the research and decide for yourself. Del Bigtree, like many others are very charismatic. Del also comes from an acting family. There’s lots to question and unfortunately it brings me back to this quote
“I tried to follow the science, but it simply wasn’t there. Then I followed the money….that’s where I found the science”.
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Download File: Del Bigtree Accept Money From Big Pharma?
/1 CommentTake a look at this video of Del Bigtree on his own show “The Highwire” and see and hear in plain sight what his real truth is. He is definitely controlled opposition and leader of the mindless who has repeatedly stated that he has and would take money from pHarma.
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Download File: Del Bigtree Involved in the January 6th Insurrection?
/0 CommentsIn this post we unveil the deception behind the January 6th Insurrection. Denise Marie (aka The Informed Mama) is a government plant along with her fellow syndicate member Del Bigtree and fellow cast of thousands. Del Bigtree’s ultimate goal was to create a revolution for his hatred against the citizens of the USA using his pro-health pro-choice quasi anti-vaccine movement and his blind-faith followers.
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Download File:
Also, please read my blog post from 2022 on this subject.
Unveiling the Deception and True Agenda Behind the Book “How to End the Autism Epidemic”
/0 CommentsThere is a lot of deception in the health freedom movement. How to End the Autism Epidemic was originally written by controlled opposition J.B. Handley and Del Bigtree’s personal friend. It was nothing more than a pro-vaccine manual for big pHarma that recommend vaccines. Many people were so asleep that they didn’t see it! Watch this video to WAKE UP!
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Download File: see my previous post from 2021 below.
Does ICAN Actually Help the Health Freedom Movement?
/1 CommentThe Bigtree team of ICAN has blood on their hands and cash in their pockets! All of the people involved in ICAN have direct links to big pHarma.
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Download File: Virus Lie and Unmasking the Real Accountability Crisis
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Download File: by Daniel Alexander Zeck
March 9, 2023
(Facebook post)
Del Bigtree today. Wow.
To think that the no virus position is synonymous with allowing any of the bad actors to get off scot-free is absurd. What a poor misrepresentation of our position. We are trying to hold the majority of the allopathic system accountable, because much of it is built on the fraudulent pseudoscience of viroLIEgy.
No proof of virus would render any argument regarding the necessity or legitimacy of any of the measures totally ineffective, which would then potentially turn the hospital protocols, the shots, etc. intro an act of genocide rather than “we genuinely wanted to help, but we miscalculated some things and underestimated the harmful effects of the shot.”
Sure, a “gain of function virus” would possibly serve to incriminate *some* of these actors. That is, if we’re assuming the system will legitimately hold any of these people accountable (refer to all of the people who were involved with Ghislaine Maxwell and how she was the only one “held accountable”).
But what does gain of function serve in the long run, Del?
For this, read the excerpts from my recent article, An Open Letter to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Del Bigtree:…/an-open-letter-to…:
“I want you both to think for a moment: within the context of germ hypothesis, which of the two has scarier implications for the future?: lab-made viruses funded by people with perceived nefarious intentions, shrouded in uncertainty and mystery, with greater lethal potential than their natural counterparts, or the one-in-gazillion chance natural virus that jumps from a bat to a pangolin to a human (is the pangolin still part of the story?) that rarely occurs across species? Again, neither of these are true whatsoever— both are completely unproven fantasies that make for great science-fiction movies. I believe “they” (whoever they are) are allowing gain of function to be discussed more frequently in mainstream conversations, and of course amongst the surface level alternative crowds where they’re carried by pseudo-celebrity alternative talking heads, to feint a controlled leak of the (completely false) “truth.” And all of the alternative talking heads and their followers shouted “see! Now the truth is out! The virus was made in a lab. Alas, we’ve solved the mystery of COVID.”
But have we? Or are we just setting ourselves up for this nonsense to continue Ad Infinitum? And this time it’s even worse: it’s being paraded around by the 3-year-censored alternative pundits. And as the mainstream position continues to lose its popularity with the controlled demolition of the death-cult, pharmaceutical backed narrative, the alternative talking heads will rise in popularity, and those who’ve not resolved their consciousness of blindly outsourcing to anyone, regardless of whether they’re alternative or mainstream, will take the future bait hook-line-and-sinker.”
Erin Olszewski’s Psychological Operations Training and Controversial Associations in Oregon
/0 CommentsErin Olszewski’s admission of receiving psychological operations training in Oregon has raised questions about her controversial associations and the use of donation funds in her various non-profit ventures.
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Download File: Oregon, Erin Olszewski stated she received psychological operations training at Fort Bragg.
It is the first time she admitted this fact publicly.
She focused on her “undercover nurse” stint in New York.
However, many do not know she worked intimately with Scientology’s DC lobbyist, Greg Mitchell and Lincoln Project’s Jonathan Lockwood.
Between 2018 through 2020, Olszewski created multiple non-profits as documented on this channel and elsewhere. For example, she abandoned Florida Freedom Alliance in 2019 within three months of it forming.
Finally, Kevin Tuttle assisted Erin Olszewski to orchestrate protests and the creation of multiple non-profit companies.
Kevin Tuttle is a “former” Air Force Public Affairs officer, also training at Fort Bragg. He also created a shell non-profit supposedly to help parents of vaccine-injured children.
Where did the collected money go? How’s that for a psyop?
How To Develop Moles and an Influence Operation
/0 CommentsThe cultivation of moles and the establishment of influence operations is a disturbing subject, and the case of Heather Simpson exemplifies how her rapid ascent as an influencer is not an anomaly.
The case of Heather Simpson is noteworthy because her quick rise as an influencer is not a statistical outlier.
Force Officer Kevin Tuttle established a pattern of cultivating questionable assets like Lynette Marie Barron for Del Bigtree and vaccine patent holder Doctor Paul Offit.
It is speculated by many that Del Bigtree and Paul Offit provided the financial means for Lynette Marie Barron to travel from state-to-state to solidify her role as a legitimate activist.
Much like Heather Simpson, media organizations provided Barron an opportunity to become a public figure and a voice representing the health freedom movement.
With the assistance of Kevin Tuttle, Barron’s role as an activist would be particularly valuable in this respect, providing her sponsors with insights into operations, funding sources, and high-level decision-making.
The Intricate Web: Unveiling the Hidden Associations Between Ohio Freedom Keepers, The Informed Mama, and Denise Aguilar
/0 CommentsThe Ohio Freedom Keepers’ Instagram post and the connection to “The Informed Mama” and Denise Aguilar suggest there could be further significant associations to uncover.
The Ohio Freedom Keepers’ recent Instagram post, along with the emergence of the 50.63.202[.]0/24 network range, signals a path to uncover further significant affiliations.
Transitioning from this discovery, we shift our focus to the “Informed Mama” brand, frequently linked with Denise Aguilar, a Californian person with felony convictions and gang member. An intriguing connection can be traced from Aguilar’s alternate domain, theinformedmama[.]org, to the same 50.63.202[.]0/24 network. Notice the fist logo used in her product branding.
Moving on to a noteworthy event on June 22, 2019, Aguilar was spotted alongside a woman wearing a “Freedom Keeper” t-shirt and well-known Scientologist, Michelle Ford. This occurrence may appear coincidental, but Aguilar’s prior coordination of a protest for Del Bigtree adds a layer of complexity, urging us to probe deeper.
In this light, it’s vital to bear in mind Del Bigtree’s intimate connections to Scientology and the Nation of Islam.