Del Bigtree
A message from someone who has been following me…
/0 CommentsHere’s a message I received the other day. These confirm that I’m on the track of truth…
These past two weeks on social media and reading your blog…you are not as crazy as people think…it’s all too smooth.
All your spider web people are everywhere! Now spreading the vax shedding fear…it’s all a damn set up!!!
Plus Facebook algorithms changed like overnight and all the “activists” were coincidentally in Connecticut.
All the same week as handmaids tale comes out
All about women and rights
Plus I don’t trust Del Bigtree and his team or anyone he is connected too. All playing to the vax injured families on purpose to create division.
Keep doing what you are doing!
Do you know who Jack Groverland is?
/0 CommentsThe last name of Del Bigtree’s father is NOT Bigtree. His father is Jack Groverland.
His father’s bio on Amazon reads:
About Jack Groverland
Jack Groverland is an ordained Unity minister who heads the Unity of Boulder Spiritual Center. He is also a professional writer with several books and a screen play under option in Hollywood.
“Life wasn’t always this good, “Jack tells us some Sundays from the pulpit. “I grew up in the crime infested ghettos of Hoboken and JersJack speakingey City where I learned all the wrong ideas about life. I lived with my father, an immigrant truck driver who couldn’t begin to imagine the life I’m living now. In those dark days I was a petty thief, gang fighter, gambler and fool. I left all that when I escaped from jail under a hail of bullets and in the process had my first spiritual experience. Too bad that first experience wasn’t all I needed but it was a good start.In short, I changed my name and my life for the better. Still, I never thought I would wind up a Unity minister with a wife and 3 kids in Boulder, Colorado. But here I am. My life is magnificent now but it didn’t get that way over night. My life evolved over many years of sincere searching for the Truth, which I am privileged to share each Sunday in the Unity pulpit.”
Link to the Amazon page:
Was Del Bigtree’s Dad a two-bit thug that changed his name to hide his sordid and criminal past? They have a saying, “Like Father Like Son.” Wonder what his real name is and who he really is?
Del Bigtree Discovery page on Telegram
/0 CommentsThere is now a Del Bigtree discovery page on Telegram at the following link:
Book: “How to End the Autism Epidemic”
/2 CommentsBack in September 19, 2018, Del Birgtree’s business associate, J.B. Handley released How to End the Autism Epidemic, a pro-vaccine book that recommends vaccines that are causing autism.
Manufacturer’s Package Insert
/0 CommentsSection 13 is enough legally for anyone to refuse taking any chemical injection (vaccine). No attorneys will go against big Pharma to fight against CDC Vaccine requirements for schools and daycares. Lost cause. BIGTREE AND RFK focus on everything except Section 13. Kinda like Section 13 does not even exist. Section 13 is enough to shut the whole Vaccine industry down. Why not?
The Massive Soros Network of Frauds & Scam Artists Posing as Anti-Vax Groups
/0 CommentsEver wonder why nothing ever changes? Controlled opposition turns a captive audience into a captured herd. Celebrity worshipers bow down to the false messengers and nothing changes–except that vaccine mandates become law. The only way to end the charade is by calling it out.
Click HERE to read the original article titled, The Massive Soros Network of Frauds and Scam Artists Posing as Anti-Vax Groups.
Link to Internal Backup Copy
Are You a Sheeple? Will You Be Sheepled by Other Sheeple?
/0 CommentsThe following two videos are great examples of how easy it is to get people to turn into sheeple by following in the footsteps of other Sheeple. At what point will you think and react logically and not allow yourself to be sheepled?
Here’s another example from a long time ago known as the Asch Conformity Experiment:
Your thoughts?
What is the Real Truth About the Autism Trust in Austin Texas?
/0 CommentsHere is a message I received from a parent who was also interviewed by VAXXED and didn’t have such a great experience:
Dear Greg,
This is my experience with VaxXed along with many others.
It was the fall of 2016 and we were like thousands of others so excited to go meet the Vaxxed bus it was fall of 2016.
This was our experience. First, the people there were not overly friendly. Everyone was cold and in a hurry. It was like we were just a number in a production and we were not the only ones that picked up on it. Call it a gut feeling but I expected more embracing, emotionally. Then Polly came bee bopping out of the bus and ushered us in.
Greg, I had spent hours getting her old medical records together, finding the pages where it stated that my daughter is never to have a DPT shot again, photocopied them, then laminated them so I could show them around forever without fear of them getting torn or stained. She never bothered to look at them and I think my daughter and I made history as the shortest interview EVER. It was about 5 minutes. We had driven hours and hours. Then she looked my daughter in the eyes and said “ We are going to get you out of that group home and into a place you will love (THE AUTISM TRUST) and that was it.
So what’s up telling us and countless others that? How cruel! Just because my precious daughter is brain-injured, doesn’t make her stupid! Good thing she didn’t put much weight into that comment! Face it, false hopes is what they sell while collecting and raising money for a project that does the way they explain it.
Within moments we were ushered out quickly and NO ONE asked me or anyone else for any contact info on. They just wanted us to sign “The VaxXed Bus“ and send us on our way.
Polly told us and everyone else they had bought land in Texas and are building a huge community for the “special” folks BUT, some of them are families that signed over all of their assets.
At the time we or no one else had an idea that this was a business. A business of making money off the vaccine injured and dead.
I like many of my friends, want our name OFF that bus!
Feel free to repost this in hope that others can see the truth!
Sandy Lewis
How are Narcissists Able to Think So Fast?
/0 CommentsHow are narcissists able to think so fast in order to keep their secrets hidden?
Because they’ve done this their whole life. For us normal developed people we have a fight or flight instinct naturally embedded in us, which kicks in when we are threatened with survival. A narcissist’s survival is not getting found out. So, their fight or flight instinct is to deny and blame anyone who tries to hold them accountable. If you don’t fall for the blame game where they tell you it’s your fault, they will inevitably make everyone around them THINK it was your fault. There is no quick thinking. This is how they survive! Plain and simple.
Undercover Nurse Erin Olszewski is a plant in the anti-vaccine movement
/0 CommentsVideo from HIBISCUS TEA on Youtube…
Link to Internal Back Copy
It seems that Erin Marie Olszewski just might have questionable ties to Democratic political operatives and foreign nationals in Broward County, Florida.
Other important ringmasters and their team captain’s include Anti-VaxXers Daniel Ringham, Kevin Tuttle (AKA Dr. Kosher) and Anti-Vaccine kingpin Del Matthew Bigtree the Ringleader of the 3 Ring Circus known as the HighWire.
Also, featured in this video are the dozens of ACIP followers who religiously follow the cult in their stealth attempts to making vaccines safer. Keep this in mind as we enter a totalitarian state of dystopia where vaccines are soon to be mandatory.