Del Bigtree
Never Doubt an Honest Liar
/0 CommentsDel holding the book: The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
“Dani Montgomery This gives parents false information. My healthy 2 year old son got the MMR. He then lost speech, lost eye contact and high fever. He never recovered. He’s now a man that will always live at home. All vaccines are poison.”
Face it. Del Bigtree Doesn’t Have a Clue!
/0 CommentsThere are three classifications of scientific & medical mindset when it comes to knowing about and understanding so-called “viruses”:
- Scientists and doctors who believe in and promote the mainstream hypothesis and narratives, which are the ones that support the status quo. Their motives and incentives may include: power, control, pride, ego, money, job security.
- Scientists and doctors who think “viruses” exist due to their traditional schooling and training, but they do not necessarily believe in and subscribe to the mainstream hypothesis and narratives. They are confused, not sure what to think, shifty in their views and understanding and will shy away or backdown from critical and empirical questioning – often closing with: “That is not my area of expertise.” They are still learning.
- Scientists and doctors who know and understand that there are no such things as “viruses.” They know the Latin origin of the word “virus” means “poison” and that there are no such things.
Del Admits He Would Take Money From Pharma…
/1 CommentIN HIS OWN WORDS – Del Bigtree admits “If Big Pharma would give me $5,000,000, why wouldn’t I take it?”
Texas-Based Anti-Vaccine Group Received Federal Bailout Funds in May as Pandemic Raged
/1 CommentTexas-based anti-vaccine organization Informed Consent Action Network was among five anti-vaccine groups that collectively received more than $850,000 in federal loans from the Paycheck Protection Program, The Washington Post reported Monday. The organization received $166,000 in May, according to founder Del Bigtree.
“Vaccine hesitancy” or “vaccine skepticism” poses a significant and ongoing challenge for health authorities trying to overcome mistrust within communities of color, by the anti-vaccine crowd and general uncertainty nationwide. Doctors and scientists say the coronavirus vaccines available in the United States are safe and effective.
Read original article here.
Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How Bezos, Musk, Other Top Billionaires Pay Almost Zilch in Income Taxes
/0 CommentsAnd Del Matthew Bigtree: Just how much taxes have you and your partner RFK NOT paid?
In 2007, Jeff Bezos, then a multibillionaire and now the world’s richest man, did not pay a penny in federal income taxes. He achieved the feat again in 2011. In 2018, Tesla founder Elon Musk, the second-richest person in the world, also paid no federal income taxes.
Michael Bloomberg managed to do the same in recent years. Billionaire investor Carl Icahn did it twice. George Soros paid no federal income tax three years in a row.
Read full article here
Del Bigtree – What WIKIPEDIA Has to Say
/0 CommentsSome commentary on what is contained in Del Bigtree’s Wikipedia entry.
These messages are now the norm…
/0 CommentsThese messages are now the norm as the tide to woke is changing on many fronts. For several years I would be gaslit and accused of “dividing the movement and being crazy and mentally ill” by the tens of thousands who used to be my FB friends. Now many if not most who really know me see the sinister lies and deception.
“Hi Gregg, I have been a part of the anti-vax movement for over 13 years since I was catastrophically injured by a hepatitis b shot. We were FB friends for a long time but I unfriended you a couple of years ago when you started to talk about how so many leaders were bad and CO. To be honest I really did think you had lost your marbles. I remember you saying that you thought Brandy Vaughan was a man and I think that was when I unfriended you cause I really did think you had lost your mind.
Well…fast forward a few years and enter the covid shitstorm and I am just beginning to comprehend what you said those things. My mind is blown at the lever of deception and lies. I really don’t know if I am coming or going with all the revelations. I am hoping that you might be willing to help me get some clarity amid all the chaos and confusion. I understand if you don’t feel like helping me after I unfriended you and thought you were insane but I’m asking you regardless cause I think you probably know better than most what is really going on.”
Thank you for your message
I’ll try to give you some brief clarity.
First I never said anybody was a transgender that was done by a person who I was best friends with that was somewhat obsessed with that situation. I always told them that I could care less.
You cannot find anywhere anytime anyplace I ever said that any of these people were transgenders but I know what you’re talking about and I am no longer friends with this person and that is unfortunate because I valued our relationship despite her beliefs
I could write a book but I don’t want to waste my time any longer.
I completely awoken the summer of 2018 when Brandy Vaughn of the movie backs attacked me relentlessly
I started digging deep on over 200 people and was shocked
I am on telegram
And do most of my posting there concerning this situation along with tens of thousands of others that follow that have woken
It was brutal there was an orchestrated movement against me that Greg Wyatt is crazy and insane
Honestly I wouldn’t be friends with any of these people I’m almost 66 years old and a retired very successful businessman and certainly don’t need to associate with such a bunch of liars cheats and thieves especially when it comes to grifting over autism and profiting millions and millions and millions just like the autism trust and Del Big Tree
I will say that things are catching up with them
Pollys been grifting for 12 years and has nothing to show for it except Grand plans that went nowhere.
BigTree had a perfect opportunity to change the world and he just wanted to change his own he never changed one law not one
From the very beginning when he was chasing senator pan down the hallways I knew that this guy was a showman
I want you to go to his page del big tree and look at his last video
He looks very pale frail sick and thin
It’s clear he’s in a motel somewhere that looks like it’s a fleabag
He’s wearing an unpressed shirt which he never has done before
I think he’s in a lot of trouble because of the insurrection January 6th that he and his cohorts were a part of
I’m going to do a video in the next couple days addressing my relationship with him and my feelings and I want to stress that even though I really detest the man I wish him no harm or no ill will regardless of what he’s done to me along with his cohorts and I forgive him at this point.
Unforgiveness equals bitterness and I’m too old for that at this point of my life I was just shocked at what he got by with and the people that blindly followed him
It was almost like a high school football team where he was the quarterback and they were his cheerleaders.
Anyway, I always welcome your thoughts thanks for your input. God bless and have a nice Memorial day weekend!
PS. I am currently assembling my exhaustive list of my files, emails, documents, and audio recordings that took place over the last 5 years and will be publishing a book to clarify what took place. Unless you see the entire picture it is impossible for most to grasp the level of deceit.
After 13 years I will soon be off FaceBook and will publish to my blog at and Telegram.
God Bless you all!
Autism Leaders in Scientology…
/0 CommentsSince most of the leaders are affiliated with Scientology, can someone explain how people who feel this way about autism can lead the movement?
The Rise of Denise Marie Aguilar
/0 CommentsHere’s a video you should watch…
The Revolving Door of New Age, Patriotism and Christianity
/0 CommentsOriginal Youtube Source: