Copyright © 2025 by Greg Wyatt
CIA Mind Control
/1 CommentThis guy had me blowing coffee out of my nose. It reminded me of the days to four years ago whenever I post anything that went against The narrative of the big tree foundation resulted the most vicious and unbelievable attacks of narcissistic idiots. Take a moment and listen to this. It’s The narrative that keeps this b******* alive. And this guy thinks he knows it all.
VAXXED II – They are Still Monetizing Our Story
/1 CommentThey are still monetizing Weston and Emily’s VaxXed Story like the thousands of others. Pathetic human beings doing what they do best.
The Autism Trust
/3 CommentsThe real truth about the Autism Trust.
Signs that Scientology is getting involved in anti-vaxx panic
/0 CommentsWhen the quarantined cruise ship in St. Lucia turned out to be Scientology’s floating cathedral, we got a lot of people asking the same question: Is the Church of Scientology anti-vaccination?
We answered that the church itself doesn’t speak out against vaccines, but because of founder L. Ron Hubbard’s deep-seated hatred for the American Medical Association and his disrespect for doctors in general, many Scientologists tend to be skeptical of western medicine, seek out alternative therapies, and yes, many of them are anti-vaccination.
But now, we think we might have to adjust our answer when that question comes up in the future, because increasingly it does look like the church itself is engaging in the anti-vaxx panic, and goading it along. Why? We’re not sure.
Read the full article here:
Greg Video – Questionable Future for Autistic Kids
/1 Comment
The biggest fear of parents with autist kids is what will happen when their kids grow up? The AUTISM TRUST was to solve that, but we all know what happened… or didn’t happen…
Beware of the Cults of Ignorance that Follow the Bigtree Syndicate!
/0 CommentsI find my circle getting smaller and smaller as time goes on.
At one time, it seemed to grow exponentially. So many connections, friends, allies – we were all on the same side, same team, working individually but also together, towards the same goal. Because these connections were typically made through realizing the mainstream narrative is programming. I saw all of us as independent thinkers who would question, investigate, and come to our own conclusions, rather than simply adopt any narrative presented to us.
I thought we were all people who could see through the cult of personality, no matter what the topic or who the political figure or group leader was. It felt really, really good, to be in alignment with so many other people. But, over the past 2-3 years I’ve been hit with some hard truths. Just because a person sees through the manipulation of the mainstream, does not mean they will see through the manipulation of the alternative. People will “follow the leader” on any side of any issue. When they see someone saying something that resonates with them or gets them emotional, the draw to follow the leader is strong.
Manipulators often use emotion or take strong positions to attract followers, sometimes throwing in a humble brag here and there, or act like they have humility when their self-deprecating comments are intended to invite compliments. Or, they may compliment their followers (“I couldn’t do this without you”). They project honor, strength, and truth, and many flock to them.
This sparks allegiance and loyalty to the leader, and followers begin to identify with others in the group. Because the leader and the group are aligned in one or more ways of thinking, the leader starts to have greater and greater influence over the mindset of the group. Followers end up questioning and fact-checking the leader less and less. What the leader claims becomes truth, regardless of the contradictions within their statements, or evidence against what is being claimed.
As this goes further, you lose independent voices, discussion, and debate… and get group think. People who challenge the leader, research for themselves, disagree on some points, and in general don’t toe the line of the group narrative, are “canceled” / excommunicated. And, the rest continue to follow because their hope lies in their leader, and their beliefs and allegiance are continually validated and reinforced by the leader and other follower-repeaters, often through inciting emotion or confidence in the leader’s authority, capabilities, etc.
I have witnessed and interacted with this sort of cult-like group think several times over the past few years – from people in my own large “circle.” And, it has been very unsettling, every time. I have been censored, “canceled”, unfriended, removed and banned from groups / excommunicated, and had my loyalty and character questioned and attacked for researching topics for myself, for not repeating the narrative, for not showing my subservience to / “kissing the ring” of the group leader, and for having and expressing thoughts or providing information contrary to the group think.
It’s a sobering reality to witness, especially within communities and groups I’ve been a part of, for a long time. “Most people are not followers of themselves, but are followers of others…”
I post this as a warning to simply take time to question whether or not you are unintentionally “following the leader” of any group, on any issue. Re-evaluate the information you assume to be true because of who it comes from. Are you in a group where you’re afraid to openly speak your mind due to the backlash you will receive and the risk of being canceled?
- Don’t blindly follow or believe.
- Don’t take someone’s word for it because you find them trustworthy. (Even trustworthy people can make mistakes. And, some mistakes have major, long term consequences.)
- Do the research and investigate for yourself.
- Question the narrative, even if it’s coming from those in your circle.
- Recognize when and where independent thought is welcome, and where it is not being welcomed.
Another Parent’s Story About VAXXED
/2 CommentsHere is another parent telling her story about VAXXED and how they were given hopes that never materialized.
Dear Greg,
This is my experience with VaxXed along with many others.
It was the fall of 2016 and we were like thousands of others so excited to go meet the Vaxxed bus it was fall of 2016.
This was our experience. First, the people there were not overly friendly. Everyone was cold and in a hurry. It was like we were just a number in a production and we were not the only ones that picked up on it. Call it a gut feeling but I expected more embracing, emotionally. Then Polly came bee bopping out of the bus and ushered us in.
Greg, I had spent hours getting her old medical records together, finding the pages where it stated that my daughter is never to have a DPT shot again, photocopied them, then laminated them so I could show them around forever without fear of them getting torn or stained. She never bothered to look at them and I think my daughter and I made history as the shortest interview EVER. It was about 5 minutes. We had driven hours and hours. Then she looked my daughter in the eyes and said “ We are going to get you out of that group home and into a place you will love (THE AUTISM TRUST) and that was it.
So what’s up telling us and countless others that? How cruel! Just because my precious daughter is brain-injured, doesn’t make her stupid! Good thing she didn’t put much weight into that comment! Face it, false hopes is what they sell while collecting and raising money for a project that does the way they explain it.
Within moments we were ushered out quickly and NO ONE asked me or anyone else for any contact info on. They just wanted us to sign “The VaxXed Bus“ and send us on our way.
Polly told us and everyone else they had bought land in Texas and are building a huge community for the “special” folks BUT, some of them are families that signed over all of their assets.
At the time we or no one else had an idea that this was a business. A business of making money off the vaccine injured and dead.
I like many of my friends, want our name OFF that bus!
Feel free to repost this in hope that others can see the truth!
Sandy Lewis
Safer Vaccines – NOT!
/0 CommentsDel Bigtree and Dr. Paul Thomas have promoted the “Vaccine-Friendly Plan”, Dr. Paul’s book, as part of their war against vaccines and the elimination of sickness and death.
They want only select vaccines. They want only vaccines to be used for the elimination of disease and the spread of a virus’.
This was the way they believe this is one of the only ways that they can “get through” to those who are on the fence as they fear being labeled as Anti-Vaxxers and believe they can sell their lies much more effectively using the safer vaccine message.