Barbara Loe Fisher is another one of the cults of actors of lies and deception and her organization was one of the first to exploit and monetize the misery of VI Injury with her nonprofit, collect millions, and accomplish nothing.
She was largely responsible for the passage of the 1986 Act resulting in liability-free shots for big pharma.
For more sensitive intel on all the actors and exploiters got to GregWyatt.net and learn the truth!
Video Transcript
So I remember back in 2017 when I discovered that the NVIC was basically a psyop operation. That is kind of the kind of preceded this whole vaxxed phenomenon of insanity.
A friend of mine, Doctor David Horowitz came out with this article some time ago. Of course, Doctor Horowitz has been largely silenced.
You can’t even post a link to his website and that tells you something when you get suppressed like that. Well, I remember back in the early days of VAXXED when I was part of the cult promoting them nonstop, not being able to see the forest for the trees. And I brought up to my handler, Tia Severino. The fact that these people here, this person here was Barbara Loe Fisher. She was not who she was portraying herself to be, nor was her mission defined clearly and accurately.
She was one of the very important people in the 1986 Vaccine Injury Protection Act that basically takes your rights to sue vaccine companies and puts them in a private court. So anyway. But Tia says you can’t say that. That’s not true. And at the time I’m going, “Oh my God, I can’t say that that’s not true. I have to do what my handler says.”
So I kind of just let it go, because when you start going down the rabbit hole, you’ll see things like even J.B. Handley is pro-vaccine. All these people are pro-vaccine. But we’re spreading awareness. We’re spreading awareness. And I bought into the bullshit. And then when I kind of stepped away, I got gaslit, castigated. Narcissist.
And, uh, it was very, very, um, stressful and disturbing to these people. But you can look at this article here. It’s exposing vaccine genocide. And, um, Barlow Fisher is pro-vaccine and pro-choice. Now just because somebody says that they are not pro-vaccine or pro-choice. Well, actually, a lot of them are pro-choice.
J.B. Handley, which is Dell Bigtree’s partner, or at least was. Is he pro-vaccine? Promotes vaccines in his book, but just some vaccines. And you look at who these people are kind of offshoots of. You are surprised if you have half a brain. And if you’re not, we’re spreading awareness.
I mean, let me ask you this. What laws have been changed? Actually, things have went in the total backwards direction. Totally backwards. And it was designed to never go anywhere. And this goes in here. It’s really some good stuff. I don’t even think you can.
Oh, yes, doctor Mercola. Oh my God, he’s. I never talk about him. He’s not worth it. A lot of these people aren’t worth it.
But you know what? My kids are worth it. Weston and Emily got severely injured by this realm of reckless thinking. And therefore, I cannot be silent. But 99% of the people in the anti-vaccine movement don’t have regular jobs. They don’t have kids that are vaccine injured.
Now early on back in 2015, 2014, 2013, the anti-vaccine movement was truly anti-vaccine. But somehow they wedged their way in there saying, we can’t say we’re anti-vaccine or they won’t listen to us. Who won’t listen to you? That’s insanity. So anyway. Well, happy Sunday morning. I’ll keep this down to less than seven minutes.
But this whole thing. Follow what I say. Watch what I do. Watch where I’ve been.
And make your own informed choice.
Please feel free share this far and wide. Do it for Weston and Emily. Thank you.