Sheila Ealey – “Your Token African American”
Lynette Marie Barron
2 1/2 years ago.
OCTOBER 25, 2018
This mess started about a year ago when Lynette Marie Barron who had just started an internet radio show began texting her cohost and my friend Lindsey Leigh Novaxx with disturbing and slanderous allegations comments via IM concerning people in the “Anti-vaccine Movement including the VaxXed Team, Sheila Ealey, myself and many others.
At the time Lindsey Leigh Novaxx was the mother of a sick autistic child, Wesley who desperately needed medicine and whose family was homeless. When Lindsay asked me to do a Go Fund Me I was more than willing to help out do so.
Lynette Marie Barron then over the next few days went as far as to contact those who donated to that Go Fund Me that I had then set up for her and her sick son which resulted in many donors questioning her motives and canceling their donations.
It is clear that Lynette Marie Barron is part of the Paul Offit pharmaceutical cartel! Daley Daley2024-02-16 12:50:322024-02-16 12:53:46Lynette Marie Barron
The entertainment industry, which includes television, film, music, and other forms of media, focuses on entertaining audiences and generating revenue through various means including monetizing people’s illnesses and suffering.
Video Transcript
“The same passion, really is to stop this happening to any more children. As for the documentary, I think, Andy, you’d be better at talking about that because it was Andy’s brainchild, the whole thing with Brian Hooker.
Well, the first documentary we made was who killed Alex Spourdalaktis? And for that, Polly must take the credit. We started off making a series of stories about children who, it was a reality show, really, about how you could take children who were damaged and families that were broken as a consequence and make them better by the appropriate medical treatment.
And this story turned into a tragedy when conventional psychiatry and medicine interfered and prescribed the most horrendous regimen of psychotropic drugs to this poor boy, leading to his mother taking his life and trying to take her own. In terms of the power of film, Polly will tell you the outcome of that story right now. It’s happening right now.
Yeah. So Dorothy Spourdalaktis has been released from prison. And, well, you got the call from the lawyer. Andy got the call from Dorothy’s lawyer, and he said to Andy that the documentary who killed Alex Spourdalaktis was a major player in helping her get released. Because if you see it, I don’t know if anybody’s seen it. And it’s very hard to understand why she did what she did. But when you watch the documentary and it’s this real footage leading up to his death, and you will see how much that mother loved her child, it’s everywhere. It’s oozing out. She didn’t leave his side, and he was becoming more and more sick because he was given more and more psychotropic medicine. So it’s very important, if you can get hold of a copy, to see that film and understand. And I have to tell you, from being on the road for so long, there are many other parents, well-educated parents, that tell me if things do not change, they are considering taking their children’s lives as well, because the future for their very sick children is so bad.
This is why we have to do something immediately. And Polly’s absolutely right. Two members of the Department of Justice that had seen the film prosecuting this woman, and they were going to put her away for life with no chance of release. And they watched the film and they said, we could never prosecute this film, this lady, in the same way, having seen this film, and it was negotiated that she had served time and she was released. So that really is the power of telling the real story behind what happens. And Fax was another one where we were presented with an opportunity to make a film about the first ever whistleblower, a senior scientist from the CDC coming forward and confessing to fraud in vaccine safety science at the CDC. It was an obvious documentary target, and it’s turned out to be a tremendously powerful.” Daley Daley2024-02-15 16:28:302024-02-23 14:37:32How the Entertainment Industry Profits from Jab Damaged Children
Who is the real Del Bigtree? Del Bigtree has a long family history of being a showman and as such there is the mask he wears in public and the products of his actions in real life. Is it no accident that he named his online show the HiWire as a means of mockery as he flaunts the great disconnect between what this actor portrays himself to be and the real truth.
Del Bigtree and Greg Wyatt
A Family of Actors
Del Matthew Bigtree, also known as Delores Jackson(1), was born on April 15, 1970 to Jack Groverland and Norma Bigtree. He grew up in Boulder Colorado.
Parents: Norma Bigtree and Jack Groverland
Norma, Del’s mother, was born on January 14, 1943 to Norman and Mary Bigtree (nee Wolniak) in Syracuse, NY. Norman Big Tree, Del’s maternal grandfather, was born on May 10, 1911 and died on March 26, 1971. Norman was a Mohawk Native American(2). Norman was a machinist for the Chrysler Corporation until his death in 1971. Norma was the middle of three daughters, following the eldest Jeanne Bigtree (now Bagi) and the youngest Sandra Bigtree born. When Sandra was just one, the three sisters started performing together as the Big Tree Sisters(3).
Norma met Jack Groverland in the early 1960’s and they appeared in off-Broadway productions together in New York City. Norma starred in Curley McDimple (a Shirley Temple spoof) from November 22, 1967 to January 15, 1970. Del was born in April 1970. Norma would have been about midterm when the play closed.
When “Tent Revival” preaching became popular in the 1960’s, Norma and Jack suddenly found a more lucrative career promoting God and ditched the theater for the tent. It’s not clear why Del does not have his father’s last name.
Chief John Big Tree
Del is also the Great Grandson of Indian Chief and Hollywood screen actor John Big Tree aka Isacc Johnny John who appeared in 59 Hollywood films between 1915 and 1950 and was the model for the Indian Chief on the head of the nickel coin. Or is he?
Newspaper articles report that Norma Bigtree was the granddaughter of a Mohawk chief who’s visage adorns the nickel coin(4). But an obituary of John Big Tree(5) says he never had any children.
Forum posts on a genealogy website have similar discrepancies. A woman who went to school with Norma reports that she was the granddaughter of Chief Johnnie but later forum reports say that articles about John Big Tree indicate he did not have a family(6). Plus the difference in spelling from Big Tree to Bigtree. So which account is true? In typical showbiz fashion, the truth is lost when the agenda is to sell an image.
Del’s Showbiz Career and Some Very Lucrative Moves
Del directed “Partners” in 2003. This film is a soft p%rn video short film starring Del’s wife Lee Nestor. The story involves one woman lying in bed while another woman sexually pleasures her under the covers. It seems that many now involved in the safer VaxXed movement directly or indirectly were involved in questionable professions in typical Hollywood style.
Del was the executive producer and director of Bitter Sweet in 2005. In 2007, he co-produced and co-directed with his wife Lee Nestor, Sex and Sensuality, another sexually charged production(16). Lee’s mother, Peggy Nestor, was also co-producer. The movie stars Lee Nestor as Gabrielle Marks as she undresses and bathes while describing a dirty little secret(7).
The Doctors, a successful pro pharmaceutical talk show created by Phil McGraw (aka Dr. Phil), has over 1,125 episodes and was first aired on September 8, 2008. Del produced 32 episodes of The Doctors between 2010 to 2015. Producers on the Dr. Phil show make around $65,000 a year 😎. Del’s contract was not renewed after 2015 and he was looking for his next gig.
Del then got involved in “Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe”, when the movie was over 80% complete. The original content was to belong to an Andrew Wakefield documentary.
Andrew Wakefield started touring, by himself, in 2015 to raise monies for Thompson’s legal defense fund. That is when Wakefield met Del Bigtree through Larry Cook, an early monitizer of jab injury stories who got Bigtrees attention. Through a series of secret meetings the plan was hatched. Exploit and monetize the jab injured and create the first stage of a never ending revenue stream off exploitation of the jab injured and dead Similar to the Alex Sporticus exploitation piece that Polly Tommey and her Autism Media Channel had turned into a movie almost a decade earlier.
In early 2016, Del Bigtree added to the script with California’s Senate Bill 277h rally footage and interviews with self-proclaimed whistleblower Brandy Vaughan. By March 2016, after Bigtree had finished adding his content and edits and the film was released.
Once the movie was out and in circulation in various theaters across the U.S., Del decided that he should be doing the movie roll-outs and post movie question and answer sessions. Del had forced Andrew out by November of 2016 and lawsuits followed as Bigtree was to only tour for several months with the crew and he refused to leave seeing bigger paydays in the months/years to come.
When Del took over the Vaxxed movie, he was paid $15,000 a month. And now? Del now makes $500,000+ a year(9). A very lucrative career change from being a producer on Dr. Phil.
Director of short film Partners
Video Short
Apr 2003
Aug 2007
Media Production
Snippies / Video Journalist
Executive Producer and Director of Bitter Sweet
TV Movie
Jan 2005
Dec 2009
Segment Producer
Dr. Phil / CBS
5 episodes
Produced and Directed “Sex and Sensuality”
Apr 2007
Aug 2007
Executive Producer of Homeless Real World Entertainment
Mania TV
Aug 2008
Apr 2015
Producer, Segment Producer
The Doctors / CBS
32 episodes
Del’s Personal Life
Del is married to Lee Collette Nestor (date). Lee was born on September 23, 1969 in Switzerland and is the daughter of Peggy Nestor. Not much is known about her father other than he was an international banker(10) and why does Lee use her mother’s maiden name?
Lee is also related to Marianne Nestor who is her aunt. Marianne (aka Dolly) was the secret wife of Oleg Cassini(11). Peggy was the creative director for Oleg Cassini brand(12). The two Nestor sisters, Marianne and Peggy have been embroiled in a lawsuit over the New York 5th Avenue mansion left to Marianne after Oleg’s death in 2006. Christina “Tina” Cassini and her sister, Daria, daughters of Oleg and Gene Tierney were the presumed heirs to the nearly $60 million estate.
She fought Marianne over her late father’s estate until her untimely death in March of 2015 at the age of 67(13). The estate battle continues in the eye of the public, as Alexandre Cassini Belmont, Oleg’s grandson has also entered a claim. Marianne has spent time in jail as she drags her heels on providing the court with accurate accounting records of the estate of which half is rightly due to the heirs of Oleg’s daughter, Tina.
Cassini was the fashion designer of Jacqueline Kennedy’s iconic wardrobe. Was it then that Peggy Nestor became friends with the Kennedy family? Is Lee the link between Del and his current business partner Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the various business endevors they have launched?
Lee has also had a showbiz career. She is a singer/musician and actress. She and Del shot a video for her song “Still With Me” in 1997 in the Netherlands(14) and she has two albums “Midnight Wednesday” and “Call It What It Is”.
Some Other Questions to Ponder…
Why does Lee Nestor have an IMBd page and is listed as a male in mylife dot com(15)? Her appearance looks like a male in her early acting career. Why does Del have an alias on Instant Checkmate as Delores Jackson, a female name? Why are pictures of Del filled with symbols of the elite like numerous photos referencing flags, masonic brick walls, bright purple socks, and black and white checkered floors?
So this leads to the question. Who is Del Bigtree and what are his motivations. Daley Daley2024-02-07 16:41:492024-02-07 17:11:34Who is Del Bigtree: Actor or Great Guy?
In 2018 I noticed that many of Del Bigtree’s Highwire’s guests were brazenly promoting their books that promoted vaccines or a safer vaccine. JB Handley was one of them. Promoting the same vaccines that poisoned and disabled my two beautiful children Weston and Emily.
If you are unfamiliar with JB Handley, here’s some information about him.
JB Handley is an entrepreneur, author, and advocate for “vaccine safety”. He is also the co-founder of the non-profit organization Generation Rescue, which aims to support families affected by autism spectrum disorders. Handley became involved in the vaccine controversy after his son was diagnosed with autism.
Handley has been vocal about his concerns regarding vaccine safety and the potential link between vaccines and autism. He questions the widespread use of vaccines, particularly the number and timing of vaccines administered to young children. Handley argues that certain ingredients in vaccines, such as mercury and aluminum, may pose health risks, especially for individuals with genetic vulnerabilities.
He has criticized the mainstream medical community for dismissing the possibility of vaccine-related health issues and for neglecting to thoroughly investigate potential correlations between vaccines and autism. Handley believes that more research should be conducted to address the concerns of parents and ensure the safety of vaccines.
In the end, it appears that JP Handley is just a shill for pharmaceuticals and not against vaccines. There’s no such thing as a safer vaccine, because the majority of humans are already born perfect. Daley Daley2024-02-06 12:49:422024-02-06 12:49:42Deceptions of a Safer Vaccine: Del Bigtree and JB Handley
This is my beautiful autistic son. Weston Wyatt.
Westin is back for his monthly 3-day weekend visit.
He was born perfect but everything changed after his two four and six-month well visits. He is now 26 years old and functions at the level of it three year old. He will never drive a car. He will never hold a job. He will never do anything that we take for granted.
There’s nothing like having him home! Absolutely nothing!
Feel free to share! Twenty-five years into living with autism, I anticipated this moment but was uncertain of its timing. It’s been since Christmas since I last saw Weston, and missing him deeply, I chose to visit him at his daytime autism program. In the evenings, he goes back to the Hope Haven Ranch in Kirkland, Arizona, where he lives with four other adults severely to profoundly affected by autism. The greatest challenge of autism is its potential to disrupt your life, and the key is to resist this disruption while maintaining positivity and optimism, regardless of the circumstances you face. Daley Daley2024-02-06 12:13:242024-03-05 17:27:57Living With Autism for 25 Years
The Vaxxed bus deception charade began when I learned they lied about a bus being rescued from Hurricane Katrina. In 2017, the truth was revealed that the bus was purchased from Sheila Ealy, who lived in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. The bus was sold to the Vax team as part of the ongoing monetization of misery. The movie Vax and Dell Bigtree was an offshoot of Andrew Wakefield, who was seen as the Messiah of the anti-vaccine movement. The bus was not rescued from Katrina, but was used as an emotional trigger to make people believe it was a rescue. The bus was sold multiple times from dealerships, and the ruse of the movie Vax took off like wildfire because it played on people’s emotions.
11 minute video. My investigation of the vax bus and the real truth behind it and how my discoveries led to the non-stop attacks on my personality and the destruction of my mission.
So does anybody remember this? This is where the charades started, one of its earliest stages when they got this bus. When I found out that they lied about the background of this bus, I was mortified.
If any of you remember back in 2016, they said that this bus was rescued from the floodwaters of Katrina, Hurricane Katrina. In 2017, I started looking really deep at all of the lies that these people formulated as part of their construct. Well the bus was not rescued from Hurricane Katrina. They just used that as kind of an emotional trigger so people could think, well it was rescued from Hurricane Katrina and now they’re rescuing all the kids from these evilness of, you know what.
So how did I find all this out? Well, I’ve been a pretty serious researcher all of my life. And when I found out the truth about this vast bus, in fact, it was purchased from Sheila Ealy. That’s where the vast bus came from. It was purchased from Sheila Ealy. Well Sheila lived down in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. And so it sounded like a pretty good story. But I decided to go ahead and do a title check and an owner check and see the history.
And I’m going to show you that right now. I want to point out that I recorded this five years ago and I have a lot of files I’ve
been sitting on for so long. And now it’s time to let a few of them make the light of reality. So here’s Experian AutoCheck, your auto check vehicle history report. And I got the VIN number from the license plate number and I started to dig deep. The main thing I wanted to see is if it had been in the flood of Katrina because it would be noted and it was a lie.
As I said, Sheila Ealy sold the bus to the Vax team as part of the ruse, the ongoing monetization of misery. So I decided to look and this is the actual recording that I made back five years ago. That’s the bus. This is the no-brand title. If you know anything about motor vehicles, no accident, no other damage, no odometer problems, no recalls.
But it also gave the owners, not their names, but it gave the dates that it was purchased. And there’s the current purchaser right here. So it was sold a number of times, of course, from the dealership. You get back into here. But it just didn’t make sense. You have to be kind of a detective like myself and have a very analytical mind to make sense of this. And most people don’t.
And that’s why the ruse of the movie Vax took off like wildfire because they played on people’s emotions. No flood brand. There it is. No flood. No lemon. No salvage. It was all a lie. All a lie. This goes on for a couple more minutes.
I’m just trying to make a point here that the movie Vaxxed and Dell Bigtree, that was an offshoot of Andrew Wakefield. And of course they had Andrew Wakefield as the Messiah of the anti-vaccine movement. Here you can look at the mileage too. He was the Messiah. And they were saying that, oh, Brian, dear, he lied. Well, you know, I bought into that too. I thought Brian, dear, was an evil, evil investigator.
How dare he attack Andrew Wakefield? Oh my God. Well, if you dig deep and I just don’t have it in me, Andrew Wakefield, he’s a constant
instructor. He was trying to prove himself right after he was banned, after they retracted his papers 12 years after the fact. He was trying to protect his reputation.
A lot of people do look at Dell Bigtree. What reputation? Dell Bigtree worked for a pharmaceutical TV show. He had some very nefarious things that he had done in his life. Of course, they got to patch him up and cover him over just like Andrew Wakefield. All of them have very checkered past. And if you look, they’re all, for the most part, entertainers and filmmakers. Holly Tomi was an adult entertainer. I have no proof of that, but it’s a well-known fact that when she was in Europe, she was in England. That was kind of her job. And they just kind of moved on down the road.
She’s a filmmaker too.
Andrew Wakefield’s a filmmaker.
Dell Bigtree’s a filmmaker.
And a lot of their followers now call themselves filmmakers.
And all this stuff is so well documented on my blog at And that’s just a small sliver of all the information that I have.
I don’t have time to do any more than what I’ve done. So I’d like you to go ahead. I’d like you to do some research and what you find will be shocking.
Shocking, shocking, shocking.
Like it was for me in 2017. And whenever I tried to crack it open to anybody, I was castigated, maligned, narcissized, gasket to a point of utter insanity. And I started to question my sanity wondering, is this really true? Or is my mind making this up? Is all this stuff I’m finding out a lie? Am I really inhibiting the movement or movement? Drag your crazy poor choice, you’re losing your mind. How can you do this to us? You’re such an evil person.
Well, I’ll tell you what, I had something really good going. AVS, I don’t even want to say it. I get banned on Facebook just by putting the logo up. I led was one of the biggest leaders in the grassroots movement before it was taken over by Dell Bigtree, Andrew Wakefield, Polly Tomy, and all of the shysters that went along with it, including Dr. Brian Hooker.
Where’d he work? He worked for the CDC. See all of them have pharmaceutical connections and nobody got it.
Well, I’m going to keep this under 10 minutes.
Go to, find out the truth.
If you care, if you don’t, if you’re selling MLMs, you need that impetus. There’s no way if you’re selling MLMs that you can tell the truth because all you care about is selling your product in which 98% of the people that you sell to never make a dime. That you do. Anyway, thanks for your support.
Keep me in your prayers. I need them more than ever. Things are winding down, my friends.
God bless. Daley Daley2024-02-05 12:46:302024-02-06 12:16:25The Vaxxed Bus Deception
Nazi Germany, during World War II, was infamous for its horrific acts committed against humanity. This dark chapter in history, known as the Holocaust, witnessed the systematic murder and genocide of millions, including innocent children. Nurses played a sinister role in this tragedy, as they were often tasked with administering lethal injections or participating in the cruel experiments conducted on these helpless victims. These heinous crimes against humanity remain haunting reminders of the atrocities carried out by the Nazi regime, forever etching their place in the annals of history as unimaginable acts of evil and destruction.
Nazi Germany & Injections: Nurses Murdering Children
January 25, 2020 – When watching “Caring Corrupted – The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich,” I was shocked and devastated by how many parallels there are between Nazi Germany and the medical madness that is currently sweeping America.
#1 – The Nazis firmly believed the “greater good” of the public was more important than the health and good of the individual.
Today the most prominent American Democrats believe the exact same thing. When I emailed and snail-mailed Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and asked what her position was on mandatory vaccination, she never responded in any fashion. However I did eventually get an email from Sandy Menor, the Support Team Director for the Justice Democrats. This is the political organization Cortez belongs to that got her elected. Menor’s response to me was, “We believe all people should be vaccinated unless medically unable to do so. Public health and safety should always be the first concern. The current (New York measles) epidemic is evidence what happens when people ignore the greater good of fellow citizens and the vulnerable.” (emphasis added) Sandy Menor eluded to the notion that medical exemptions to vaccination are acceptable, however it is now nearly impossible to get such exemptions in many states.
#2 – The Nazi doctors and nurses were not allowed to serve the best interests of their patients; they had no choice but to serve the interests of the state.
Today we see this exact same reversal of the Hippocratic Oath where doctors are no longer allowed to write medical exemptions to vaccinations for patients who need them. In California only a state advisory board – that never meets with the child – can decide if a child will receive a medical exemption from state-mandated injections. In New York it is nearly impossible to get a medical exemption written by a doctor and when one is written, the Department of Health is currently advised by Governor Andrew Cuomo to deny virtually all requests. One prominent example of this is Ameer Hamideh, the severely disabled boy from Buffalo, NY, who had a valid medical exemption to vaccination given to him by his neurologist. However the New York Department of Health illegally denied the exemption. Ameer’s family sued the school in court and won. The court system still allows for some crumbs of justice to befall upon the people, on rare occasion, and is one of the few barriers we have to all out Fascism in America.
#3 – The Nazis viewed the disabled as “useless eaters” that should be segregated from society and did not have the same human rights as German citizens.
Today in New York, California, Maine, Mississippi and West Virginia children who are disabled and whose families refuse to inject them with state-mandated vaccinations are segregated and banned from school. In Rockland County, NY in 2019, completely healthy unvaccinated children were banned from all public spaces. In Westchester, NY the local laws have been altered to allow for forced vaccination of adults if the government mandates it otherwise you may lose your job.
#4 – The propaganda of Nazi Germany was so effective it got the entire nation hypnotized to believe “mercy killings” of “useless eaters” were proper and ethical.
The propaganda in America today labeling Health Freedom and Vaccine Choice families as “anti-vaxxers” that are a danger to the public health is 100% false, yet it is effectively hypnotizing most of the nation to believe those who choose not to vaccinate should be banned from public spaces, ridiculed, quarantined, and even forced into reeducation camps and force vaccinated. This is the rhetoric we are seeing on social media, in the mainstream news as well as in state capitols all across the country – especially state capitols controlled by Democrats. Right now in New York there is a bill being considered – bill A99 – that would allow adults to be detained and force vaccinated if the government deemed it necessary.
“Project Paperclip” was a CIA covert operation that brought Nazi scientists (and other Nazis) into America not to prosecute them, but to work with them. We know NASA’s rocket program and the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind control experiments were both worked on hand-in-hand with Nazi scientists. We also know from psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin there were Nazi scientists brought to America that worked on electroshock therapy on psychiatric patients. I often wonder if any Nazi scientists are connected to the vaccination program. Later in this report I detail Josef Mengele’s experiments injecting twins with “germs, diseases and drugs” quoting Eva Kor, one of Mengele’s unwitting subjects.
#6 – Over a dozen nurses recently interviewed in America say they know the way vaccines are administered to children today is causing many to be disabled and even killed, but very few are listening to them.
In Nazi Germany the doctors issued the majority of the orders, but it was the nurses who actually killed “undesirable” children, most commonly by injecting them with substances that ended their lives. The nurses would often administer the lethal injection and hold the child in their arms while they died. Of course there is a big difference between this and vaccination – the goal of vaccination is not explicitly to kill or disable children, but too often the result is effectively just that. At the end of this report I list links to over a dozen American nurses giving statements on video recounting the damage and death they have witnessed from vaccination of children in contemporary America.
Caring Corrupted – The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich:
Sterilization, Experimentation and Murder
Nazi Germany involuntary sterilized about 400,000 Germans, “euthanized” 200,000 disabled German children and adults, and invented the mass-murder machine of the gas chamber. None of this could have happened without the support of doctors and nurses. 40% of all doctors in Germany joined the Nazi party, while other white collar professions joined in far smaller numbers.
Eugenics is the belief that one race is genetically superior to another, and the lesser people can therefore be killed and sterilized to promote “the greater good” of the society. Eugenics is a false pseudo-science and was the cornerstone of Nazi propaganda and deadly medical campaigns. However the Germans did not invent eugenics, but rather learned of it from American scientists who were the first to promote the pseudo-science, according to Michael A. Grodin, MD featured in the documentary “Caring Corrupted – The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich.” Laws on the books in Virginia allowed sterilization of developmentally disabled (formerly called “mentally retarded”) people. “There was a time where there were letters in US journals saying, ‘look at the Nazis they’ve gotten ahead of us (in eugenics) we’ve got to catch up‘,” said Grodin.
The Nazi programs of sterilization and killing required many participants. “Of course it required lawyers, it required doctors, it required bureaucrats, it required administrators; but many of the nurses were the ones who actually carried out the injections…Nurses were the agents of the physicians and the physicians during the Nazi period were agents of the state. That’s very important because physicians were no longer asked to care for patients but to care for the state,” according to Grodin.
Germany’s doctors and nurses embraced the Nazi party except Jewish doctors who were obviously excluded. The official journal of the German Medical Association put the swastika on their journal and got rid of all Jewish authors and doctors very quickly; in 5 to 6 years Jews were out of all academic and professional establishments. After years of Nazi propaganda the German medical establishment began to believe “racial hygiene” was good for the nation. Social Darwinism was embraced by both doctors and nurses for a “healthy thriving society.”
In the 1920’s a book was written with the title roughly translated as “Permitting the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life,” by Karl Binding and Alfred Hoche. This wound up being a great influence on Hitler’s support of so-called “euthanasia” which in actuality was just a mass-murder program. The Nazi mass-murder program first began in 1939 as a way to kill disabled children – those with down syndrome, cerebral palsy, cardiac problems etc…were all considered “useless eaters.” The mass-murder program soon moved to adults.
German families were lied to by nurses and told their disabled children would be given the best of care if the families relinquished them to the state. Not long after this the children would be murdered by various means, including poisonous lethal injections. Nurses would give the children overdoses, take them outside into cold weather knowing it would sicken them leading to death, or kill them by other means. Midwives were required to report every child born with a birth defect, and would receive money for each child they reported. No consent was given to take the life of any of these children, yet the children were eventually killed.
Shortly after the killing of children began in Germany, the adult mass-murder program followed in psychiatric hospitals. The justification became that Germany needed these hospital beds for wounded soldiers after the invasion of Poland. Why should the state waste a good hospital bed on an adult worthless eater? The name of the killing team was T4. This was the first use of the gas chambers for mass-murder. The killings were somewhat hidden, but the communities around the death facilities figured out what was going on. Buses with blacked-out windows would arrive, and not too long after there arrival black smoke would be seen bellowing out from the institution when the dead bodies were burned after being gassed. People became knowledgeable of what the “grey buses” were all about. The T4 euthanasia program ended in 1941, but the killing of children continued till the end of the World War II.
How did nurses become involved in these killings? It was a gradual process. First a nurse would be asked to hold a patient while someone else did the injection, so it was easy for the nurse to say, “Well I was not the one doing the killing.” From there it is a shorter step to the nurse giving the injection herself. Senior nurses (some of which were men) would order killings to other nurses. Some nurses would starve children to death.
When Jews were moved into death camps many of the same doctors and nurses involved in the euthanasia program took down the gas chambers in the hospitals and reconstructed them in the concentration camps; additionally many nurses were directly involved in human experiments.
Eva Kor – Human Experimentation
Auschwitz survivor Eva Kor was captured with her twin sister Miriam and experimented on by the Nazis. To aid his sick, demented experiments, infamous Nazi Doctor and war criminal Josef Mengele utilized twins specifically to be force injected against their will and monitored. Eva and her twin sister were housed with twin girls age 2 to 16, and would be inspected by Dr. Mengele on a daily basis. After breakfast, the twins were brought for experiments which included 6 to 8 hours of having their bodies inspected. All the children were taken to a blood lab 3 days a week. According to Eva Kor the doctors and nurses would take a lot of blood from her left arm and give her at least 5 injections in her right arm.
“The contents of those injections we didn’t know then nor do I know today. To the best of my knowledge they were germs, diseases and drugs because the German Pharmaceutical company was very heavily involved in the experiments in Auschwitz. After one of those injections I became very ill with a very high fever: in fact I desperately tried to hide. The rumor in the camp was anyone taken to the hospital never came back so I didn’t want to be taken to the hospital. My fever was high, both of my legs and arms were swolen and very very painful and I had huge red patches throughout my body the size of a small apple or an egg.” – Eva Kor
(It is of interest to note Eva’s symptoms sound very similar to some adverse reactions to vaccines.)
Less than 200 of the 1500 twins used in experiments by Mengele survived. Many died from the conditions in the camp but the majority died as a result of the experiments and injections. There were sterilization experiments in Auschwitz as well, and the nurses were often the ones who picked and prepared the human subjects. Some nurses were eventually sent to prison for their participation in crimes against humanity, while others were given death sentences and hanged. Many of the nurses involved were never captured or pursued.
There were nurses who did not comply with the Nazi insanity. One was Maria Stromberger who had heard what was happening in Auschwitz and couldn’t believe it. She asked to be transferred to Auschwitz and, eventually, smuggled out information and even smuggled in ammunition and guns for resistors inside. She saved many lives.
Brave American Nurses Speaking Out!
As children are injured and killed by vaccines today, there is a brave minority of nurses and retired nurses who are beginning to speak out and tell their truth to the world. Below is a list of over a dozen nurses with a brief description of their stories and a link to the Youtube video where you can hear them speak for themselves.
(1) This Research Nurse admits to having injected a vaccine into a baby during medical research where the baby died shortly after. Her supervising physician said the baby’s death was not related to the vaccination she administered, however she does not believe that is the truth.
(2) Michele Rowton – Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (specializes in children age 2 and under), with 17 years experience in the NICU, speaks out against the dangers vaccines pose to children –
(5) Julie is a registered nurse of 44 years – often saw children admitted to the emergency room shortly after receiving vaccinations –
(7) Belinda is a Nurse Practitioner practicing Emergency Medicine. She saw children injured from vaccine she gave, and got guillain barre syndrome herself from a flu shot –
(8) Joanne, NICU Nurse for 30 years, retired early because she can no longer vaccinate children as she is convinced they are not safe. She is especially adamant against the practice of vaccinating “micro-premies” –
Cognitive dissonance refers to the psychological discomfort experienced when an individual holds contradictory beliefs or values, or when their actions are inconsistent with their beliefs. It is a state of internal conflict that arises when there is a mismatch between attitudes and behavior, which often leads to feelings of tension, anxiety, or unease. Resolving cognitive dissonance involves either changing one’s beliefs or behaviors to create consistency, or rationalizing and justifying the situation to alleviate the discomfort.
Del Bigtree’s Message: A Fearful Serenade
Cognitive dissonance often arises in the messaging of Del Bigtree. He wields the power of persuasion with charismatic authority, all without the credentials of a medical professional. His message is clear but contentious: vaccines can be safer, and there are hidden dangers within the medical establishment.
It is difficult to argue the latter; there are hidden dangers within the medical establishment, but there is no clear path to safer vaccines.
Del’s narratives resonate with those who question the status quo. His skillful blend of partial truths and fear-mongering serves as an unsettling serenade. He plays the notes of doubt, painting a grim picture of vaccines as a looming threat.
This melody resonates with the anti-vaccine and vaccine-hesitant, sowing the seeds of discord within their minds. The danger is that he sets himself as an authority on the subject, and so many people flock to him that if he said, “This is the vaccine to trust,” his followers would run out and get it.
Deception In The Echo Chamber
Del Bigtree’s unique deception lies in his ability to exploit this cognitive dissonance. He deftly caters to his audience’s fears and doubts while offering himself as a beacon of clarity in the fog of uncertainty. His messages shift with the crowd’s desires, mirroring their beliefs while maintaining an authoritative facade.
He portrays himself as a truth-teller, a champion of safer vaccines, even when the Supreme Court acknowledges vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe.” This intentional manipulation amplifies cognitive dissonance as his followers grapple with his ever-evolving narrative. Wyatt Wyatt2023-12-07 00:00:472024-02-15 18:21:11The Tightrope of Cognitive Dissonance
Autism is created by unnecessary jabs for children. The World Health Organization and Bill Gates created an autism epidemic in Vietnam.
You know, Vietnam doesn’t have anything. There’s no such thing as autism, in 1975, year 2000. Year 2001 there’s no such thing. When Vietnam signed the W.H.O. and when Vietnam signed into the International Monetary Fund, the banking system. Bill gates and the Gates Foundation introduced the vaccination program.
Into Vietnam. Now Vietnam has over a 300% rise in autism. Wyatt Wyatt2023-11-24 00:30:092024-02-19 21:33:04Autism in Vietnam
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Written by The Fed Up Democrat,