Copyright © 2025 by Greg Wyatt
Welcome to 1938: First, They Came for the Unvaccinated
/0 CommentsWayne Allyn Root declares, ‘This is the most important commentary I’ve ever written’
This is the most important commentary I’ve ever written.
It’s time for alarm bells. It’s time for me to play the part of Paul Revere: “The communist tyrants and dictators are coming! The communist tyrants and dictators are coming!” They’re coming first for unvaccinated Americans.
This is 1938. I’m a Jew. I now understand just a little of what it felt like to be a Jew in 1938. No, it’s not the Holocaust. Nothing can be compared to the Holocaust. Ever.
But 1938 was not the Holocaust. It was the pre-Holocaust. It was the time before the nightmare, when the foundation was being laid to destroy the freedom, free speech, businesses and lives of millions of Jews.
Everything happening today to the American people … to the U.S. Constitution … to freedom … and particularly to unvaccinated Americans reminds me of 1938. This is only the beginning. It gets much worse from here.
First, “the papers.” Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are just like 1938, when the Gestapo demanded papers from every German.
Republicans asked for “papers” from migrants who had broken into our country. Criminals. Democrats said, “No, that’s racism.” Republicans asked for “papers” once every two years for federal elections, to prove you have a right to vote. Democrats said, “No, that’s racism.”
Now Democrats want American citizens, not illegal aliens, not criminals, but patriots born in this country, to produce papers 24/7. We’ll need papers to enter restaurants, bars, nightclubs, concerts, casinos, conventions and hotels and to board a train, plane or bus. We’ll need papers to enter a supermarket, or we’ll starve to death. All for the crime of being unvaccinated against … wait for it …
The flu.
All for the crime of being unwilling to inject an untested, rushed to production, experimental, “for emergency use only” shot into our bodies.
What happened to the war cry of Democrats: “My body, my choice”? It only applies to murdering babies, but it doesn’t apply to dangerous experimental shots we don’t want injected into our bodies.
Weren’t Jews injected with experimental drugs by the depraved Nazi government? Wasn’t that a key part of the Nuremberg trials? That no government could ever again inject experimental shots into the bodies of unwilling citizens? Isn’t that a basic human right?
By the way, this isn’t about vaccines. If you want the vaccine, take it. I’d never stop you. I’d never limit your freedom, your choice. This is about vaccine mandates – forcibly injecting Americans who don’t want it. That’s 1938.
But there’s much more in common with 1938. Mask mandates. If you’re scared, wear them. I’m not scared. I don’t want to wear them. Mandates are about forcing individuals to lose their freedom, choice, individuality and human rights. That’s 1938.
Lockdowns are a match with the Warsaw Ghetto. Jews were locked down. Jews couldn’t work. Jews couldn’t travel. Jewish businesses were labeled “nonessential.”
If government can force us to close our businesses, to kill our jobs, to decide who is nonessential, then this is 1938.
Stars on clothing. It’s coming. The vaccinated get into restaurants, bars, concerts, supermarkets, planes and trains. They keep their jobs. The rest of us are marked as “subhuman” for life. That’s the star. That’s 1938.
Media and social media as the public-relations wing of the government. That’s called propaganda. Remind you of 1938? Back then, the Jews’ books were burned. Today, it’s those of conservatives, patriots and specifically the unvaccinated. We are silenced. Our facts are labeled “misleading.” Only the facts that agree with big government’s agenda count. That’s 1938.
Door-to-door intimidation and making lists of those who disagree with “government knows best.” Trust me, that army of door-to-door vaccine brainwashers will soon be turned into a Gestapo of gun-grabbers. 1938 was the year Nazis banned Jews from owning guns. They took them door to door. That’s 1938.
Only days ago, a former Department of Homeland Security official said the unvaccinated should be on the federal no-fly list. That’s exactly how Nazis attacked the Jews and others who disagreed with their agenda. It was always lists. Lists of people to be disappeared in the middle of the night; lists of those to be sent to reeducation camps; lists of those to be sent to concentration camps; lists of enemies of the state. It’s happening again. Maybe this time you’ll only lose your job or free speech. This is, again, 1938.
It’s all disgusting and disgraceful. But I’m warning you, this is just the start. It’s all going downhill from here – fast. This is the end of America. This is 1938.
Unless we stop it now. Unless we take a stand now. Unless we draw a line in the sand now.
First, they came for the unvaccinated. Trust me: Next, they’re coming for you.
COVID Nurse Shares a Big Dose of Reality
/0 CommentsHere’s a worthwhile video to view and share containing a big dose of reality. A little long, but worth it. Video/audio processed to make it easier to hear.
They Are Covering Up Cov Vax Deaths and Injuries Says Ambulance Workers and Nurses
/0 CommentsA report from the field in Australia…
For those who don’t know I work in New South Wales (NSW) Ambulance control and have done so for the last 18 years. I personally take up to 120 calls per shift for ambulance assistance and I am flabbergasted that it appears no hospital staff in NSW, doctors or nurses in emergency rooms, have come out with the information about this.
I am hearing call after call of people having adverse and serious reactions to these vaccines, so much so that I have flagged this with other staff and managers who agree, one who stated it is absolutely no coincidence that many cardiac events, whether they be cardiac arrest or heart palpitations, etc, directly follow these vaccines. And callers are stating that they have never had events like this before and they directly connect it with the vaccines. There are exponentially more people being hospitalized in NSW due to these adverse reactions than to Covid itself.
I’m reaching out here, not because I’m trying to convince any of you of this, but I’m currently on a few days off as I’m not coping well with knowing this information first hand and just want to share and have some support (maybe there are doctors or nurses who agree?). Each time I go to work, although I have declined the vaccinations officially, I am still asked again and again.
The 51 year old woman who died on Monday was Covid positive but she was found dead by her family at 9:10 am. When the paramedics arrived, they pronounced her dead on site (no attempt to resuscitate). I took this call and the investigation that followed was completely out of the ordinary, so as the government could add to its Covid death stats and vaccination propaganda! There is absolutely no way she had had an autopsy and the actual reason for death was confirmed by the 6 pm news!
Why I need a few days break is that I cannot bear to hear another beautiful elderly man weeping because his wife is unconscious and has death breath 3 days after getting the Astra Zeneca shot. And no one is doing a thing to investigate this!!
Thanks for listening all and sending love to you and yours.”
Proof of Vaccination Required to Attend CES 2022
/0 CommentsWe can’t even go to a convention without first being jabbed. Have to wonder how that will impact their attendance?
“The Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® today announced that CES® 2022, the world’s most influential technology event, will require in-person attendees to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination. CES 2022 will take place in Las Vegas on January 5-8, 2022. For those who may be unable to travel to Las Vegas, CTA will again create a digital event that will run in parallel with the in-person program. Digital audiences will have the opportunity to share the spirit of the in-person event.”
Bill Introduced in Congress Would Ban Millions of Americans from Flying
Before this pandemic, it would have been unimaginable for Congress to consider a bill that would ban tens of millions of Americans from flying. But now everything has changed. A new bill has been introduced that would specifically ban all unvaccinated individuals from ever flying again.
Read the whole story here…
COVID Not Isolated, Cannot Be Located, Does Not EXIST!
FOIA Response Reveals Worldwide HOAX!
/0 CommentsRumble — BREAKING! International FOIA Requests are producing responses that confirm what we have ALL suspected for many months!
COVID-19 may be the biggest HOAX ever perpetuated on global citizens, cannot be located, has not been isolated, and may not EXIST!
FOIA Response Reveals Worldwide HOAX!
Doctors Call for Delaying Deployment of 5G Due to Health Risks
/0 CommentsDoctors in Ontario, Canada speak up about serious health concerns over 5G.
Weekly Care Home Deaths in England and Wales
/0 CommentsThere is a very interesting Facebook page (while it is allowed to exist) called John Dee’s Almanac, which provides an unofficial analyses of official COVID data. It brings to light what appears to be realistic care home deaths in the UK (and more). Worth exploring…
Also, a webpage by Dr. No,, which discusses John Dee’s page.
Here’s the first paragraph:
“For a while, Dr No has bumbled on about having to wait a while to get data on non-covid–19 deaths caused by the panicdemic, that is, the collateral damage done not by the virus, but by our response to the virus. It now turns out that the data has been hiding in plain sight all along, in one of ONS’s cryptically named data files. The trail starts with referencetable10052021114704.xlsx, which was recently uncovered and dissected by the excellent John Dee, and which can still be downloaded from ONS’s own website here. But referencetable10052021114704.xlsx only covers part of the picture, specifically deaths in care homes, and furthermore, it has, as John Dee points out, been deliberately obfuckstrated by ONS, who have chosen to report cumulative totals rather than weekly numbers of deaths, which has the effect of disguising what John Dee rightly calls a “shocker of a hump” for non-covid deaths in the spring of 2020. Dr No’s chart for the de-obfuckstrated version of the data is shown above. The “shocker of a hump” is clearly visible in the red line representing non-covid care home deaths in April and May 2020.”
The following files serve as a mirror backup to the files from John Dee:
Excel Spreadsheets
Dr. Mercola Removes ALL (Thousands) of Articles from His Website
/0 CommentsDr. Mercola, one of the most prolific publishers of alternative health information, has been “forced” and/or “encouraged” to remove all his health articles that challenge the standard medical narrative. A massive abomination to the concept of free speech.
However, the way he did it was clever. Instead of the site just going dark, he published (video and text) that he would take down the articles in the next 48 hours. This gave ample time to the web archivists to scrape the site and collect all the articles to insure they are not lost.
Apparently, he will continue to publish articles, but leave them up for only 48 hours. Also clever!
Here are downloadable ZIP files containing those thousands of articles and Ebooks. Please copy/share… and you might let people know the back story.
Dr. Mercola Articles
Dr. Mercola EBooks
Dr. Mercola PDFs