Herbert Wyatt
The Tragic Story of my Father Herbert Wyatt led to my Deceptive Conception out of the bowels of the Eugenics Movement.
The Tragic Story of my Father Herbert Wyatt led to my Deceptive Conception out of the bowels of the Eugenics Movement.
Ask any single woman about the ease of dating in today’s world and they will most certainly roll their eyes and groan. As a single woman myself, I can vouch for how tough the dating climate is for every one of us. But unvaccinated, single women now have it that much harder. The reason? The decision as to whether or not they will date vaccinated men is now on the table. And I can tell you first-hand, which has nothing to do with the viability of the candidates, themselves, as rich and interesting prospects, but rather “sex” to put it bluntly.
The overriding concern that the harmful effects of this vaccine may, ultimately, enter these women once the raincoat comes off.
As these women chose to remain unvaccinated for a reason, mitigating any risk by eliminating candidates based upon vaccine-status has become their new norm. Doing so isn’t without its issues, admittedly. Qualifying single men by such a standard makes the pool in which to select from additionally small, especially if one is living in a blue state. On top of that, plenty of single men don’t shine to the notion that they aren’t being considered simply because they decided to get vaccinated. Among the most disgruntled, hostile men tend to be those who succumbed to the vaccine by force. Feeling penalized twice over for a vaccine they never wanted to begin with, many of these men don’t handle these women’s rejection well…
Read the whole article here: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/10/unvaccinated_single_women_say_no_to_vaccinated_single_men.html
Here is a video/audio read-through of our article exposing who is behind “The Covid” and how the magician did the trick.
Original source article here: https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/video-read-through-solving-covid
It makes me very sad to know that my existence was formed from the evils of eugenics. Puts it all in focus. I was told at an early age that this is part of me and as time when on… I would see it come full circle.
Etienne appeared on the Alfa Vedic podcast with Dr. Barre Lando and Mike Winner. Here is the DRAFT of the upcoming section on the Covid suspects and their ties to eugenics that we shared on the show.
Etienne was on the Alfa Vedic podcast with Dr. Barre Lando and Mike Winner where he broke down the connections between some of the top suspects involved in the scam of “The Covid” and their connections to the eugenics movement. Eugenics is the poisonous idea that humanity could be improved by sterilizing what eugenicists believe to be the “useless eaters” in society or even mass murder using vaccinations to avoid “over population”. We are adding the DRAFT of the article that Etienne shares in the interview for a crowd-sourced fact-check. What other participants in the scam of “The Covid” have backgrounds in eugenics? Watch on YouTube / Listen on Podbean
Eugenics (Best Short Summary and History: https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/1796) is the belief that one can improve humanity by selective breeding to develop positive traits like intelligence (positive eugenics) while negative eugenics focuses on eliminating undesirable traits through marriage restriction, segregation, sexual sterilization.
Eugenics in its most extreme form, euthanasia or even murdering those that eugenicists consider undesirable. In an attempt to decrease procreation among the “unfit,” eugenicists passed laws prohibiting marriage to people with diseases, or other conditions believed to be hereditary. Similar restrictions banned miscegenation, a negative view of marriage between people of different races. Through funding by many of the families in the picture below, over 60,000 Americans were forcefully sterilized until the eugenics practices of Nazi Germany, largely funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, became known and the eugenics movement was forced underground. Eugenics in the modern age has been focused primarily on the, unfortunately, somewhat more politically palatable strategy of making abortion widespread and low-cost/free with Planned Parenthood as the most visible example. Planned Parenthood entered the abortion business in 1970 led by President Alan F. Guttmacher, who was a former vice president of the American Eugenics Society.1
Anthony Fauci – Has he hijacked and steered the NIH, CDC, and NIAID into Eugenics?
Andrew Carnegie and the Carnegie Foundation – In 1904, the Carnegie Institution, with Skull & Bones member Daniel Coit Gilman as president, financed the establishment of a biological experiment station related to eugenics at Cold Spring Harbor, New York. In 1910, the Eugenics Record Office was begun there and later received funding from the Rockefeller Foundation after John D. Rockefeller, Jr. formed the Bureau of Social Hygiene.2
Bill Gates Senior, BoD Planned Parenthood which was birthed out of the American Eugenics Society whose founder, Margret Sanger, wrote to Dr. Clarence Gamble, heir to the Proctor and Gamble fortune: “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the negro population”3
David Rockefeller – His family funded the Wilhelm Kaiser Institute in Germany which was the basis for Nazi eugenics and racial hygiene policies, the Eugenics Records Office at Cold Springs Harbor, and Planned Parenthood in the United States. In 2010 the Rockefeller Foundations published a document called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development that outlined a future scenario (Lock Step) where the world would be locked down because of an influenza virus that jumped from animals to humans in China requiring masks, temperature checks, and biometric IDs.
Ted Turner – Quoted in 1996: “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal,” and is also widely believed to be behind the Georgia Guidestones, a Stonehenge-like monument with eugenicist principals translated in eight languages. Turner is also an organized crime propagandist behind CNN and the deceptions and distractions of cable television.
George Soros is a major investor in Monsanto and has been linked to the Kenema Government Hospital in Sierra Leone, US biosecurity level 2 bioweapons research lab with links to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 4 where research on Ebola was taking place. Soros is the third largest donor to Planned Parenthood. His Open Society Institute gave $18.4 million to the abortion giant. In 2011 alone, Open Society pledged to give Planned Parenthood $20 million over a four-year period. The grant was specifically to build centers in the “south and southeast regions” of the U.S.5
Irene Diamond – The chair of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center which is officially affiliated with Rockefeller University happens to run its own Level 3 bio-safety facility.6
Other Covid Suspects Connected to the Eugenics Movement Not Pictured
Bill Gates – Bill Gates, the former Chairman of Microsoft and the co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is not only one of the leading voices advocating and funding tyrannical Covid policies and injections but he is one of the top donors in the world to eugenics. His foundation, along with World Economic Forum and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, produced a “pandemic tabletop exercise” called Event 201 simulating a global coronavirus pandemic in October of 2019 two months before the first reported case of “The Covid”. Bill Gates has been the #1 financial backer of the World Health Organization (WHO), who declared Covid a “pandemic” (after changing the definition on May 1st 2009 prior to the Swine Flu “pandemic” eliminating the severity and high mortality criteria7) to the tune of over $1 Billion over the past decade eclipsing even nation state funders. At the same time he has been the #1 funder of organizations pushing eugenics globally providing at least $81 million to Planned Parenthood from about 2009 to 2018, according to financial records from the foundation’s website. Additionally, it gave $46.1 million to the British-based abortion chain Marie Stopes International in 2012. These two groups alone abort millions of unborn babies every year across the world. An investigation by Live Action News found the Gates Foundation also donated nearly $68 million to DKT International, which sends abortion drugs and devices across the world. Gates is partnered with Warren Buffet in the giving pledge and Buffett recently resigned as a trustee of Gates’ foundation. Buffett, one of the largest donors to Gates’ foundation, has also donated $4Billion to organizations focused on eugenics, abortion and population reduction between 2000-2018 alone including the Rockefeller-founded Population Council whose 2nd President Frederick Orborn, a founding member of the American Eugenics Society8, once wrote that: “Eugenic goals are most likely attained under a name other than eugenics.”9 And “Birth Control and abortion are turning out to be the great eugenic advances of our time.”10Bill Ackman – Bill Ackman is a billionaire hedge fund manager, member of the CFR and Bilderberg Group and one of the first voices on Wall Street to publicly and vocally call for a shutdown of the American economy where he was pre-positioned to profit from shutting down mom-and-pop restaurants, coffee shops and hotels with investments in Restaurant Brands International, which runs 26,000+ Popeyes, Burger Kings, and Tim Hortons in addition to investments in Starbucks, Chipotle, and Hilton hotels. Ackman apparently had foreknowledge of the Covid-induced 2020 stock market crash, as he hedged Pershing Square’s portfolio, risking $27 million to purchase credit protection, generating $2.6 billion in less than one month.11 Ackman is a major donor to Eugenics with donations to both Planned Parenthood12 and Cold Spring Harbor($10MM)13 through his foundation.Dr. Leana Wen – Leana Wen is a former President of Planned Parenthood, Rhodes Scholar, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and World Economic Forum Young Global Leader who is being used in the MainStreamMedia as an “authoritative” pro-vaccination voice and to smear “anti-vaxxers”. She was also an apparent “created legend” that was used as a crisis actor during the staged Boston Marathon Bombing which we break down in more depth in our One-Pagers on False Flag Events for Police State and Understanding Crisis Actors and Created Legends.
Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel – Dr. Emmanuel is a “bioethicist” (frequently used as a code word for eugenics) who has argued that the Hippocratic Oath is obsolete and that people should choose to die at age 75 to spare society the burden of looking after them in old age.14 He is also the lead author of that New England Journal of Medicine article advocating for rationing COVID-19 care that was adopted by the CMA. Emmanuel is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations15, the World Economic Forum16 , senior advisor to the World Health Organization, and Joe Biden’s 16-member COVID-19 Advisory Board. He is the brother of Donald Trump’s theatrical agent Ari Emmanuel17 and Barack Obama’s Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emmanuel, who famously said: “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”18 Ezekiel was a fellow at the Hastings Center, a research institute deeply connected to the eugenics movement. The founding director of Hastings was Theodosius Dobzhansky, who was a chairman of the American Eugenics Society from 1964 to 1973, while Hastings cofounder Daniel Callahan—who has admitted to relying on Rockefeller Population Council and UN Population Fund money in the early days of the center’s work—served as a director of the American Eugenics Society (rebranded as The Society for the Study of Social Biology) from 1987 to 1992.
Eugenics in the US: Planned Parenthood, The Hastings Center, Cold Springs Harbor, John Hopkins
Read the original article here: https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/the-covid-19-suspects-and-their-ties
Trump is the only Christian I know who:
Quite a few red flags above, I would say…. 😎
I went to a food allergy specialist and got tested. Just got the results back. Here is a part of the report…
Time to adjust my diet. I think everyone needs to do this from time to time and learn why they feel “off” at times after eating.
California keeps politically sinking and sinking. Now they put tape on the mouth of doctors who want to use their brain… or lose their license.
Conformity of thought is now required whether it is online, on college campuses, or, if you are in California, in a physician-patient relationship.
PayPal recently introduced a $2,500 fine for anyone involved in “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that — in “PayPal’s sole discretion” — “promote misinformation.”
After a firestorm of criticism, PayPal withdrew the policy, claiming the whole thing was a misunderstanding and was not official policy — hardly a convincing explanation from a site with a history of banning those it considers politically incorrect.
But California physicians have had no such relief.
Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed California Assembly Bill 2098, making it the first state to attempt to censor what physicians can say about COVID-19 to their patients. This is a dangerous, and likely unconstitutional, effort that other states must resist.
Read the whole article here: https://nypost.com/2022/10/10/california-makes-it-illegal-for-doctors-to-disagree-with-politicians/
Vaccines are eugenical population control. In the United States, members of the Progressive movement embraced eugenic ideas, especially immigration restriction and sterilization. Indiana enacted the first eugenic sterilization law in 1907, and the US Supreme Court upheld such laws in 1927. State programs targeted institutionalized, mentally disabled women. Beginning in the late 1930s, proponents rationalized involuntary sterilization as protecting vulnerable women from unwanted pregnancy. By World War II, programs in the United States had sterilized approximately 60,000 persons. After the horrific revelations concerning Nazi eugenics (German Hereditary Health Courts approved at least 400,000 sterilization operations in less than a decade), eugenic sterilization programs in the United States declined rapidly. Simplistic eugenic thinking has faded, but coerced sterilization remains widespread, especially in China and India. In many parts of the world, involuntary sterilization is still intermittently used against minority groups.
Keywords: heredity; immigration restriction; population control.
I had these VHS tapes for 20+ years and never envisioned the pain they would cause looking back.
It is so surreal. One thing I’ve discovered is that Weston’s vaccine injury was very gradual. It wasn’t a big POP until the 19th month MMR and after he was “softened up with the dozens of shots which included the deadly DTAPs. As new parents, we thought Weston was fairly normal behavior-wise. The thing people don’t get is these reactions build on each other and get continuously worse as the symptoms increase. It’s kind of like cancer. You don’t know you’ve got it until it manifests itself in unfortunate ways. You just believe that you’re all good.
I’ll be honest with you… my heart has shattered into a million pieces as I sit next to Weston in the car. He has such a beautiful beautiful soul. There’s no doubt in my mind that Satan controls the pharmaceutical industry–every piece and portion of it.
When this video was shot I had it all… and I mean… had it all. I thank God for all the blessings he had poured down on me that were beyond belief. Beautiful wife; seven figures in the bank; rental properties; new baby; and it just had started.
It all went to hell in 2005–every portion of my life–like Weston’s vaccine injury… slowly and invisibly started the downward spiral. Then I woke up decades later and realized what happened. By this time I pretty much am at the end of my life… or getting close to it.
Both Joyce and I have health issues from all this s***. Chronic high blood pressure from constant stress and anxiety. It will kill you. We were both healthy beyond belief in the 90s and now in the twenties… not so much. That’s what they want.
May God help us all.
The Informed Warriors and its not-so-secret founder Greg Wyatt.
The Informed Warriors was a group I started in early 2019 to educate and expose the frauds in the health freedom movement.
This group is dedicated to exposing the truth through dedicated and never-ending research in an attempt to expose the monetizers of the lies and deception that have taken over the Anti-Vaccine Movement for personal gain and profit.
Health freedom advocates are not about health freedom. They are about making money having events and selling tickets to line their pockets with cash.
You can join the facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/theinformedwarriors
Copyright © 2025 by Greg Wyatt
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