Are you trusting of the government? Explore the deeply personal journey of Greg Wyatt with his latest book, “Monetizing Misery”. Johnny Cirucci interviews Greg Wyatt, who gives a sincere narrative detailing his experiences dealing with health complications in his children, a direct result of vaccine injuries. Moreover, it also resonates a shared pain and struggle felt by many who have their own vaccine-injured children. An integral part of Wyatt’s enlightenment about the anti-vaccine movement was cultivated through the filming of the documentary titled “Vaxxed”. All the main players involved in the making of the film are not as they seem. Are they controlled opposition?
Join us as we navigate through this perilous path and seek understanding from these shared stories. Daley Daley2024-03-06 16:27:512024-03-06 16:31:40Monetizing Misery: Do You Trust The Government?
We couldn’t have children but we had two through Adoption. We tried IVF twice. Wouldn’t change a thing.
My beautiful little girl Emily Wyatt is now a grown woman! Emily was born beyond perfect on September 14th 1999. After her 2 month and four month well baby visits her life began to slowly change. Her brother by this time was fully autistic and we began to put one and one together. We discontinued the visits after the second round but the damage was very gradual. That’s why they want to space them out. Today Emily is 24 years old and functions at the level of an 8-year-old. She is stuck in adolescence. But she is the most kind courteous and caring young woman you could ever meet and I would not change her for the world! Read about Emily in my book Light in the Darkness – Greg Wyatt Daley Daley2024-03-02 13:03:412024-03-05 17:27:07Our Emily and Our Infinite Love
I have decided to do a quick video of me reading the forward of my upcoming book. It’s 3:00 in the morning and I am now working on the first draft. It has been a long and arduous journey that started decades ago. As you are aware I have spent my life educating people in various scenarios that affect us all just like my father Wybe Kroontje, who taught at the University of Virginia tech for 31 years and passed away in 2004 at the age of 82.
I am now now at almost 300 pages and 40 chapters in length. I planned on having this completed last fall but it has taken a life of its own and now will be completed this spring. My original vision was to share my experiences with those associated with the Black Bus movie but has grown in several other directions with entities that monetize the misery of humanity for financial and twisted egotistical control and gain.
I will be 70 years old next year and have had an incredibly difficult but blessed life. I would not change a thing!
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for strength and clarity to complete this momentous project. For those of you that care to read my second book or listen to it in audio version go to
You can also watch my videos. Everything from my TV appearances back in the 90s to a series of videos I did back in 2023 of my journey. My life is an open book. I hope I have been a blessing to you as much as you have me. Sincerely Greg Wyatt Daley Daley2024-03-02 12:33:072024-03-05 17:27:17The Journey Towards Completion: A Reflection on My Upcoming Book, “Monetizing Misery”
Barbara Loe Fisher is another one of the cults of actors of lies and deception and her organization was one of the first to exploit and monetize the misery of VI Injury with her nonprofit, collect millions, and accomplish nothing.
She was largely responsible for the passage of the 1986 Act resulting in liability-free shots for big pharma.
For more sensitive intel on all the actors and exploiters got to and learn the truth!
Video Transcript
So I remember back in 2017 when I discovered that the NVIC was basically a psyop operation. That is kind of the kind of preceded this whole vaxxed phenomenon of insanity.
A friend of mine, Doctor David Horowitz came out with this article some time ago. Of course, Doctor Horowitz has been largely silenced.
You can’t even post a link to his website and that tells you something when you get suppressed like that. Well, I remember back in the early days of VAXXED when I was part of the cult promoting them nonstop, not being able to see the forest for the trees. And I brought up to my handler, Tia Severino. The fact that these people here, this person here was Barbara Loe Fisher. She was not who she was portraying herself to be, nor was her mission defined clearly and accurately.
She was one of the very important people in the 1986 Vaccine Injury Protection Act that basically takes your rights to sue vaccine companies and puts them in a private court. So anyway. But Tia says you can’t say that. That’s not true. And at the time I’m going, “Oh my God, I can’t say that that’s not true. I have to do what my handler says.”
So I kind of just let it go, because when you start going down the rabbit hole, you’ll see things like even J.B. Handley is pro-vaccine. All these people are pro-vaccine. But we’re spreading awareness. We’re spreading awareness. And I bought into the bullshit. And then when I kind of stepped away, I got gaslit, castigated. Narcissist.
And, uh, it was very, very, um, stressful and disturbing to these people. But you can look at this article here. It’s exposing vaccine genocide. And, um, Barlow Fisher is pro-vaccine and pro-choice. Now just because somebody says that they are not pro-vaccine or pro-choice. Well, actually, a lot of them are pro-choice.
J.B. Handley, which is Dell Bigtree’s partner, or at least was. Is he pro-vaccine? Promotes vaccines in his book, but just some vaccines. And you look at who these people are kind of offshoots of. You are surprised if you have half a brain. And if you’re not, we’re spreading awareness.
I mean, let me ask you this. What laws have been changed? Actually, things have went in the total backwards direction. Totally backwards. And it was designed to never go anywhere. And this goes in here. It’s really some good stuff. I don’t even think you can.
Oh, yes, doctor Mercola. Oh my God, he’s. I never talk about him. He’s not worth it. A lot of these people aren’t worth it.
But you know what? My kids are worth it. Weston and Emily got severely injured by this realm of reckless thinking. And therefore, I cannot be silent. But 99% of the people in the anti-vaccine movement don’t have regular jobs. They don’t have kids that are vaccine injured.
Now early on back in 2015, 2014, 2013, the anti-vaccine movement was truly anti-vaccine. But somehow they wedged their way in there saying, we can’t say we’re anti-vaccine or they won’t listen to us. Who won’t listen to you? That’s insanity. So anyway. Well, happy Sunday morning. I’ll keep this down to less than seven minutes.
But this whole thing. Follow what I say. Watch what I do. Watch where I’ve been.
And make your own informed choice.
Please feel free share this far and wide. Do it for Weston and Emily. Thank you. Daley Daley2024-02-22 14:26:282024-02-22 14:32:24The Deception of Barbara Loe Fisher and NVIC
Who is the real Del Bigtree? Del Bigtree has a long family history of being a showman and as such there is the mask he wears in public and the products of his actions in real life. Is it no accident that he named his online show the HiWire as a means of mockery as he flaunts the great disconnect between what this actor portrays himself to be and the real truth.
Del Bigtree and Greg Wyatt
A Family of Actors
Del Matthew Bigtree, also known as Delores Jackson(1), was born on April 15, 1970 to Jack Groverland and Norma Bigtree. He grew up in Boulder Colorado.
Parents: Norma Bigtree and Jack Groverland
Norma, Del’s mother, was born on January 14, 1943 to Norman and Mary Bigtree (nee Wolniak) in Syracuse, NY. Norman Big Tree, Del’s maternal grandfather, was born on May 10, 1911 and died on March 26, 1971. Norman was a Mohawk Native American(2). Norman was a machinist for the Chrysler Corporation until his death in 1971. Norma was the middle of three daughters, following the eldest Jeanne Bigtree (now Bagi) and the youngest Sandra Bigtree born. When Sandra was just one, the three sisters started performing together as the Big Tree Sisters(3).
Norma met Jack Groverland in the early 1960’s and they appeared in off-Broadway productions together in New York City. Norma starred in Curley McDimple (a Shirley Temple spoof) from November 22, 1967 to January 15, 1970. Del was born in April 1970. Norma would have been about midterm when the play closed.
When “Tent Revival” preaching became popular in the 1960’s, Norma and Jack suddenly found a more lucrative career promoting God and ditched the theater for the tent. It’s not clear why Del does not have his father’s last name.
Chief John Big Tree
Del is also the Great Grandson of Indian Chief and Hollywood screen actor John Big Tree aka Isacc Johnny John who appeared in 59 Hollywood films between 1915 and 1950 and was the model for the Indian Chief on the head of the nickel coin. Or is he?
Newspaper articles report that Norma Bigtree was the granddaughter of a Mohawk chief who’s visage adorns the nickel coin(4). But an obituary of John Big Tree(5) says he never had any children.
Forum posts on a genealogy website have similar discrepancies. A woman who went to school with Norma reports that she was the granddaughter of Chief Johnnie but later forum reports say that articles about John Big Tree indicate he did not have a family(6). Plus the difference in spelling from Big Tree to Bigtree. So which account is true? In typical showbiz fashion, the truth is lost when the agenda is to sell an image.
Del’s Showbiz Career and Some Very Lucrative Moves
Del directed “Partners” in 2003. This film is a soft p%rn video short film starring Del’s wife Lee Nestor. The story involves one woman lying in bed while another woman sexually pleasures her under the covers. It seems that many now involved in the safer VaxXed movement directly or indirectly were involved in questionable professions in typical Hollywood style.
Del was the executive producer and director of Bitter Sweet in 2005. In 2007, he co-produced and co-directed with his wife Lee Nestor, Sex and Sensuality, another sexually charged production(16). Lee’s mother, Peggy Nestor, was also co-producer. The movie stars Lee Nestor as Gabrielle Marks as she undresses and bathes while describing a dirty little secret(7).
The Doctors, a successful pro pharmaceutical talk show created by Phil McGraw (aka Dr. Phil), has over 1,125 episodes and was first aired on September 8, 2008. Del produced 32 episodes of The Doctors between 2010 to 2015. Producers on the Dr. Phil show make around $65,000 a year 😎. Del’s contract was not renewed after 2015 and he was looking for his next gig.
Del then got involved in “Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe”, when the movie was over 80% complete. The original content was to belong to an Andrew Wakefield documentary.
Andrew Wakefield started touring, by himself, in 2015 to raise monies for Thompson’s legal defense fund. That is when Wakefield met Del Bigtree through Larry Cook, an early monitizer of jab injury stories who got Bigtrees attention. Through a series of secret meetings the plan was hatched. Exploit and monetize the jab injured and create the first stage of a never ending revenue stream off exploitation of the jab injured and dead Similar to the Alex Sporticus exploitation piece that Polly Tommey and her Autism Media Channel had turned into a movie almost a decade earlier.
In early 2016, Del Bigtree added to the script with California’s Senate Bill 277h rally footage and interviews with self-proclaimed whistleblower Brandy Vaughan. By March 2016, after Bigtree had finished adding his content and edits and the film was released.
Once the movie was out and in circulation in various theaters across the U.S., Del decided that he should be doing the movie roll-outs and post movie question and answer sessions. Del had forced Andrew out by November of 2016 and lawsuits followed as Bigtree was to only tour for several months with the crew and he refused to leave seeing bigger paydays in the months/years to come.
When Del took over the Vaxxed movie, he was paid $15,000 a month. And now? Del now makes $500,000+ a year(9). A very lucrative career change from being a producer on Dr. Phil.
Director of short film Partners
Video Short
Apr 2003
Aug 2007
Media Production
Snippies / Video Journalist
Executive Producer and Director of Bitter Sweet
TV Movie
Jan 2005
Dec 2009
Segment Producer
Dr. Phil / CBS
5 episodes
Produced and Directed “Sex and Sensuality”
Apr 2007
Aug 2007
Executive Producer of Homeless Real World Entertainment
Mania TV
Aug 2008
Apr 2015
Producer, Segment Producer
The Doctors / CBS
32 episodes
Del’s Personal Life
Del is married to Lee Collette Nestor (date). Lee was born on September 23, 1969 in Switzerland and is the daughter of Peggy Nestor. Not much is known about her father other than he was an international banker(10) and why does Lee use her mother’s maiden name?
Lee is also related to Marianne Nestor who is her aunt. Marianne (aka Dolly) was the secret wife of Oleg Cassini(11). Peggy was the creative director for Oleg Cassini brand(12). The two Nestor sisters, Marianne and Peggy have been embroiled in a lawsuit over the New York 5th Avenue mansion left to Marianne after Oleg’s death in 2006. Christina “Tina” Cassini and her sister, Daria, daughters of Oleg and Gene Tierney were the presumed heirs to the nearly $60 million estate.
She fought Marianne over her late father’s estate until her untimely death in March of 2015 at the age of 67(13). The estate battle continues in the eye of the public, as Alexandre Cassini Belmont, Oleg’s grandson has also entered a claim. Marianne has spent time in jail as she drags her heels on providing the court with accurate accounting records of the estate of which half is rightly due to the heirs of Oleg’s daughter, Tina.
Cassini was the fashion designer of Jacqueline Kennedy’s iconic wardrobe. Was it then that Peggy Nestor became friends with the Kennedy family? Is Lee the link between Del and his current business partner Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the various business endevors they have launched?
Lee has also had a showbiz career. She is a singer/musician and actress. She and Del shot a video for her song “Still With Me” in 1997 in the Netherlands(14) and she has two albums “Midnight Wednesday” and “Call It What It Is”.
Some Other Questions to Ponder…
Why does Lee Nestor have an IMBd page and is listed as a male in mylife dot com(15)? Her appearance looks like a male in her early acting career. Why does Del have an alias on Instant Checkmate as Delores Jackson, a female name? Why are pictures of Del filled with symbols of the elite like numerous photos referencing flags, masonic brick walls, bright purple socks, and black and white checkered floors?
So this leads to the question. Who is Del Bigtree and what are his motivations. Daley Daley2024-02-07 16:41:492024-02-07 17:11:34Who is Del Bigtree: Actor or Great Guy?
Feel free to share! Twenty-five years into living with autism, I anticipated this moment but was uncertain of its timing. It’s been since Christmas since I last saw Weston, and missing him deeply, I chose to visit him at his daytime autism program. In the evenings, he goes back to the Hope Haven Ranch in Kirkland, Arizona, where he lives with four other adults severely to profoundly affected by autism. The greatest challenge of autism is its potential to disrupt your life, and the key is to resist this disruption while maintaining positivity and optimism, regardless of the circumstances you face. Daley Daley2024-02-06 12:13:242024-03-05 17:27:57Living With Autism for 25 Years
Over the last several years my health has been deteriorating mysteriously. I have lost majority of my strength throughout my body and it is becoming more difficult to do the things that I used to take for granted. I feel guilty asking for prayers because I know of literally hundreds of my friends that I have made relationships with here since the AV movement are now in worse shape than me as these population control measures are put in full swing.
This is a raw video of me telling my story of my early years who I am and how I got there. I think it can give you some good insight on what I was capable of.
I was so excited when the movie VAXXED was released April 1st 2016 as I believed it would give the momentum to change the 1986 law and to end the Carnage that has engulfed not only my lives but millions of others.
After less than a year I could see the whole thing was a construct and now looking back I can see it was sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and whose major players Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree, RFK, Polley Tommey, and back further to Barbara Lo Fisher and Jenny McCartney and countless other evil people who assisted in this wholesale slaughter directly and indirectly. Thank you for your support over the years as I wind things down. I wish I could have accomplished more. I can go to sleep at night knowing I have done my best. Wyatt Wyatt2023-12-07 17:37:272023-12-07 17:37:27Greg Wyatt – My Early Years
My life’s narrative took an unexpected turn when I learned the staggering truth about my origins. Born to Herbert Wyatt, a man wrongfully subjected to forced labor under harsh eugenics laws, and biologically linked to Wybe Kroontje, a World War II Dutch resistance fighter, my existence is a tapestry of resilience. The realization that both men, my fathers in different senses, endured simultaneous internment in concentration camps across the globe shook my understanding of my place in the world.
I embarked on a relentless search to piece together my fragmented heritage. The path led me to the threshold of a dying man, Dr. Samuel Thurstein, who in his final days divulged the identity of my biological father, igniting a fervent quest through dusty archives for siblings I never knew I had. The discovery of five half-sisters was a journey of joy, heartache, and introspective struggle, challenging my notions of family and self.
This odyssey was not just about uncovering hidden truths or seeking a broader family circle, but also about forging a deeper bond with the man who raised me, Herbert Wyatt. In silence, I harbored gratitude for his unconditional love, even as I navigated the tumultuous waters of my newfound reality. My story, steeped in the shadows of a bygone era’s secrecy, speaks to the indelible human yearning for identity and connection. Wyatt Wyatt2023-12-07 17:33:252023-12-07 17:33:25My Two Fathers: Untangling My True Heritage Wyatt Wyatt2023-11-03 21:51:182023-11-03 21:51:57Driving Down Memory Lane with Weston Going to School
Light in the Darkness” delves into the deeply personal and tumultuous journey of a man who discovers his true parentage, entangled in the dark history of eugenics. As he unravels the painful truth of his origins, he finds himself confronting a haunting legacy that extends beyond his own identity. The narrative takes a poignant turn as his children are unexpectedly plunged into the depths of autism, a mysterious connection woven through the threads of eugenics. Despite the obstacles and the donor’s refusal to provide closure, the protagonist embarks on a quest to piece together the fragmented fragments of his past, driven by a relentless pursuit for answers and healing. Throughout this gripping tale, themes of resilience, love, and the power of understanding intertwine, leading to a profound revelation that promises the possibility of finding wholeness amidst shattered reflections.
Length: 4:14:47
File size: 117MB
Click the button below to save the MP3 audio file to your favorite on-the-go player. Wyatt Wyatt2023-10-20 18:13:262023-10-20 18:13:26Audiobook: Light in the Darkness: My Search for Meaning
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