Compliments of April C. Montgomery:
Controlled opposition led by the NEW AGE movement and the ECUMENICAL movement.
What we are seeing with the DEFEAT THE MANDATES rally (see link to speakers above) this weekend in Los Angeles is the same group that controls the opposition (directly and indirectly) to deflect blame away from the true issue and that is COVID IS A SCAM to begin with.
After hundreds of hours of research and breaking away from all the distractions that we have been glued to, I can now see that this global event was really orchestrated and funded by Jesuit controlled Rome. This Roman Empire controls it all and rules over the ‘kings of the earth’ for its New World Order. The Roman Empire never fell. It was wounded and now healed. The popes of Rome and the Jesuit Generals took the place of the Caesars and they bought out the world’s leaders.
DC, London and Vatican City are the 3-city states that do the bidding for Rome and are leading us NOW into a one world government, religion, and currency. They are doing this while everyone is distracted with Russia/Ukraine who are led by Jesuit puppets. Both Putin and Zelensky answer to Rome. It’s all a preplanned conflict to advance the agenda of the New World Order which is to collapse the economic system and replace it.
There are many antichrists in the world but the Papacy is, was and will always be the Antichrist of the Bible. It is Biblical, historical, and prophetic. This is why the churches are dead and Trump was selected in 2016 to reign in and gain the trust of the evangelicals to accept the VX as a means of unification and control. The saints before us and the reformers before, during, and after the Protestant Reformation warned the world about the Church of Rome and its temporal and religious antichrist beastly system. Americans have not a clue what is happening but our governments (federal, state and local) work for Rome whether they know it or not.
Bottom line: We are called to protest against the antichrist beast popes and Jesuit generals, expose false prophecy deceptions such as futurism that they created, help people come out of Babylon, pray and repent!
All Roads Lead to Rome and The World is a Stage.
America is the war machine for the Vatican and every unholy war against other countries to bring them under their New World Order. The New World Order is the Old World Order restored.
The Old World Order was pagan Rome and the New World Order is papal Rome. They are the WEF, CFR, UN, Masons, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, CIA, FBI, DOJ, NASA, MI6, Mossad, MSM, educational institutions, Rothschild Vatican gatekeepers, Russia, China, Ukraine, UK, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
They control every world government and foment the wars and conflicts.
It’s time to sound the alarm because the world economic collapse was planned for a long time to make people beg for peace and safety and it will be papal Rome who has signed agreements with almost every country in the world for its NWO global government. Sounds like the UN, doesn’t it? That’s because the UN answers to Rome, the White Pope, the Black Pope and its Jesuit Generals.