The financial schemes of the Health Freedom Movement leaders seems to be designed to enrich themselves rather than spreading alternative health information freely. The excessive fundraising efforts and constant appeals for donations raise suspicions about their true intentions. Despite the lack of transparency, the followers of these leaders continue to support them, unaware of the manipulation at play. Monthly donors may believe they are contributing to a philanthropic cause, but in truth, they are unknowingly contributing to the enrichment of a select few whose identities remain hidden. The unraveling of these financial schemes shines a light on the exploitative nature of the Health Freedom Movement and the motives behind its leaders’ actions.
The following is page 82 and 83 of Greg Wyatt’s new book to be released soon called “Monetizing Misery”.

Chapter X
Unraveling the Financial Schemes of the Health Freedom Movement
In the dismal depths of online censorship, a troubling pattern emerges-a pattern of selective silencing and opportunistic exploitation. While advocates of alternative health therapies decry censorship as a means to silence their message, a deeper examination reveals a sinister truth: a calculated campaign to manipulate the narrative and capitalize on the unwavering loyalty of the followers of Health Freedom Movement “leaders.”
The censorship these “leaders” encounter is a smokescreen, masking their intentions and motivations. Yet, as we peel back the layers of deception, we uncover a web of financial schemes and opportunistic profiteering.
Questions stack up as we scrutinize the lavish fundraising efforts of figures like Del Bigtree and his cohorts. Why do they require exorbitant sums of money when the costs of maintaining their online presence are minimal? Why is there a need for constant appeals for donations despite their purported mission of spreading information freely?
The lack of transparency surrounding these financial endeavors raises red flags, yet their followers remain steadfast in their support, seemingly oblivious to the manipulation at play. Monthly donors, caught in the illusion of philanthropy, unwittingly contribute to the enrichment of a select few while the actual beneficiaries of their generosity remain shrouded in secrecy.
In the end, it is the disenfranchised and the vulnerable who bear the brunt of this exploitation. As the rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer, the illusion of censorship serves as a convenient distraction, diverting attention from actual beneficiaries of this insidious
the enterprise.