Pandemic Profiteers and The Business of the Anti-Vaxx Movement
/1 CommentIs it true that people are profiting from the anti-vaxx movement? There have been many individuals and organizations that are capitalizing on the anti-vaccination movement for financial gain. This exploitative behavior involves reeling in parents of vaccine injured children or “truthers” in order to promote their anti-vaxx agenda and entice people to want to donate […]
Facebook Live Video March 28, 2024
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How Well-Baby Visits Destroyed My Son’s Health
/0 CommentsThe well baby visits caused the greatest damage to my son. The child cannot communicate in many ways after having a vaccination. They cannot say things like “My mind is in flames”. I have been into videos and photography my whole life. As you may know, I have approximately 50 videos of Weston from birth to […]
Would Del Bigtree Accept Money From Big Pharma?
/1 CommentTake a look at this video of Del Bigtree on his own show “The Highwire” and see and hear in plain sight what his real truth is. He is definitely controlled opposition and leader of the mindless who has repeatedly stated that he has and would take money from pHarma.
The Grand Delusion: Del Bigtree’s Self-Proclaimed Victory
/0 Comments“We Are Winning!” How many times has Del Bigtree parroted this lie? Despite Del Bigtree’s claims of victory, it seems that he is only fooling himself with his self-proclaimed successes. Del is the winner unfortunately. Del Bigtree is his own biggest fan. There is no audience. What substance is he on? It’s easy to see. […]