MUST READ: Zombie Apocalypse
/0 CommentsCORONAVIRUS is an anagram of CARNIVOROUS. (Carnivore eating meat) The dark agenda was to activate 5G and CERN to send dark low frequencies subliminal messages to these vax people worldwide. Graphene is the highly conductible material to make people become like antennas to receive these type of communications. Luciferase and spike proteins make them highly […]
Anatomy of a Covert Florida-Wide Pro-Vaccine COINTELPRO Operation
/0 Comments“The level of complex planning and perfidious scheming necessary to pass the Florida vaccine tracking legislation clearly indicates a massive collusion between government, Big Pharma, FL conoppos, and COINTELPRO agents…” This is from an article by State of the Nation website dated October 11, 2019. Old, but nevertheless, worth reading… Original Article: Internal Backup […]
What Will Happen to Our Kids?
/0 CommentsWhat will happen to Weston and Emily when we are no longer here? It is a tough situation to face at the end of a long journey. Weston is now soon to be 24 and functions at the level of a three to four year old. Emily is 22 and functions at the level of […]
This is What Controlled Opposition Looks Like
/0 CommentsSince 2018 I have been warning people about these grifter shysters and controlled opposition minions. For the most part it has fallen on deaf ears but I have noticed that as of late people have no choice but to face the reality that the whole thing was a duper’s delight. I hope you pay close […]
Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity
/0 CommentsDietrich Bonhoeffer’s argues that stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones. This is because while we can protest against or fight evil people, against stupid ones we are defenseless — reasons fall on death ears. Bonhoeffer’s famous text, which we slightly edited for this video, serves any free society as a warning of what […]
The Autism Center, Austin – Dozens of Promises Remain Unfulfilled.
/1 CommentTake 3 minutes and 29 seconds of your day and watch the video on the homepage and count the promises and statements made. On the surface it sounds like a noble and humanitarian endeavor. But after just scratching the surface it’s easy to see that it was something very different. After 12 years plus of […]