TRS and the Lies of Adam Ringham-Chris Kirkoff
/0 CommentsEthan Leeds: “Caught lying on video again” Original Source:
Swag Not Allowed
/0 CommentsThey never wanted genuine activists to have any sway in the movement. It is an anti-vax industry…just a subsidiary of big pHarma, funded by pHarma and controlled by the same occult energy that controls pHarma. It furnished so many grifters with a lucrative and enduring career, fame, and a jet-set lifestyle.
A Friendly Reminder That I’m on the Right Track
/0 CommentsA friend who I worked with in the past (who shall remain nameless) sent me this heart warming message on a voicemail the other day. It really made my day. Thank you dear friend. Here’s a transcription with a few minor edits to breakup the dialog but not remove content. Greg Wyatt, I just want […]
My Thoughts on December 7, 2021
/0 CommentsMy Facebook comments; a new device; and, my daily thoughts.
I Found Out Too Late
/0 CommentsCults often use exploitative techniques to control their followers. To name a few: Alienation from anyone who disagrees with their message, exploitation of followers for their own needs, conditioning followers to accept information uncritically and without questioning it, and using propaganda to control perceptions through ‘spin’.
MY EUGENICAL CONCEPTION – BILL GATES – My Dad Was Sterilized and I was Conceived via Sperm Donation in 1954!
/0 CommentsWhat Satan meant for evil God meant for good. And why I owe my conception partially to Bill Gates father and planned parenthood.