VAXXED II – They are Still Monetizing Our Story
/1 CommentThey are still monetizing Weston and Emily’s VaxXed Story like the thousands of others. Pathetic human beings doing what they do best. Source:
Health Freedom Summit 2022
/0 CommentsThe never-ending grift continues. Before one ends another begins! Pay careful attention to the monetizers, They are always the same. #MonitizingMisery
Eugenics & America’s Campaign To Create A Master Race (Video)
/1 CommentLucien Howe (September 18, 1848 – December 27, 1928) was an American physician who spent much of his career as a professor of ophthalmology at the University at Buffalo. In 1876 he was instrumental in the creation of the Buffalo Eye and Ear Infirmary. Howe is mainly remembered for his work in the prevention of […]
My Favorite Research Tool
/5 CommentsFive years ago when I began noticing that many people in “The Movement” were off, to say the least, I started looking at them more closely. This was just one of the websites I used to discover the truth and it is a good place to start: Many more posts coming on this software […]
Unity Rally – The Usual Players
/1 CommentAt this point, the re-occurring theme should be fairly obvious.