Natural Death of the Famous – Unnatural Injury of the Unknown
/0 CommentsAs we watch the celebration of the Queen’s life, most ignore, or are oblivious to the damage done by the elite’s rules.
The Circus Show
/0 CommentsDo you ever wonder why Del Bigtree calls his Cicus Show THE HIGHWIRE?
This is what Autistic Children Can Face in Prescott, Arizona
/0 Comments2008 – Prescott Unified School District Restraint and Seclusion Cell, complete with electronic locks and air vents used for elementary school special needs students. I learned of this when I was a Special Education Advocate in Prescott Arizona.
Dropping Like Flies
/0 CommentsLook at the kill switch activated on all these people….they all behave in a similar way before they died and it’s like something was activated on them…. Source:
Mind Control (Podcast)
/0 CommentsI was interviewed (sound only) by Sherri Kane and Len Horowitz in May 2020. Sadly, Sherri was recently murdered.
Uvalde School Shooting HOAX – 2022 Documentary (Video)
/0 CommentsThe following is a 2022 documentary video of the Uvalde School Shooting. This is considered a false flag or a HOAX. I’m normally not into these types of documentaries but there’s probably some good stuff in here. Source: Watch the evidence. Stop imagining the proposed horror and letting your emotions take over your thinking […]