Celebrity from “the health freedom movement” who is currently running for the US presidency
/0 Comments(I don’t “do” politics at all and am continuously amazed by people I use to, or generally still, admire) This comment, copied and pasted from Jeffrey Strahl is directly on point as to why: There is a celebrity from “the health freedom movement” who is currently running for the US presidency, RFK Jr. He has […]
Wow! Explosive Testimony from a Whistleblower on Crimes Against Children
/0 CommentsWow. Listen to this explosive testimony from a whistleblower on crimes against children propagated by the US government… Crimes against children will unite the world… “I volunteered to help the Biden administration with the crisis at the Southern Border…I thought I was going to help place children in loving homes. Instead, I discovered that children […]
Greg Wyatt – My Testimony (1993-1995)
/0 CommentsAt a very early age in life I became aware that things simply did not make sense. God had given me this extra power of intuition that unknowingly provided me a sixth sense of knowledge and a profound gift of understanding things that were true and things that were lies and other things that weren’t […]
On the front page of a mainstream Australian newspaper this weekend.
/0 CommentsAmy Sedgwick followed the rules on Covid jabs – was that a fatal mistake? “First came the pain in her feet. In the days after her Covid vaccination, Sydney student Amy Sedgwick thought the discomfort in the arches of her feet warranted a trip to the podiatrist.“ “That pain soon turned to mild numbness that […]
Do Your OWN Research – START HERE!
/0 CommentsVaccine injury is real. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) has paid out $3.3 Billion for vaccine injuries and deaths over the last twenty years. Payouts have exploded to – $220 million a year over last six years, since the push for the flu shot, with over 300 pending vaccine injury and death […]