Tangled Roots: Unearthing My True Heritage
/0 CommentsThroughout my life, I’ve always felt an undercurrent of disconnect, suspecting that the story of my heritage wasn’t as straightforward as it seemed. My journey of understanding began in earnest in 1983 when my mother revealed that, while I wasn’t adopted, my father wasn’t my biological dad. I was a product of artificial insemination. This […]
My Journey from Advocacy to VAXXED and back to Advocacy
/0 CommentsThe day the movie VAXXED was released, April 1st, became a defining moment in my life, as it did for many other parents of vaccine-injured children. The film shed light on four pivotal areas: the need for transparency around CDC fraud, an urgent call to repeal the 1986 National Vaccine Injury Act, the advocacy for […]
Monetizing Misery – VAXXED
/0 Comments On April 1, 2016, the movie VAXXED was released, giving hope to the parents of chemically injured children from the rituals of vaccinations. For the first time, we felt that finally change would take place. For the last several years thousands of us parents converged on social media using Facebook and YouTube to connect […]
The Greg Wyatt Tribute Vehicle
/0 CommentsThis is my tribute vehicle to my two injured children. Weston and Emily both were born perfect and we’re injured after their two four and six month well visits. Today my son Weston is 25 and functions at the level of a 3-year-old. My daughter Emily is now 24 and functions at the level of […]
The Drunk Brandy Vaughn
/0 Comments I’ve only spoken to Brandy Vaughn once—and that was shortly after Autism One. I’d been trying to get in touch with her for several months and had only been able to contact her through her assistant. Well, I really, really wanted to help her. Being an expert at sales and marketing—like they broke the […]
Unraveling the Brandy Vaughn Story
/1 CommentSo, how deep do I go? How much time do you have? I’m almost speechless when I look back over the last five years. At what has gone on? So, I just want to let everyone know that I’ve had this habit for a long time—recording phone conversations. I originally started doing it so I’d […]